Here's a nice model comparison.
Valve's art direction absolutely destroys Blizzard's. I actually have a hard time believing how many WC3 dota characters look like mushy blue-red poop.
Here's a nice model comparison.
I think Rupture has some kind of max range threshold, like when you TP you don't die. I guess the same applies to timelapse.
Valve's art direction absolutely destroys Blizzard's. I actually have a hard time believing how many WC3 dota characters look like mushy blue-red poop.
Valve's art direction absolutely destroys Blizzard's. I actually have a hard time believing how many WC3 dota characters look like mushy blue-red poop.
Valve's art direction absolutely destroys Blizzard's. I actually have a hard time believing how many WC3 dota characters look like mushy blue-red poop.
Will you be anticipating Illidan Terrorblade now that Wraith King turned out to be SK?idk how you can say this when 95% of dota 2 models are pretty close to direct copies of their dota 1 versions which are lifted straight from blizzard. Looking at the direct comparisons, I gotta applaud Valve for doin a great job imitating/reviving the Warcraft 3 feel and I guess I understand why Blizzard has pressured them to change some models/names.
When your supports use smokes, you know you're out of the trench.
Warcarft 3 came out in 2002, you're comparing models with roughly a decades difference between them.
They removed the ability to see your mmr in the console with this patch.
Valve's art direction absolutely destroys Blizzard's. I actually have a hard time believing how many WC3 dota characters look like mushy blue-red poop.
Good. People were complaining about the silliest things when they played only a couple of matches in ranked.
Since China can't have crates, there's piles of items they have no access to, and contributors with items in crates don't have the opportunity to hit as big of a market as store contributors.
I think this needs to be addressed somehow.
The solution of putting them in the fucking store so they can be bought appears to have escaped Valve for some reason.
This kills the Valveconomy.
I think it's an extremely specific reference. Modelling and animation are fine although I'm having a hard time picturing a walrus moving at courier speeds on land. :lolso people apparently hate this so far, but it was fun to make and I was happy to help ixmike out for their new tournament in january:
i'm curious to hear your opinion, guys.
my (personal) stance is that I've spent enough time on couriers as well as silly/happy submissions. I have one more courier I'm working on now but then I'm going to be doing some "serious" entries - Earth Spirit and Shadow Demon are coming, both before the end of January, as well as some singles. After that, got a pretty big one planned.
but yeah. Mike - love/hate? too silly? too colorful? too LoL? doesn't fit with lore? gg no re kthxbai~?
Putting nightmare on a duel participant is the funniest shit ever.I've been working on some combos as support with her and I've found Dazzle and Bane to be the best combo. Ironically they are both the best counter to her as well. You can even sleep either her or your own teammate to keep her from being able to kill a teammate before the duel is over.
Does it count against Doom and Shadow Fiend also?
dat Tidehunter double blink5 months ago feels forever.
But what's your mmrStarted playing ranked matches finally. Tryhard mode has been engaged the whole time thus far:
Still pissed I lost that one game on BH. Team was too heavy, and a BH can't really straight carry a whole team on his own. At least that late into a game without a primary carry's additional help.
Started playing ranked matches finally. Tryhard mode has been engaged the whole time thus far:[IMG]
Still pissed I lost that one game on BH. Team was too heavy, and a BH can't really straight carry a whole team on his own. At least that late into a game without a primary carry's additional help. :(
Yea that PA pick was no good. I'll take that blame. Also, I was missing arrows I hit 90% of the time. Weird game.
It's a League thing.also why does go insane for darude - sandstorm?
When your supports buy smokes, you know you're out of the trench.
I wonder if Valve is ever going to add a ladder or something to ranked. What's the difference between ranked and unranked anyway other than you can see your MMR go up or down? Aren't they using the same formula to match you up as in unranked?
I think the calibration starts with your unranked MMR and swings more than regular so maybe it's a slightly better match but it's not worth playing All Pick for
Well, it's something. This used to be the MMR distribution (which might still hold true for ranked) in unranked matches:
10% - 1500
25% - 2000
50% - 2250
75% - 2731
90% - 3200
95% - 3900
99% - 4100
Exactly. The higher the better. My score is 3535 which means I'm better than about 92% of the player base.Just to make sure I'm reading this right if I have a score of 3200+ I'm better than 90% of all dota players?
Also a Gyro who spent the entire first half of the game feeding himself and our courier to their Drow and Bloodseeker. Watched him just mosey up to blood, sitting totally still as they traded attacks, and then ran away when he got Ruptured, even though he had a TP.
Exactly. The higher the better. My score is 3535 which means I'm better than about 92% of the player base.
I feel like that chart is wrong for Ranked MM then, because at least back when we could check easily I only ever got put into normal ranked games. I very much doubt I've gotten that much better since then. I know anecdotal evidence is largely useless, but I don't feel like I'm better then 90% of players in fact I feel decidedly average.
I feel like that chart is wrong for Ranked MM then, because at least back when we could check easily I only ever got put into normal ranked games. I very much doubt I've gotten that much better since then. I know anecdotal evidence is largely useless, but I don't feel like I'm better then 90% of players in fact I feel decidedly average.