that warlock golem is hot.
You know, while it hurts, I'm a bit glad Valve just flat out refused your Walrus rather then just let it sit in limbo like the other 8000 items that will likely never put in.
Also, this courier on the workshop is just great. Can't wait for it to never get decided on:
What is considered the best way to play Legion Commander? I've been jungling her but someone said mid was best?
Oh shit, that's a nice golem set!
Bounch, you using Modo?
safe wayne cm suppawrt
Most of those units were just normal RTS units, not even heroes, they weren't supposed to stand out.
safe wayne cm suppawrt
Not yet, I'll be learning it over the break. Only heard great stuff about it, plus the steam price is insanely cheap for those looking to make workshop items. I'm hoping to do at least one tutorial for it when I can.
venge for swapWhat's some good counters to LC? Ive been picking either Venge to swap out during her ult. I also like Abaddon as a counter to her too.
What is the effective combo when playing this lane comp?
That looks so difficult.
I bet someone will master it though.
Controller looks super sexy. Looks like you can't use it for the best game ever though.
Yeah I hope Animal Crossing gets a custom control scheme using the Steam controller.
I don't see it happening, no. Not for MOBAs. It would have to be designed specifically for controllers.
AC is GOTY not GOTG. Dont make me hurt you
Why are you begging to be surprised?I don't see it happening, no. Not for MOBAs. It would have to be designed specifically for controllers.
Why are you begging to be surprised?
Call me Boromir. For I do not believe.
That's adorable I love it.
I don't see it happening, no. Not for MOBAs. It would have to be designed specifically for controllers.
I can't provide the video proof because his twitch channel got closed, but I watched a guy play play Masters-level Starcraft 2 (which is top 1% or 2% on each server) with an Xbox 360 controller.IT
Call me Boromir. For I do not believe.
Let's have dota fun times.whacha doing
why arent you online for dotes funtimes
guys I think I've found the perfect draft for my shit MMR range. Just spam the captain button and pick crazy pushing lineups. GG in 20 mins. A few examples:
70% WR in almost 30 games. (I think I lost only in games where I tried something different) #RoadtoTI4
Just had this drop!
Thank you, based King!
I got a frozen version of one of those dumb wiener dogs. I hate that damn courier.
Opened an ossuary an got a sven sword.
Stop making sven swords.