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Dota 2 |OT3| #BetterThenEllenPudge

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Just went 0-10 as Slark and was a major reason for my team losing. Zzzzzzzzzz. I haven't fed so hard in a longass time. Fuck. Worst of all, it's to Riki. I fucking hate that hero. Fuck.

I lost a game with Slark few days ago, I went beyond godlike early but we got destroyed by a fat Legion Commander which has been fed by my teammates during duels. She's almost unbeatable when she uses bkb before duel.


Is there any way to prevent teammates from throwing? Any way at all?? Like I was being nice last night and barely used the mic and when I did, I avoided saying mean things and they still managed to throw :(

This game sucks man. We lost


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Is there any way to prevent teammates from throwing? Any way at all?? Like I was being nice last night and barely used the mic and when I did, I avoided saying mean things and they still managed to throw :(

This game sucks man. We lost

It helps to curse at them and tell them what you did to their mothers.

Shows dominance. You need to be the alpha.
What do you build on him? I go orb of venom/treads/S&Y because I feel like he can't flashfarm fast enough for a skadi straight up earlier on... but I feel like I'm lacking something to get kills with just treads and an orb. Do you play him mid or in safelane?
SY isn't bad, but the key I think is using his movespeed with his ult passive to roam and gank so you can snowball. you could go SNY or Basher after treads, but even though slark has a lot of survivability with his ult, you usually need someone else to gank a dual lane and not get killed yourself.

I like to leap, wait a second, then pop the lvl 1 dark pact to dispel any stun they might throw at you.

Shadow Blade and Armlet are also really good 2nd core items on slark. People might make fun of you intially, but when you can cloak repeatetedly during one fight and regen half your health, they will respect it.

Stouting with a stout shield and going poor mans is a good way to get a lot of survivability in lane if you're going against ranged heroes


First game of the day. Feels good.


What do you build on him? I go orb of venom/treads/S&Y because I feel like he can't flashfarm fast enough for a skadi straight up earlier on... but I feel like I'm lacking something to get kills with just treads and an orb. Do you play him mid or in safelane?

I'm still new to Slark but for my first few games I tried going SnY after Treads and I don't find it to be effective at all. SnY is too cost-inefficient to buy on a hero like Slark who doesn't farm very fast, especially if you go offlane. I now go Treads - Drums - BKB - Basher.

Althought reading what Scott has to say about Shadow Blade, I'm kind of curious to see how I can fit that in.


Got stomped last night to a GAF five stack. You know who you are -_-

i know it wasnt my stack. i think we lost them both

I think i'm about ready to retire. I am terrible. I lose every time I am 1v1 in a lane. Got smoked as kunka vs mirana. DUde was just leaping and avoiding my splash everytime and then getting the luckiest arrows ever :(

I'm so defeated


Similar thing happened to me, laning against Riki and Ogre Magi. Cant do shit, Riki seems really good against slark with his silence


I laned against DK and Riki. It was a disaster. I was a bit too aggressive when I hit level 6 and that smokescreen really messed me up.

Riki is remarkably easy to counter and render useless if you have a good team/support but our teamwork was bad that game (solo queue) and our sole support, Lion, wasn't very active with the warding and dusting. I bought a lot of sentries myself to try to gain back some control but it was futile because our positioning was very bad on the whole.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
i know it wasnt my stack. i think we lost them both

I think i'm about ready to retire. I am terrible. I lose every time I am 1v1 in a lane. Got smoked as kunka vs mirana. DUde was just leaping and avoiding my splash everytime and then getting the luckiest arrows ever :(

I'm so defeated

Just keeping losing and you'll end up in that Meteorain queue and get easy wins.


How do I judge when to use his ult?

I'd say it depends on context. If they have reasonable burst then pop it at about half health as they may kill you too quickly for you to react in fights at that point. If you need to escape or chase down a kill that would otherwise get away then use it. If they have gradual sustained damage then wait longer so that they commit thinking they have you then pop it and kill them. Or if you are your team's major source of cc or initiation than starting a fight with it to get some guaranteed bashes or abyssal usage could be necessary. Ideally this would not be the case though.


i know it wasnt my stack. i think we lost them both

I think i'm about ready to retire. I am terrible. I lose every time I am 1v1 in a lane. Got smoked as kunka vs mirana. DUde was just leaping and avoiding my splash everytime and then getting the luckiest arrows ever :(

I'm so defeated

If you want 1v1 practice I'm always looking for it, here's my dotabuff I'm still very new and learning matchups



last night I discovered that abyssal/basher is not allowed on spirit breaker. I was so sad :(

Can you not build an abyssal but not benefit from its bash chance, only its active?

I know its like that on Slardar

Better off getting an MkB or Attack Speed anyway

How do you build support Spirit Breaker? I've been thinking of trying him and want to know in case my team picks all carries forcing me to support with him.

Treads - Urn - Armlet - Pipe - Shivas?

