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Dota 2 |OT3| #BetterThenEllenPudge

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Low Tier
why would u rush big items on tb just get cheap stuff. Legit just do treads aquila drums yasha and ur ownage already
why would u rush big items on tb just get cheap stuff. Legit just do treads aquila drums yasha and ur ownage already

aaite. I'll try it, i guess. But I'm not enjoying this dude at fucking all.

I went thru a TB phase in war3 Dota but never considered him a good hero. I'll wait for someone to shit on my team and just copy what he does.

I'll probably do the same. But then we'd have to analyze why he shit on your or my team. Was it because nobody on our teams were smart enough to draft a stun or two? Or, did their team draft Venge + Sven + Jakiro? lol


I went thru a TB phase in war3 Dota but never considered him a good hero. I'll wait for someone to shit on my team and just copy what he does.
Probably just had my best game.


Not that big for some (I've had more kills at times but deaths are high too!) but it was a lot of fun as I tried my best not to feed the enemy team. Got commended for it so yay!

Brood btw. Love this game!


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Thoughts on ES changes from Test:

Important stuff:
His bread and butter (Grip -> Roll -> Ult -> Kick) is destroyed. You can still lead with Grip, but all it does is warn people that you're coming. You're going to have to aim the Roll now, so you might as well open with Roll. And if you don't want to be stunned right out of it, you should ideally Grip during the Roll animation. I hope your fingers are fucking fast, cause you'll need 'em.

The Remnant recharge rate hurts him hard. He's going to have a lot more downtime now, in between fights and in the middle of prolonged fights. For the latter, you're going to have to make good use of the Remnants already on the field, because you won't have the full 6 for every engagement like you do now. You will need to make every Remnant count.

Minor stuff:
Laning phase weakened. Before you could kick anything to harass. Now your only scaling damage spell (Grip) requires Remnants, which need to be conserved.

Farming weakened. Same as previous. Since your Kick no longer scales, you need Remnants to clear waves and you need them for everything else as well, so it's a delicate balancing act.

Sniping is a lot weaker, again, because only Grip scales. 100 damage is not much to work with. In the best case scenario, you kick a Remnant into someone with the Magnetize debuff to stun and refresh.

ES is going fall off the radar like Invoker did after Icefraud nerfed him a year or two ago.

Kick - Roll - Grip - Ult is also a possibility, though I haven't tried it yet.


Had my best game ever as Invoker in an IH last night. Went 14-1 against a team with much higher MMRs than me. Granted our team comp was better and I had plenty of backup. However, I am getting better in a lot of things such as sunstrike sniping, forged spirits microing and cold snap timings. Overall, I am getting a lot less flustered in team fights and contributing a lot more.

Changing my item build has helped as well. I skip pubstomp stuff like Phase and Euls and go straight for Force Staff and hex now. Midas helps a lot as well.

Now I just need to learn to remember to use Ice Wall and EMP.


Corporate Apologist
Ok, time for some Drkirby's Pre-Matt Patch Annalist.

There is now an example compendium in the files, so expect to see some tournament with one soon.

There was some changes to Troll Warlords default items, I believe he is going to be on the workshop soon.

Some minor but notableish item changes. the Iceforged will now drop with a Spectator Gem. There was some fix applied to the Twisted Firekeeper staff particle effect. Some minor changes to how Drow's Death Shadow Bow string is drawn.

The New Bloom Artifact Recipe will require 3 random pieces of the Year Beast. I assume you get them by beating him up. There is aslo a Rare version of the recipe, that takes 6 random piece of Year Beast Mats. There are 4 types of matts, so they shouldn't be too hard to make.

It looks like the Key for this events chest will be both redeemable for Jade Coins, and sold in stores (!). 1500 Coins, or $2.49 like normal. Wonder how this will work out for Valve.

The bundle of Bounce's Spirit items will cost $20. Individual Sets are $9 each, the Hud is $3 alone. Ember Spirit and Storm Spirit items will have Ability modifying gems in them. For Ember, his Belt will modify his Ult, for Storm his Robe will give him new animations for using his Static Remnant.

