Chaos knight with manta style is pretty fun, especially when you reality rift a target in the middle of them, dem crits.
I played a medium bot game last night where Luna and CK had mantas.
The horror.
bots luna and ck?
Also, anyone think abyssal underlord will end up being a counter to lc? His atrophy aura seems pretty good and he gets bonus damage if anyone under its effect dies (5 for creeps, 30 for heroes).
if you're winning mid as rhasta vs ta iunno you can probably just pick like tree mid rush shadowblade and pretend ur deadwood or someshit
I had paid for dotabuff for the month of December, and there are very few additional stuff available when you pay, but one of them can be interesting, it is the "played with me". For instance, I did not know I had already played with this guy, and with the same configuration.
Valve really need to nerf me.
Just unfair at the minute.
I'm starting to play supports in games because it seems to be helping my win-rate.
What are some good supports to learn the basics?
Although he isn't someone a relatively new person to DOTA should learn, Chen is IMO my favorite support, and one of my most successful heroes.
I would like that more if there was a list of every player you played with more then once.I had paid for dotabuff for the month of December, and there are very few additional stuff available when you pay, but one of them can be interesting, it is the "played with me". For instance, I did not know I had already played with this guy, and with the same configuration.
He shouldn't be your first support, but I think most new Dota players would be better off in the long run by playing a few micro heroes early on.
Chinese New Year update? Fuck yeah.
Nah, pit Lord. He is to important to walk.So... another hero that's been given a mount? Bets on Terrorblade?
He shouldn't be your first support, but I think most new Dota players would be better off in the long run by playing a few micro heroes early on.
Nah, he is clearly coming to dota 1, but he may be the first hero to release in dota 2 first.So Wukong is going to be the first Dota 2 exclusive hero?
I have a better win % with riki than elder titan :-(
Speaking of him, he's probably up for a name change and redesign right? He screams blizzard. Basically a tauren
you're a spam bot aren't you?
I really don't see "Year of the Horse" meaning the next hero rides a horse. None of the heroes left seem like they would ride a horse, and making horses fit in Dota seems like a huge hassle because they either look ridiculously small like Abaddon's mount, or the character is ridiculously short (like CK). Or in Keeper, Mirana and Luna's case, the hero has to be hunched over.
I don't see them making a hero that wouldn't ride a horse suddenly ride a horse.
That's what it looks like to me.Isn't that just the TeamLiquid horse colored red?
Yep servers are imploding
Okay twice now the server has crashed after the hero selection countdown. It was also the snow map in spite of being ranked.
I am absolutely livid right now. 50+ minute game and i was carrying out team onto the final push to win and BOOM. DC then i say ok. Turns out the server crashed for a second and NO GAME IN EXISTENCE!
Yeah, that's annoying. WTF Valve, fix this shit.