Charge the hero hiding in the back every fight so you bash every one of them, and then ult their carry?

I would never want to play Bara as a support though. Better off picking Al the Chemist


How do you build support Spirit Breaker? I've been thinking of trying him and want to know in case my team picks all carries forcing me to support with him.


Is there any way to prevent teammates from throwing? Any way at all?? Like I was being nice last night and barely used the mic and when I did, I avoided saying mean things and they still managed to throw :(

This game sucks man. We lost

You can't, unless everytime you play you get matched with people willing to communicate and able to finish a game. Your only hope to still win games like that are either:

1) get outretarded by the enemy team

2) Rat doto

3) Get a hyper carry that can get fed enough he/she can 1v5 (ex: fed void, ults,has bfury, kills 1-3 guys, the enemy team is now in a 5v4-2 situation).

4) play with friends, the coward's way out

5) play with a hero that can compensate alot for your team's mistake (opposite to #3 in that you instead just save your team alot with heroes like dazzle)

i know it wasnt my stack. i think we lost them both

I think i'm about ready to retire. I am terrible. I lose every time I am 1v1 in a lane. Got smoked as kunka vs mirana. DUde was just leaping and avoiding my splash everytime and then getting the luckiest arrows ever :(

I'm so defeated

Play Nyx, slark, don't care about skill shots/stuns. Back in December I had a losing streak of 10 games, don't give up. If you want to train in custom games I can be available in around 5 hours (steam id= inkls), could also watch your replays to give tips.


venison crêpe
i know it wasnt my stack. i think we lost them both

I think i'm about ready to retire. I am terrible. I lose every time I am 1v1 in a lane. Got smoked as kunka vs mirana. DUde was just leaping and avoiding my splash everytime and then getting the luckiest arrows ever :(

I'm so defeated

But who will carry me now?


i know it wasnt my stack. i think we lost them both

I think i'm about ready to retire. I am terrible. I lose every time I am 1v1 in a lane. Got smoked as kunka vs mirana. DUde was just leaping and avoiding my splash everytime and then getting the luckiest arrows ever :(

I'm so defeated

Stop playing to win for a little while. Every time you die, don't focus on what the other player did well, and instead just keep asking yourself what you could have done better/what you did wrong. And don't be fooled, there is always an answer to that question.


Second-rate Anihawk
Stop playing to win for a little while. Every time you die, don't focus on what the other player did well, and instead just keep asking yourself what you could have done better/what you did wrong. And don't be fooled, there is always an answer to that question.

That wouldn't have helped last night.

We had a pub CW that was the biggest crybaby I've seen in awhile. I roaming Alch and went to the side lane to get my boots and he had a fucking aneurysm. Then he started bring up dorkimoe's past games and harassing him nonstop. He also refused to participate in any teamfights.


Sixth loss in a row. Is it me :(?

Also, I'm doing a lot better when solo queueing than when I'm playing with one or two friends who are better than me..
How do I judge when to use his ult?

The only thing that can threaten you when you're using his ult is AOE stuns, a really good placed one can waste your whole ult, I like to wait to join the fight until I think their team has either used those, or if they haven't used them, try not to use the ult until they have.

You gain so much movespeed during that ult that you can chase down anyone retreating even if leap is on cooldown
Account saying update would by next week fake, let the hype for earlier patch commence.

Yea, and the reply was basically "The game mode is true, nothing else is" Which means the update can't hit next week because the tweet had all of next week as a range for release!!

lol semantics


Is a Lycan vlads + necro in a 3 position a viable split push strat in 6.79?

Pro level - maybe as a pocket strat

~5000 MMR - there are counters, like tp scroll and sheepstick - you will definitely need a bkb

below 5000 MMR - you can take T2, T3, racks before they walk back to base - lol bkb


Corporate Apologist
I'm not sure what you're saying here, forgot a few words? What do you mean fake?

A person claiming to work for Perfect World (People who run dota in China) said on Weibo (Basically a Chinese twitter) that the Chinese New Year update would be hit between the 27-30th, adding a new game mode. Vlatt, a Russian Caster (And a person who does seem to be in the know about this stuff), said the Weibo account was fake, but that there is going to be a new game mode for this update.


A person claiming to work for Perfect World (People who run dota in China) said on Weibo (Basically a Chinese twitter) that the Chinese New Year update would be hit between the 27-30th, adding a new game mode. Vlatt, a Russian Caster (And a person who does seem to be in the know about this stuff), said the Weibo account was fake, but that there is going to be a new game mode for this update.

patch confirmed ty cyborgmatt
I dont know why we expected a patch this week tbh, the server maintenance wont be done until Saturday
If they fix the Russian server as fast as they did SEA it could be done early night Friday. Seattle is on the dead opposite side of the planet, so it might be 9pm in Russian, but in Seattle, it's only 9am. It took them 11 hours to update SEA, plenty of time to get an update in (8pm), if they work at the same speed (or faster) for Russia. If they get it done faster, even earlier.
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