Wrath King cancled Frostivus by royal decree
- Skeleton King: Removed for pressing ceremonial reasons
Could just be the Wraith King's helm though
Wait did they actually remove Skeleton King in the newest update? That's kind of awesome
I think the lost Greevil has more to do with yesterdays' page art considering it says to followed two wolves or something.Wanted: Experienced Commander
- Must be available on Frostivus Eve
- Applicant must provide their own Legion
One missing ticket
The scribbled letters and the words "SOUL" and stuff are probably a new hero hint too.
I doubt the lost Greevil is, other than it asks you to contact the warden of the woods, but that's an incredible stretch.
I can't believe they worked a hero remake into the lore and made it the feature of a major update
They actually did it
Clever girls
[edit]Actually there's 4 more sets of eyes on the page...
Skeleton King was the most IP infringing hero there was. I don't think he's coming back guys. I wonder if Wraith King will have an entirely new skillset/VO
Skeleton King was the most IP infringing hero there was. I don't think he's coming back guys. I wonder if Wraith King will have an entirely new skillset/VO
Skeleton King was the most IP infringing hero there was. I don't think he's coming back guys. I wonder if Wraith King will have an entirely new skillset/VO
They don't have a copyright on entrails or cleavers either, but Pudge got changed.How? Blizzard has no copyright on the human skeleton or one being a king. Their lore isn`t even similar.
Wraith King is probably going to be an Arcana Skin not a model update. Seems like a waste to throw away all of his existing assets.
"What does it mean? I cannot escape it. ... wants my ... . something something. ... soul ... ."
The same colored armor in the same spots on his body, in the same color, in the same default pose
Combined with the same crown King Leoric wears in Diablo
Storm Spirit? Venomancer? Gyrocopter?
But it was already stopped.Can't stop this Frostivus train!
Can't stop this Frostivus train!
Legion Commander, Terrorblade and Arc Warden. Calling it now.
None of those are are a retail game based on a mod using assets from an unrelated game. None have an under the table agreement with Blizzard to avoid similarities as much as possible.
It's not as simple as "Skeleton knight in everything so it's okay!"
It would have been exactly the same, if, for example, Tauren Chieftain was changed into "Chieftain" and was a huge bull. Yea, the concept of an anthropomorphic bull isn't owned by Blizzard, but in context it would cause problems.
Nobody gave a shit about Skeleton King and now that he's (presumably) being changed everyone is freaking out like the game lost a huge icon.
Anyway, is Mirana hard to play? I've never picked her in a real match but I'm watching that DK vs Titan game from yesterday and she is a beast.
Nobody gave a shit about Skeleton King and now that he's (presumably) being changed everyone is freaking out like the game lost a huge icon.
Anyway, is Mirana hard to play? I've never picked her in a real match but I'm watching that DK vs Titan game from yesterday and she is a beast.
None of those are are a retail game based on a mod using assets from an unrelated game. None have an under the table agreement with Blizzard to avoid similarities as much as possible.
It's not as simple as "Skeleton knight in everything so it's okay!"
It would have been exactly the same, if, for example, Tauren Chieftain was changed into "Chieftain" and was a huge bull. Yea, the concept of an anthropomorphic bull isn't owned by Blizzard, but in context it would cause problems.