The old Wraith King Sword and Board item will have a gem giving him a different load out stance. Snowball Stinger really should have had his kinetic gem the entire time, I think though the Gem that generates from the chest was over ridding it. Maybe Valve will fix that now.

The Crimson Parcels can drop one of 6 items. Ether one of the two New Bloom Recipes, a 'Handful' (50) of Jade Tokens/Ingots, or a 'Pile' (150) of Ingots/Coins

Frostivus Chest finally taken out, and it looks like Valve has added a bit of code to make it so event chests stop dropping after the event without a schema update.

These are the items that will drop out of the 1500 token Spring Box, they will have gems in them:
Repose of the Defiant
Cauldron of Summons
Lantern of Auspicious Days
Beast of Vermilion Wilds
Dragonfish Sceptre
Banners of Battle Fortune
Flight of the Jade Phoenix
Stone Dragon Soul

There are the items from the Vermilion Chest. They do not have gems in them. The chest will give a single game 75% battle bonus though:
Charming Assassin Curls
Dragon's Breath
Fortune's Coin
Curse of the New Season
Jade Talon
Equine Battlehelm
Living Nelum
Staff of the Enduring Colt
Healing Fount of the Lost Isles

The Normal New Bloom Recipe can make the following:
Random Rare Item
Blade of the New Year
Power of the Red Horse
Heavy Butterfly Blades
Locks of the New Bloom
Thunder Spirit

The Rare New Bloom Recipe can make any of the following (You get entire sets from this one)
Strength of the Demon Stone Set
Flames of Prosperity Set
Gifts of Fortune Set
Ember Crane Set
Foreteller's Robes Set
Aria of the Wild Wind Set
Commander of the Dragon Guard Set
Desert Gale Set

No new Inscribed Gems :(

It looks like Shadow fiend being off before was very intentionally done at the time, so a remake is coming soonish, like in the next big update.

The following heroes are not in Ability Drafting. There are a lot more then I expected:
Shadow Fiend
Puck (LIES VALVE, LIES! You said I could have Illusory Orb Magnus!)
Templar Assassin
Shadow Demon
Lone Druid
Ogre Magi
Keeper of the Light
Ember Spirit
Earth Spirit

Several Dummy Units were added to the game, one step closer to mod tool. ETA: 2016.

More to come!


So what are we thinking for skills on Terror? To me, it feels like his E is essentially his real ultimate, the amount of damage it gives you, combined with his ability to make 2 illusions of himself over a fairly short time period with his W make him fairly strong with those two skills.

I would say maxing E and Q first is likely the better option, since his W won't do much until late game and 1 level of it will likely give you decent push. The slow is too good and the illusion is unkillable, so I feel getting more damage out of it is more important than more damage from your W. Having said that, the cast range on his Q is absolutely terrible, so I suppose the W might be better in some regards.

The main problem I see with this hero is, like others have mentioned, he is pretty damn item dependent. Having said that, if you can just get a Manta, you can shit out damage with your E + W having up to 4 illusions for pushing and team fights. BKB seems like it would be a pretty needed pickup on him, because he is really squishy and stuns are probably (like most heroes I guess) his biggest enemy, since he is so easy to burst down. Any thoughts on blink/force on him? Blink has no mana cost now, so it wouldn't effect his shitty mana pool and would allow you to close gaps for ulti/Q. Force gives him mana which he needs and offers the same, but with an easier escape as well.

As cool as Sunder is, the cast animation and tiny range make it fucking dangerous to use and the mana cost is massive at 6. I think you may even consider skipping this skill in order to maximize damage on the hero, because although sunder is useful and may save you or get you kills, I feel like 200 manacost is massive. Although the buff to Aquila means you can pick this up and negate that somewhat, maxing your E earlier could be more useful, situationally than having his ulti at all until 10/11 when you can reduce it to 100 mana cost, making it much more viable.

