Omni is the lynchpin of Wraith Night. All his skills are amazing for it.
Omni is the lynchpin of Wraith Night. All his skills are amazing for it.
Solo queue ranked has been pretty shite for me unfortunately =(
Does Moment of Courage stack with Lifesteal items?
I got it from Valve's servers crashing. It's horse shit.I get one abandon due to shitty comcast and I'm in low priority for five games? Come on Valve.
I think Legion is my favorite hero in Wraith-Night
I go battlefury>HoTD>Treads>Mjolnir>Skadi on her.
I could replace mjolnir with crit, but I like the attack speed on her
woah now. why bfury? she doesn't need that kind of farming item. she's good with her E and a maelstrom if you want a farming item.
The winter map is unplayable for me, i can't see shit and i get often frame drops. Way to force the old map on?
Oh I'm talking about in wraith-night.
Haven't played a real match with her yet.
Fucking low-priority god
Fucking low-priority god
Fucking low-priority god
The fuck. I opened 5 Frostivus chests.
Every item was Mythical. I got no dupe and even an unusual courier.
At least I got fucked with the courier. It was a fucking Deathripper.
Extract the gem(s). Put in awesome courier rather than that shitty one.
The fuck. I opened 5 Frostivus chests.
Every item was Mythical. I got no dupe and even an unusual courier.
At least I got fucked with the courier. It was a fucking Deathripper.
Solo queue ranked has been pretty shite for me unfortunately =(
They removed solo queue? Worst patch ever.
Stay betterBack from the hospital, I'm okay (albeit hella swollen in my throat). Chew your apples people, crying and shaking in an ambulance is not one of those experiences anybody looks back on fondly :/
Thanks for the concern everybody, sorry about having to up and leave in the middle of the game.
Nabbed 2 of these.INSANE sale! Holy shit.
If you guys want to support me (no pressure, just thought I'd recap), here's a list of the things I have on the store, and they're all mad cheap now:
Bounty Hunter
Phantom Lancer
Spirit Breaker
Courier (for some reason it's not in yet... I'll update this post once its on the store)
The Gama Bro's courier
don't hurt me!! I had to...
I love you...
There really isn't any sole queue? This will make the game miserable.
So instead of paying 5-10 dollars and having the new Abaddon set I voted on the workshop and said I would buy from that vote I now pay 99 cents to grind gems and frozen items on a game mode...
Errr, someone should tell Valve that F2P games operate best when Time v Money is weighted better than this...
Honestly, getting that full set would appear to be nigh on impossible. You have to get like 130k shining fragments to even be able to craft one of the relic recipes?
Yea, they're really going to need to find a balance for this. Especially if it's only a couple of week event, these items will be incredibly rare.
And also, how are the contributors of these items even being paid?
Maybe they'll be added in normal quality at some point.
And as a last resort, Community Market,