Dota 2 |OT2| Ellen Pudge starring in Beyond Two Throws

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What's this about getting 1-2 items per match in Diretide? Is that why everyone wants it so badly?

The main reason people "want" diretide is because it is a sign of life from valve. There hasn't been any new content in the last 4 months. When what was perceived as an annual event is absent, it can be seen as a bad sign. Diretide is pretty fun though.


I just like it because it's a festive diversion.

The items that drop from it are worth so little that it's only useful for getting commons and uncommons that you're too lazy to trade for.


The main reason people "want" diretide is because it is a sign of life from valve. There hasn't been any new content in the last 4 months. When what was perceived as an annual event is absent, it can be seen as a bad sign. Diretide is pretty fun though.

And here i thought i was playing a new version this past couple of weeks or so.


And here i thought i was playing a new version this past couple of weeks or so.

Icefrog the only one's working at volvo. I can imagine him at the desk saying "guys it'd be good if we implemented this, guys it'd be nice if i added this, if i changed this, oh did you see my new broodmother?"

And he's talking to himself all alone.




I post regularly on here not advertising, and as far as I am aware it's not against the rules, hylian usually posts when he streams, but I'll tone it down, my bad, just thought someone would be interested in a copy.


Icefrog is generally considered a distinct entity from Valve despite worknig for them.

For one thing, he actually does updates.
Do you really think he coded all that stuff alone? I know icefrog has a core team for planning the updates but i doubt he actually codes it in dota 2.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Do you really think he coded all that stuff alone? I know icefrog has a core team for planning the updates but i doubt he actually codes it in dota 2.
Icefrog only shows up to Valve once a week or so, possibly even less. I think he does the numbers balancing like 6.79


All the moan and cry lol

I can understand being dissappointed because the lack of parity with dota 1, but because no halloween update? Wtf

The core game we all love works and the scene is healthy and alive.

Those wonky game modes are really unbalanced and gets old after a couple of games, I really cant understand people raging because there are no pumpkins on the map

dave is ok

aztek is ok
All the moan and cry lol

I can understand being dissappointed because the lack of parity with dota 1, but because no halloween update? Wtf

The core game we all love works and the scene is healthy and alive.

Those wonky game modes are really unbalanced and gets old after a couple of games, I really cant understand people raging because there are no pumpkins on the map
It's not just the lack of a Halloween update. It's the lack of communication


Do you really think he coded all that stuff alone? I know icefrog has a core team for planning the updates but i doubt he actually codes it in dota 2.
Balance update aren't for the most part, heavy coding. Some change might need new mecanics, but it's mostly modifying existing value; so it's hardly an evidence of huge work being done by an huge team.
All the moan and cry lol

I can understand being dissappointed because the lack of parity with dota 1, but because no halloween update? Wtf

The core game we all love works and the scene is healthy and alive.

Those wonky game modes are really unbalanced and gets old after a couple of games, I really cant understand people raging because there are no pumpkins on the map
It's been already said but the reaction to the lack of halloween update are not only aimed at the seasonal even it self, but the current lack of content update for months. At best we got one 'decent' update with first blood ( as disapointing as it was for people like me who mostly want new hero; the only thing saving that update for me was captain draft ), now more than 1 month ago.
It's also another proof of how bad ( uphemism ) their communication is.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Why does Matt keep saying Valve never said there would be a Diretide this year when their own website calls it an annual event?
All the moan and cry lol

I can understand being dissappointed because the lack of parity with dota 1, but because no halloween update? Wtf

The core game we all love works and the scene is healthy and alive.

Those wonky game modes are really unbalanced and gets old after a couple of games, I really cant understand people raging because there are no pumpkins on the map

Well mostly it's about a lack of updates at all, however Diretide never got old for me. It was a really nice break from traditional solo queueing as it was light hearted and fun. After some of the folks I've been matched with over the past week I could really do with a mode where I don't care if everybody picks carries and nobody builds sensible items. In fact it was a great mode to just fuck around in and build fun builds given the speed at which you leveled and got money.

