I just feel that Earth Spirit shouldn't be able to use all him spells so quickly and kill so easily, and outside of that I think that he need a heavy nerf, including longer cooldowns on his spells and much lower stat gains
ember spirit is the best hero in the game, anyone who disagrees is hitler.
Whoever can make these things, could someone make a Sari set for Death Prophet?
I messaged Anuxi months ago and she said she was thinking of doing it for Mirana.
But that's not materialised and it seems to be better suited for Death Prophet.
You can have all the profits. Thank you please.
Sari set for mirana
Geisha set for Death prophet.
There you go item designers. Work on that.
pyrion is playing with Puppey right now ROFL http://www.twitch.tv/pyrionflax
Sari for Death Prophet, suits her ethereal/languid style.
Poor Arteezy, every time he finds a game someone dodges him, think he's been looking for like 30 minutes now.
How? Abandon at connecting screen?
They could do it next week, you know, have the Chinese New Year patch launch when its Chinese New year?
Yeah I'd be surprised if it landed any earlier than the 31st.
Yeah launch a chinese themed pach the day most of them are busy celebrating a holiday with their families, no way that could backfire.
Why do you always seem to get the worst players in the world, when the enemy team is a bunch of seasoned pros who can 1v5 your whole team :/
So I finally did all the 10 ranked matches and ended up with 3.2k-ish mmr. Dunno if that's good or not.
chinese nerds play dota on new years just like western nerds.
but seriously, i dont see how its relevant, it'll be there when they get backed, its not like its some mmo event that they're going to miss.
So, apparently we are "Left 4 Dota 2" now. Did someone at Valve get drunk?
They could do it next week, you know, have the Chinese New Year patch launch when its Chinese New year?
Isn't that like having a Christmas update literally ship on Christmas? Wouldn't that make it kind of hard for Chinese players to be interested considering they'd have a huge holiday to distract them rather than Dota?
It seems more likely tonight. We're planned for a patch this week anyway to fix DLL issues, so we know one is coming anyway.
Who's ready for Pit Lord, a new custom game mode and the hattening tonight?
Relax guys, it's last year's April Fools Day prank delivered in Valve time.
I'm hoping this update adds Ember and Legion Commander to CM. Just to change the meta a bit (even if I think neither will have much impact in the long run)
LC with Blink Dagger counters Slark so I could see her getting picked. Then again, so does Doom.