she's very, very easy. Just not as fast as others. There is literally never a reason to be below half HP while jungling with LC. Compare with a Lycan or Axe who are chronically below 50% HP until they get their survival items up (ring of health, morbid, ring of health, respectively). On the flip, Lycan begins to clear significantly faster than LC can from level 2 onwards. Of course, early game Enigma and NP clear faster than either with no real risk to their own HP most of the time...but they brings something entirely different to a match.
But yea, LC is the easiest. With NP, Enigma, and Lycan you have to manage your treeants/edilons/wolves. It's not hard, but it requires attention and focus because without those you can't jungle...and if you're out of mana and out o fthose, you pretty much have to back to the fountain. It's easy to fuck up and you can find yourself behind in the game if you don't manage stuff right. Jungle LC -- by contrast -- is reminiscent of ancient stacking Medusa to me. Set to autoattack and go get a sandwich. The only real attention you need to pay is to the clock for stacking and to move to the next camp. Pop the ocassional W when doing a hard camp/stack and that's really it.
The fact that you never need to rotate to an easy camp says it all, really. You can go to an easy camp if you want to replenish hp without using your W. Otherwise, it's medium and hard camps from 0:30.