To be honest I'm really disappointed they didn't just release the mode they put out last year if they didn't have the time/resources to update it. I'm not really sure why you're defending Valve providing less for their customers, especially when they're putting out content for their less popular games?


Neo Member
To be honest I'm a bit disapointed aswell, not because of DireTide itselft but because there was really no patch at all.

But, they already did implement lots of changes into the previous patch.. Let's see what they are preparing for us.


Anyone know what the times are for the MLG Columbus event? I bought a pass but cannot find the start times for the thing.
DK Dusa, nice.

I'm only disappointed that there is no Diretide because I've never been around for a Dota event. I just want to see one! Oh well, someday.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Peak Players 10/31      Game                           Halloween DLC/Event?
	473,533 	Dota 2           			NO
 	70,089 	  	Team Fortress 2				YES
 	42,829 	  	Counter-Strike: Global Offensive	YES		
 	29,660 	  	Terraria				YES	
	21,683 	  	Total War: ROME II			YES
 	23,460 	  	Path of Exile				YES 
 	11,911 	  	Borderlands 2				YES
	11,276 	  	PAYDAY 2				YES
 	8,217 	  	RIFT™					YES
 	7,576 	  	War Thunder				YES
 	4,599 	  	Killing Floor				YES

Killing Floor had a Halloween event with less than 1% of the players Dota 2 has.


Well mostly it's about a lack of updates at all, however Diretide never got old for me. It was a really nice break from traditional solo queueing as it was light hearted and fun. After some of the folks I've been matched with over the past week I could really do with a mode where I don't care if everybody picks carries and nobody builds sensible items. In fact it was a great mode to just fuck around in and build fun builds given the speed at which you leveled and got money.

To be honest I'm really disappointed they didn't just release the mode they put out last year if they didn't have the time/resources to update it. I'm not really sure why you're defending Valve providing less for their customers, especially when they're putting out content for their less popular games?

I insist, diretide and frostivirus are NOT Dota, and have nothing in common with it (except shared assets)

I fail to see how Valve is "teh sux" because they didn't deliver some mini game. If you are not having fun with dota, maybe you should be playing another game instead of complaining about the lack of cosmetics or spinoffs

dota is now much bigger and complete than it ever was, and some people played for years with much much less features, communication or updates


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Gotta say, I have enjoyed playing Dota every day even without Diretide. Calidor might me on to something...


May contain jokes =>
I insist, diretide and frostivirus are NOT Dota, and have nothing in common with it (except shared assets)

I fail to see how Valve is "teh sux" because they didn't deliver some mini game. If you are not having fun with dota, maybe you should be playing another game instead of complaining about the lack of cosmetics or spinoffs

dota is now much bigger and complete than it ever was, and some people played for years with much much less features, communication or updates

You do understand we have not yet reached parity with DotA?


dota is now much bigger and complete than it ever was, and some people played for years with much much less features, communication or updates

DotA is still more complete than Dota 2 and there hasn't been a point in the history of Dota 2 where the communication was as non-existant as it has been for several months now.
The lack of communication is really puzzling. I just see no downside to staying in touch with the community. Why would you not want that? Digging through third grade twitter accounts to get tiny pieces of information for a game this huge is not really appropriate I think.


DotA is still more complete than Dota 2 and there hasn't been a point in the history of Dota 2 where the communication was as non-existant as it has been for several months now.

I play dota 2 since November 2011, i can't remember Valve ever communicating with the community.
Aside from the part where he said "dota is now much bigger and complete than it ever was." If he said "dota 2 is now much bigger and complete" then you'd have a point.

Don't play dumb he's clearly talking about Dota 2.

If you want to play the semantics game we can say you should have been able to tell as he didn't capitalize it as DotA.

I play dota 2 since November 2011, i can't remember Valve ever communicating with the community.

Bu-bu-but blog posts!
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