-novid in launch options?Why can't I skip the Valve logo anymore?
That's it I'm done with this game.
-novid in launch options?Why can't I skip the Valve logo anymore?
That's it I'm done with this game.
2 more then before, oh boy!
But I do like the new scaling much more. I wonder how rare that Foulfell shard will be after this event. My gut says they are going to be really easy to get in the next event, but then it doesn't make since that they are so damn hard to get right now (Unless Valve just seems them as a 'bonus')
I wonder how many moneys I'm going to spends on the Wraith King Favors. This first one will likely run out, but will my mood to play the mode hold out for anther 9 hours after that?
Do stat tracking gems work at all in Wraith Night?
Also, Matt, do you think the "Raving Aristocrat" 'soul gem' is going to be related to a Pit Lord cosmetic item?
I'm wondering about the reaction time required on that one.Geebus this was posted on reddit..
WatGeebus this was posted on reddit..
Geebus this was posted on reddit..
I'm wondering about the reaction time required on that one.
Also YOU SHOULD BE CONSIDERING MY BUSINESS ADVICE. Make an LC set so Dendi can wear it and so you can get lots of $$$
He sure is getting his money's worth out of that I know right!? I've been watching his stream ALL day and he's played LC like 10 times xD
Strange, now I'm winning my games in late night doto solo ranked Earth Spirit. Ranked doto is bizarro doto.
How is it strange to be winning with Earth Spirit
How is it strange to be winning with Earth Spirit
This. Would be odd to lose w/ him.
Also, question - has anyone seen the new QoP kinetic gem? Does anyone even know how to get it? I am guessing the other new kinetic gems are randomly included with the new gear pieces, like the CM gem might come with one of her new hats, for example. QoP doesn't have any new gear this patch though, so I'm a little unsure. Haven't seen the gem on the Steam Marketplace either, even though some of the others are listed.
It's funny how a [supposed] upper tier of competition - say... something like ixdl or now this new ranked MM is so similar to the very lowest trench. :lolplayed some ranked today, went 2-3.
The players in every game were x10 more toxic and assholeish than usual.
like more all talk trash talking,rapid pinging and gg calls at 5 minutes
I hope it might get better when I get my MMR, but people are always going to be douchey on any ranked gamemode .
Does the Mythical Tusk glove not come with the new Walrus Punch? I have yet to find one that has the Kinetic gem, let alone the gem itself.
I think the gems come in the 25k chest from WN.
Armed with Tusks most treasured fighting glove, your foes will never know what hit them!
Includes new Walrus Punch animation!
I highly doubt copper tier is 4100 when the pros are in the 5ks.Lost my 9th game in a row, my last placement match. Copper tier is 4100. Sadly you can't really random this mode, people flame you and your team start with bad morale, plus people tend to counterpick so much more. Ranked too hard for me #merlinislayer #30th DSR in the world
Guys, I'm mainly a support player. What hero should I use for Wraith Night?
Guys, I'm mainly a support player. What hero should I use for Wraith Night?
Guys, I'm mainly a support player. What hero should I use for Wraith Night?
I highly doubt copper tier is 4100 when the pros are in the 5ks.
I hope they show an updated bell curve for the ranked MMRs after a few weeks so we have a better idea what these numbers mean. Obviously high = good and low = bad, but I'm really curious to know where most of the player base falls. I would be shocked if somehow 4000 is the bottom 10%.