Just had a divine rapier/abyssal/battlefury/bkb/satanic game on PA, such a blast
all off the back of becoming RNGsus and getting a rampage halfway in and back to back critting the entire enemy team down in a fight we were horribly losing as last man standing

Can't wait for tomorrow's patch, the game before that we had to deal with a off the map broodmother (we still won as weaver can rat better than brood in pubs), such a painful match
Axe with no mana cost blink dagger is going to be a lot of fun
edit: wow just read the last few pages, replay takeover, terrorblade, that phoenix picture,holy shit such exciting times


So what are we thinking for skills on Terror? To me, it feels like his E is essentially his real ultimate, the amount of damage it gives you, combined with his ability to make 2 illusions of himself over a fairly short time period with his W make him fairly strong with those two skills.

I would say maxing E and Q first is likely the better option, since his W won't do much until late game and 1 level of it will likely give you decent push. The slow is too good and the illusion is unkillable, so I feel getting more damage out of it is more important than more damage from your W. Having said that, the cast range on his Q is absolutely terrible, so I suppose the W might be better in some regards.

The main problem I see with this hero is, like others have mentioned, he is pretty damn item dependent. Having said that, if you can just get a Manta, you can shit out damage with your E + W having up to 4 illusions for pushing and team fights. BKB seems like it would be a pretty needed pickup on him, because he is really squishy and stuns are probably (like most heroes I guess) his biggest enemy, since he is so easy to burst down. Any thoughts on blink/force on him? Blink has no mana cost now, so it wouldn't effect his shitty mana pool and would allow you to close gaps for ulti/Q. Force gives him mana which he needs and offers the same, but with an easier escape as well.

As cool as Sunder is, the cast animation and tiny range make it fucking dangerous to use and the mana cost is massive at 6. I think you may even consider skipping this skill in order to maximize damage on the hero, because although sunder is useful and may save you or get you kills, I feel like 200 manacost is massive. Although the buff to Aquila means you can pick this up and negate that somewhat, maxing your E earlier could be more useful, situationally than having his ulti at all until 10/11 when you can reduce it to 100 mana cost, making it much more viable.


I was thinking shadow blade on him to initiate with slow (sunder if you're low), then with yasha and the sb stats, you could potentially gank a support if they don't have an escape. His Agi gain is crazy so by the time you have yasha you and the illusion can do good dmg.


Alright, Terrorblade sucks. Fuck him. He needs a stun babysitter (or two) like a lot of hard carries, but he needs them for much longer...and since he has no escape, a weak as shit disengage, and no tanking ability to speak of, he feels like a perpetual sitting duck until he has like 3 major items up. He's also completely dependent on support disablers to get to and stick to targets. Nobody is going to just let him walk up on them and Q them. Also the cast delays on his W, E and R are just infuriating at times.

I get that when he's 3+ slotted, he starts to become a problem...but getting to those 3+ items is probably more difficult and requires a really good team comp than any other hard carry in the game.

Maybe I'll try Shadowblade + Dagon troll TB. Idunno. Maybe I'm just frustrated and over-estimate the ability of your average players to make his life miserable. I know one thing: he's going to be a feeder tomorrow in pubs, where you may or may not get a support or a disabler picked or wards purchased.
Terrorblade was one of my first heroes in DOTA 2. Yea he is a liability until he gets those levels and items. Back then he had a different Skill 1, it has been reworked many times... he could jungle.

Basically, once you get your levels up on your Illusions you start farming the jungle. When you have a couple of items from jungling you start pushing because Metamophosis + Illusions hurts towers.

He is similar to a Lycan. He basically fights in his "ultimate" form and farms during his normal form. His ultimate is just a clutch spell to save yourself (or an ally) but you have to be pretty close.

I make Treads -> Helm -> Manta Style -> Daedalus -> Butterfly -> Skadi -> Convert Helm to Satanic -> Get BoTs

Item build is flexible, you just build the standard carry items. MKB if there's an evasion hero. SnY if you want some early game. Diffusal blade if you don't have good supports on your team. Maybe Mjolnir in certain match ups. BKB as well but sort of like PL he can somewhat get away with no BKB because of his Illusions.

