I'm impressed that you know what a t-rex sounds like.
Time travel is a hell of a drug
I'm impressed that you know what a t-rex sounds like.
I'm impressed that you know what a t-rex sounds like.
With Legion Commander, should I activate my Armlet/Press the Attack before the Duel or is it useless? (Since I get muted)
match id?
Allies provide a 10% bonus.huh, so the favors stack?
if so, time for gaf ca$h stacks.
Man, LC is so much fun to play as. Just played a round against a team who had NO IDEA about the hero. Fed me 10 kills by 20 minutes, I had around 140 extra attack from easy duel wins. Eventually went armlet + heart and was able to just keep the armlet on, heh.
My question is, why are people advocating hyperstone on her? As far as I understand the lifesteal only procs on a counter, which isn't dependent on your attack speed.
I haven't played with her outside of Wraith-Night, but the optimal build for MomCo (granted, in a vacuum) seems to be phase boots, whatever survivability item you need, and more +damage.Man, LC is so much fun to play as. Just played a round against a team who had NO IDEA about the hero. Fed me 10 kills by 20 minutes, I had around 140 extra attack from easy duel wins. Eventually went armlet + heart and was able to just keep the armlet on, heh.
My question is, why are people advocating hyperstone on her? As far as I understand the lifesteal only procs on a counter, which isn't dependent on your attack speed.
My question is, why are people advocating hyperstone on her? As far as I understand the lifesteal only procs on a counter, which isn't dependent on your attack speed.
Armlet stays on. What gets muted are bashes, crits, lifesteal (except from your passive), cleave, mana burn and evasion. Attack modifiers like desolator still work.With Legion Commander, should I activate my Armlet/Press the Attack before the Duel or is it useless? (Since I get muted)
Man, LC is so much fun to play as. Just played a round against a team who had NO IDEA about the hero. Fed me 10 kills by 20 minutes, I had around 140 extra attack from easy duel wins. Eventually went armlet + heart and was able to just keep the armlet on, heh.
My question is, why are people advocating hyperstone on her? As far as I understand the lifesteal only procs on a counter, which isn't dependent on your attack speed.
With Legion Commander, should I activate my Armlet/Press the Attack before the Duel or is it useless? (Since I get muted)
So if I buy and activate 4 will I get 40% bonus?
Why am I getting levels and levels of chests to open?
So what teams are you guys having the best luck with for Wraith Night?
Just another 2-3 hours or so until the Wraith King
Servers deep-fried in magma.Is everyone having this armory bug? I get the notification for new items at every login, and I can't find any of my new stuff unless I search - they're invisible otherwise.
And Terrorblade.
Servers deep-fried in magma.
Seems like Duel isn't quite a Doom. Lots of hero abilities still work. If something is on autocast it works (searing arrows etc). Spectre dispersion, vipers passives, abaddons ult, medusas toggles and others still function. The only abilities that get disabled are passive crits, bashes, lifesteal, evasion, cleave and mana burn.
Question about Slark. I've noticed that when he attacks Neutrals the passive part of his ult deactivates, but I haven't seen anything about that in the tooltip or on the wiki. Is it meant to disable the buffs or is it a bug?
Played LC in a bot game and noticed that her hands don't line up with her weapon. Is anyone else noticing this?
So what teams are you guys having the best luck with for Wraith Night?
ok in order to live with myself during this frostivus sale. im gonna put 20 dollars on my account and let that be the max ()
now to figure out what to buy
whatever you go with, Axe is a must.
I like Axe, Shadow Shaman and Windrunner in particular. Omni might be the best candidate for surviving the Gyrocopter round.
ok in order to live with myself during this frostivus sale. im gonna put 20 dollars on my account and let that be the max ()
now to figure out what to buy
1 more bar.
How many people do you guys think work on Dota 2 regularly? I estimated around 15-20 not counting people that come and go.
Dear pubs,
Love Spookie.
Dear pubs,
Love Spookie.
Wraith night or normal?