Medallion of Courage seems like it could be really good for that.
Could be. But I'm not convinced she has significant mana issues. Early game laning, you should be getting points in W commensurate with the amount of harass you're taking. If you're taking heavy harass, you get more points in it kinda like the DK passive because the regen is amazing. If you can get away with a 3-1-1-1 build laning LC, do so IMO. If under duress, 1-3-1-1 may be required, but the closer to 3-1-1-1 the better because I think your lane has more early kill potential with a stronger nuke than a faster steroid. After you get 6, maxing out W seems to be the way to go. The focus when laning should be getting CS and luring the enemy laners into a false sense of security that a single Q with a full creep wave can take advantage of. If you have a support with a good stun like a Lion or Shaman, that's going to be a kill pretty often.
So far I'm finding my best laning skill order to be
W Q Q E Q R W W W Q R E E E stats R ideally.
With an earlier second point in E if I want to get into the jungle sooner. If I'm under a lot of harass and pressure,
W Q W E W R W E Q Q R Q E E stats R. Still no more than the 2 points in E for stability when you want to float through the jungle.
E just not a useful skill for laning after the first point. You shouldn't be tanking creeps for regen purposes (not usually anyway, because enemy heroes will be around), and you won't really be looking to (wo)man-fight before 6.
For jungling, my skill orders have been
E W E Q E R Q Q Q W R W W E stats R - farming build
E W E Q W R W Q Q Q R W E E stats R - ganking build
Pre-6, I find that 1 point in W and 3 in E means you're always at high HP in the jungle...but 2 points in E and 2 in W make your ganking/kill potential stronger once you hit 6. Generally speaking, in every match you are going to be at a point where you're sitting at 1-1-2 and are deciding where you want that 5th point. That will be a matter of whether or not you and your team feel like the lanes can be effectively ganked once you hit 6 or not. If not, you put that 5th point in E and keep farming towards that armlet. If so, you put it in W and make plans to visit a lane when you hit 6. One early point in Q is a necessity regardless, IMO. It's too good for pushing and gap-closing to skip. I'd be like skipping Sprout on NP or something. You just can't do it.
My findings after a couple of days of test client and main client, but it could change. I feel pretty confident with those approaches, though.
It's a literal waste of time to play the Wraith Night mode with pubs. You get such low fragments from the early waves and pubs seem incapable of getting past the 4th wave. Just wasted like 100 minutes off my favor's timer and got a few hundred fragments.
Pick Axe. Should have no problem getting close to the end with that pick alone. The lifesteal is stupid good.