(Of course this build of mine was when you didn't have Aquila and Drums... those items would be useful on him to do well in the early game)

As far as skill build goes... you pretty much have to max 2nd/3rd skill if you are going hard carry, even skipping Sunder at 6. I have no idea about the numbers on the first skill because its changed in so many versions. It seems like a good tool for him... he always lacked a way to keep people from running away. Maybe the spell has more range when you are in range form.

Be warned that I haven't played the hero in like 4-5 years at least. LOL! Hero still kinda sucks though.


Terrorblade was one of my first heroes in DOTA 2. Yea he is a liability until he gets those levels and items. Back then he had a different Skill 1, it has been reworked many times... he could jungle.

Basically, once you get your levels up on your Illusions you start farming the jungle. When you have a couple of items from jungling you start pushing because Metamophosis + Illusions hurts towers.

He is similar to a Lycan. He basically fights in his "ultimate" form and farms during his normal form. His ultimate is just a clutch spell to save yourself (or an ally) but you have to be pretty close.

I make Treads -> Helm -> Manta Style -> Daedalus -> Butterfly -> Skadi -> Convert Helm to Satanic -> Get BoTs

Item build is flexible, you just build the standard carry items. MKB if there's an evasion hero. SnY if you want some early game. Diffusal blade if you don't have good supports on your team. Maybe Mjolnir in certain match ups. BKB as well but sort of like PL he can somewhat get away with no BKB because of his Illusions.

(Of course this build of mine was when you didn't have Aquila and Drums... those items would be useful on him to do well in the early game)

As far as skill build goes... you pretty much have to max 2nd/3rd skill if you are going hard carry, even skipping Sunder at 6. I have no idea about the numbers on the first skill because its changed in so many versions. It seems like a good tool for him... he always lacked a way to keep people from running away. Maybe the spell has more range when you are in range form.

Be warned that I haven't played the hero in like 4-5 years at least. LOL! Hero still kinda sucks though.

I tried a game with 109's recommendations...which in hindsight was how I was building him before he made his recommendations (items). But what did change was the skill build (also per his recommendation) which was different from how I was doing it before (where I was maxing Q and W). I ended with like 720gpm and that's all well and good, but idunno. It just didn't feel like I wanted it to feel. dunno how else to describe it. Maybe the issue I was having before simply boils down to the fact that the enemy teams were filled with stuns and Unfair bots seem to have a special skill for getting off stuns and chaining them together before you can react...and always knowing which is the real hero even with 3 or 4 illusions on the screen. Complicated further by the fact that he has no disable of his own, escape or disengage...even when facerolling I never felt like I couldn't get bitchslapped.

FWIW, I've been going Aquila --> Treads --> SnY/BKB --> SnY --> Daedalus --> Heart/Skadi --> Bfly depending on how long the game went. If these items aren't recommended (or like if I should have gone Manta instead of SnY) do let me know. I know for a fact that I underutilized my E (abilities with long cooldowns tend to make me not want to use them except for when team fights are about to start), but some of those times it didn't matter because chain stuns and allies that were spectating more than participating prevented me from doing much of anything.

Why is she doing that?

oh god, i cant wait for all the new drow fails of her saving enemies.

wtf mode.

But the new silence is good and bad for the reasons you're seeing. You can silence/push an enemy right into the fog of war and lose them (say, into a treeline or up an enemies T3 stairs). If someone has a higher movespeed than Drow, you can push them to a point where you can't Q them and they'll simply walk away. On the flipside, you can save your ass and teammates asses with that push back. Imagine how good that will be against Ursa, Sven, PA, etc.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
But the new silence is good and bad for the reasons you're seeing. You can silence/push an enemy right into the fog of war and lose them. If someone has a higher movespeed than Drow, you can push them to a point where you can't Q them and they'll simply walk away. On the flipside, you can save your ass and teammates asses with that push back. Imagine how good that will be against Ursa, Sven, PA, etc.

It seems to me like it is geared towards escaping now instead team fights. I could be wrong, but that push back seems like something that could really mess with positioning.


