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Dota 2 |OT2| Ellen Pudge starring in Beyond Two Throws

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I like HoN a lot heh... it's janky-ish and the artstyle is so cluttered it takes a few games to get used to it, but... they're willing to experiment with heroes.

I mean dota 2 is fine, but nothing we haven't played off a warcraft disc you know?

Right now there's what, 5 or so left to implement from the dota 2 roster? Then what? Stagnation?

Yeah that's why I reinstalled HoN, there's some heroes that I missed playing.
Prophet, Myrmidon and Chipper for the most part. and the midwars mode.

Also hope Dota 2 eventually gets the click-drag spell placement mechanic.

I'm sure there will be new heroes once all the old ones are implemented.
It's going to take Valve a year to finish implementing the remaining few heroes though.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Yeah that's why I reinstalled HoN, there's some heroes that I missed playing.
Prophet, Myrmidon and Chipper for the most part. and the midwars mode.

Also hope Dota 2 eventually gets the click-drag spell placement mechanic.

I'm sure there will be new heroes once all the old ones are implemented.
It's going to take Valve a year to finish implementing the remaining few heroes though.

Myrmidon so fun.

There's also quality of life improvements like puck's bubble using the same key to tp instead of another one.


I think the main problem there is that AM/SK is a much weaker dual lane. Both melee so you can't really right click harass. SK doesn't have the mana to waste burrow strikes so he can't do much except throw a stun to save you and you would really need ganks to get kills. By comparison shaman has 2 disables and a nuke, Beastmaster has axes and can use the boar to harass too. I think you would really need a tri in that case, one support to pull and another babysit the carry. Also make sure you have a stout shield to block enemy right clicks or help you tank creeps when you have to pull them past the tower.

And your supports sit in the side lanes sapping xp instead of roaming. So you have to somehow win mid solo as well as securing the other lanes too.

Yeah, our lane had a really bad setup and it's not usually that bad, it was All Random though and I wanted to give AM a try so I didn't repick.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community

Oh my God, tie a duck to my head and call me blimey... the mortar team... they resurrecting original dota's trolley AKA Garrondel the Sidereal Engine. Garrondel had a passive armor buff (new hero has a miss skill), it had a nuke (this one has somehting called bomb) and the whole thing about siege mode, more damage, more range, aoe attack, targetting the ground...

Garrondel also has a kick-ass custom, back then Dota had custom models. Here's a screenshot:


solid mike

Who's the guy that fucks up your team the most? Not necessarily in damage, but maybe in terms of disabling multiple people or the guy focusing your carry. That is the guy you want to target.

Then if you are one of many support, what is the other guy going to focus? Do you ALSO need to disable the guy he is supporting or can you target someone else? Do you need to chain disable with your fellow support or do you need to help lock down another guy.

Thanks for giving me insights on deciding which to target during clashes!


Jinx, the new hero/champion music video:


This is interesting, do they do a release video for all their new champions now?

I'm curious what the effects of these fun little additions are. It would be fascinating to see the sales figures for this new champion or for the Dota 2 store around their holiday events (as last year both got a trailer to advertise the new mode). I suppose concurrent player numbers for Dota 2 will be available.

At any rate, both Riot and Valve seem to think its worth the investment to create so there must be something to them.


I generally go Bottle, Phase Boots, Drums and BKB. Sometimes Urn instead of Bottle. Gives you enough regen and stats to stay alive long enough to get a bunch of track kills in team fights. I don't think going for damage items first is great on BH, you're just too squishy and his biggest asset is not really his damage but the track movement speed and bonus gold.

True, earlier statement was too short.

Normally I go poorman's shield into phase, into urn ---> drums ( if no urn I go vlads after drums) and then go for the damage items (Deso, MKB, whatever)
Dawngate continuing to outpace Dota 2. All hail our new moba overlords.


Waystone revealed the 19th Shaper for Dawngate. His name is Vex, the Beast and he is a spine-launching ranged carry that boasts all but unrivaled potential for inflicting damage—though he may have a perilous path to the top, should he get there, few are the shapers that can hope to stand up to his endless barrage of spines for any length of time. That firepower comes at a price, however—where other range carries have the ability to reposition rapidly to adapt instantly to a chaotic battle, Vex has no such mobility, forcing him into a meticulous, patient playstyle appropriate for a lurking predator, circling the battle just out of reach, waiting for the right moment to pin his foes and turn “prey” into “meat”. If you want to rain jagged death on your enemies, cutting down the mighty and the frail alike, and you think you have the cunning to stay five steps ahead while doing it, then Vex might be the Shaper for you.

Passive - Pure Shaper - Vex may use his abilities freely.

Q - Skewer - Vex summons a wave of spikes that rips through the ground, dealing physical damage to each enemy it passes through. Enemies with impaired movement are skewered by the spines, reducing their Armor by a percentage for several seconds.

W - Grievous Wounds Passive: Vex’s every third basic attack will be a Grievous attack, dealing bonus magical damage based on the target’s maximum Health. This passive is disabled while Grievous Wounds is on cooldown. Active: For a short time, all of Vex’s attacks are Grievous.