Thoughts on ES changes from Test:

Important stuff:
His bread and butter (Grip -> Roll -> Ult -> Kick) is destroyed. You can still lead with Grip, but all it does is warn people that you're coming. You're going to have to aim the Roll now, so you might as well open with Roll. And if you don't want to be stunned right out of it, you should ideally Grip during the Roll animation. I hope your fingers are fucking fast, cause you'll need 'em.

The Remnant recharge rate hurts him hard. He's going to have a lot more downtime now, in between fights and in the middle of prolonged fights. For the latter, you're going to have to make good use of the Remnants already on the field, because you won't have the full 6 for every engagement like you do now. You will need to make every Remnant count.

Minor stuff:
Laning phase weakened. Before you could kick anything to harass. Now your only scaling damage spell (Grip) requires Remnants, which need to be conserved.

Farming weakened. Same as previous. Since your Kick no longer scales, you need Remnants to clear waves and you need them for everything else as well, so it's a delicate balancing act.

Sniping is a lot weaker, again, because only Grip scales. 100 damage is not much to work with. In the best case scenario, you kick a Remnant into someone with the Magnetize debuff to stun and refresh.

ES is going fall off the radar like Invoker did after Icefraud nerfed him a year or two ago.

Kick - Roll - Grip - Ult is also a possibility, though I haven't tried it yet.

I think the few that can do Kick > Grip > Roll successfully will excel in playing him. He's still going to be a good hero in that regard. I think the nerf hurt but not enough to make him worthless.

I was talking to Hazaro about skill builds now, and we were throwing around some ideas. It may be worth 3 points in Kick before maxing Grip, or maybe 2-1-2 then max Grip. It's something I'll have to experiment with in real games.


The following heroes are not in Ability Drafting. There are a lot more then I expected:
Shadow Fiend
Puck (LIES VALVE, LIES! You said I could have Illusory Orb Magnus!)
Templar Assassin
Shadow Demon
Lone Druid
Ogre Magi
Keeper of the Light
Ember Spirit
Earth Spirit

Makes sense, just heroes with sub-abilities (and Meepo and Ogre).


Corporate Apologist
Some Lore about the only King who matters.

On the longest night of the year, the dead do not always sleep. For centuries, the learned aesthetes of Keyturn studied the skies from their mountain keep, where generation after generation, they tracked the movement of celestial bodies, copying down their arrangements in the great Book of Heavens. It was they who found the wheel of the world was a thing of many moving parts—a clock of strange rhythms and irregular meter. It was they who counted the number of dawns in each season. It was they who calculated the day of longest night.

And it was they who first discovered the great cycle within the cycle—a periodic shift whereby in one solstice among many, the barrier between the planes wears thin, the aurora blazes green in the sky, and the undead rise from their graves. And it was they who were destroyed.

Now we have only fragments of their long studies. The great Book of Heavens is lost to history, though copied remnants of certain passages are sometimes found in the ruins of ancient temples, or in the scholarly works of moldering libraries. These fragments are the last view into a lost civilization.


Young prince Ostarion was thrust upon the throne by the death of his royal family. The swift, rotting disease that took their lives nearly claimed the prince as well, but the court’s mage took desperate measures—submitting the youth to a ritual that pared away all the vulnerable flesh, transforming him into a being of animated bone. The young king emerged from the scouring, convinced that having defied death once, he would never submit to it.

With a deep mistrust of all things fleshy, Ostarion began to recast his parents’ legacy in forms imperishable. Every stone of his kingdom was replaced with its equivalent in bone. Skeleton King’s armies took dominion over neighboring lands, and as he extended his reach, he extracted the bones of his enemies. Eventually he came to rule over a land cold, white and brittle—and to yearn for something more.

Never having trusted flesh, nor wishing to clothe his bones in it, he finally settled on pursuit of wraith energy, a form of pure spirit given off by certain dark souls at death, and taken up by ghosts and other revenants when they need a form with which to walk the earth. Should he shape himself from the wraith essence, he thought he might create a body as luminous and eternal as his ego.