E - Jagged Volley - Vex launches the spikes on his back in a high arc towards a targeted area, dealing physical damage to enemies they strike. The spines remain stuck in the ground for several seconds, slowing enemies who move through them.

R - Splintering Spines - Vex fires Splintering Spines with his basic attacks for several seconds. Splintering Spines have increased Base Attack Damage and shatter on the primary target, dealing a percentage of their total damage as physical damage to enemies in an arc behind the primary target.

Also the last patch added /dance.

Penta = greek for 5

Pente is greek for 5


Low Tier
Legit lets just all play WoW together we can be <DotaGaf Raiderz> with our glorious guild leader anbokr


Too bad that volvo with the many things it did it forgot to also add the possibility to stream via DotaTV in LAN mode, but i guess when you churn out so much content you may forget the little details :(


Forever Platinum
I like HoN a lot heh... it's janky-ish and the artstyle is so cluttered it takes a few games to get used to it, but... they're willing to experiment with heroes.

I mean dota 2 is fine, but nothing we haven't played off a warcraft disc you know?

Right now there's what, 5 or so left to implement from the dota 2 roster? Then what? Stagnation?

I think since dota2 has been released 4 more heroes have been added to dota and two have been completely remade. Unless valve steps up their game in the near future with regard to porting heroes, which seems unlikely, they won't catch up to WC3 dota anytime soon. Like more than a year soon. Icefrog takes a long time testing and balancing heroes before releasing them, so it's not nearly the factory pace set by LoL and HoN, but saying the game is stagnating is just plain wrong. Without monetizing heroes he can take as long as he wants and produce quality, unique stuff. Saying dota isn't willing to experiment with heroes is a little inaccurate given the skillset of things like Winter Wyvern and Earth Spirit.

That being said, I want my fucking parity, and we're playing on Stormreaver.


Bull on a Donut
Can we organize a bet on when dota 2 finally reaches parity? I'm guna be conservative and say ~7 years.

Betting all my chests.


That being said, it still seems odd to see ads for it on the Subway. It'd be like seeing LoL on the side of a bus in Liverpool.

There were tons of LoL ads on the MRT (read: Tube) in Singapore when I was living there. It was for the Garena version, but same thing.


I tried putting it on low but it's not much better. I didn't see that entire team fight, just 1 big lag fest.

This is my internet speed:

Fuck twitch.


GAF, please tell me if I was in the wrong here and what should I do when something like this happens next time

My friend and I were playing all random, he got Abaddon and I got Riki. Now, I only played him once and don't really like him, plus I didn't think he would be good against their lineup and didn't think I'd have a good lane against anyone on their line up.

I repicked and got Sven, which is not my favorite hero but he's alright.
Me and my friend were safelane against a Luna and a Windrunner, we had a horrible lane.
They are both ranged and both have cheap nukes with low CD, and the fact that we were both melee didn't help.

When I see were losing the lane so hard and the tower is getting low at about 4 minutes, I asked someone to come in top to try to help control the lane better or at least try to get a kill on one of them

No one came, and then when the tower falls like 5 or 6 minutes in, this Tidehunter who gave me crap from the start for repicking Riki (No one ever repicks Riki, he's a card carry! He made him sound like the best hero in the game) starts talking shit and saying how bad I am, and the Broodmother is like sigh and gg

They pushed even further and also took the second tower, but then I guess they went 5 man mod against my team and I started farming the lane and the jungle, grabbed 2 kills and went Midas to catch up. Rest of the team continued to fight when I farmed a lot of the time or pushed the lanes, and I showed up for some of the more important fights I guess

We did win, but it felt really shitty for me. I'd rather have a fun game with a nice team and lose than win a game like this.

Honestly, I wish I could say I'm 100% better then that guy, but I do act like a dick sometimes too, mostly when I think people don't do their job

This is the match
Has anyone found a way to implement camera grab and pan similar to SC2?

In SC2 when you click and hold middle mouse, it locks the mouse position in place and allows you to drag the camera in any direction, as far as you can. Dota gives you like half a screen's worth of range and moves the mouse to the edge of the screen. It's maddening. I've spent hours adjusting settings to no avail.


Corporate Apologist
Can we organize a bet on when dota 2 finally reaches parity? I'm guna be conservative and say ~7 years.

Betting all my chests.
Mid 2014 for heroes. Valve is holding back so they can make new heroes quickly with the mod tools they are making.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Xboct had as much farm as the top 3 Empire players combined. What the eff.


just had an awesome game as Bounty Hunter, had me, Lesh, CK, Lion, and Jakiro. Man, Jak is way better than I had expected honestly. we fought against a bloodseeker, sniper, gyro, luna, and one more, they were a pretty carry heavy team but we had some great teamfights. Between Jak's ice path + my mini stun/track, and Lesh's ult, and CK's crazy warp, the moves just seemed to synergize super well and we took the teamfights pretty much every time. Towards the end it got kinda imbalanced as I was earning tons of gold but it was a good game overall.

also.. should have something to show you guys this weekend for BH. It's my best one yet, quality wise. Hope people will dig the design, I sure do. :)
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