Consulting the ancient mage who had saved the young prince’s life, Skeleton King learned of a rare opportunity—a night foretold by certain olden sages who had grappled with the unruly and in most ways unpredictable cycles of nature—the solstice known as Wraith-Night, when the dead would rise in such great number that their souls could be harvested and captured in sufficient quantity to complete another ritual. Should he manage to harvest the wraith energy of the undead horde, he could rise once more transfigured—King forever, but this time of the Wraiths.

From the Journals of Azorszos the Bony, Mage-Physik to Ostarion, eldest subject of that ungrateful wretch whom I must hail as king, and who will gladly lead the throng in cursing himself for the role he played in placing our so-called Skeleton King on the Throne of Bones.


The beast in the event mode is going to be a Nian:

I found a picture of what he will look like:

Seems like there may be mulitple versions of the map you fight him on, there are references to two different event mode maps.
There is one more string of interest.

"custom_game_mode_status" "Playing Custom Game"


Unconfirmed Member
guys... am i bad? dropped from 3.6k to 3.3k mmr. FUCK THIS GAME

I blame this on the solo and party ranked games having no segregation; Currently one playing as a solo can get to be against a party of 5 in the opposite team and lose, thereby acquiring negative SOLO MMR and positive Party MMR for the opposite team.

The MMR match making should be split into matches with only_solo and only_party? (I am not sure if this is a good idea, but I blame my recent drops in SOLO MMR because of the lack of SOLO only ranked queue)


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Solution: Instead of Ethereal Jaunt being on D, put it on Q.



No fucking clue how to build Pheonix correctly, I just got heart early because I wanted to spam spells.

Using his abilities while diving is great. You can use your spells, dive into the enemy team, ult during your dive to cancel mid dive and stay where you cancelled, then unless they focus and kill your egg you do a lot of aoe and have all your spells refreshed to clean up.

Idk if that's how you play him, but I had fun.



I tried a game with 109's recommendations...which in hindsight was how I was building him before he made his recommendations (items). But what did change was the skill build (also per his recommendation) which was different from how I was doing it before (where I was maxing Q and W). I ended with like 720gpm and that's all well and good, but idunno. It just didn't feel like I wanted it to feel. dunno how else to describe it. Maybe the issue I was having before simply boils down to the fact that the enemy teams were filled with stuns and Unfair bots seem to have a special skill for getting off stuns and chaining them together before you can react...and always knowing which is the real hero even with 3 or 4 illusions on the screen. Complicated further by the fact that he has no disable of his own, escape or disengage...even when facerolling I never felt like I couldn't get bitchslapped.

FWIW, I've been going Aquila --> Treads --> SnY/BKB --> SnY --> Daedalus --> Heart/Skadi --> Bfly depending on how long the game went. If these items aren't recommended (or like if I should have gone Manta instead of SnY) do let me know. I know for a fact that I underutilized my E (abilities with long cooldowns tend to make me not want to use them except for when team fights are about to start), but some of those times it didn't matter because chain stuns and allies that were spectating more than participating prevented me from doing much of anything.

Dreams, have a look at this TB guide over on Reddit;

Some different items/skill builds depending on his role/laning position..
Dreams, have a look at this TB guide over on Reddit;

Some different items/skill builds depending on his role/laning position..

very nice. ty.

No fucking clue how to build Pheonix correctly, I just got heart early because I wanted to spam spells.

Using his abilities while diving is great. You can use your spells, dive into the enemy team, ult during your dive to cancel mid dive and stay where you cancelled, then unless they focus and kill your egg you do a lot of aoe and have all your spells refreshed to clean up.

Idk if that's how you play him, but I had fun.

fun fact I learned tonight: you can press Q again while diving to STOP THE DIVE. So if you don't want to go all the way back, you don't have to. Just press Q again. It's a helluva escape/re-positioning tool. Based on the tooltip, I assumed you could only stop the return flight of the dive if you ulted. Was pleasantly surprised to find this was not so.
Terrorblade is going to be scary, he can start potentially snowballing at 3 once he has reflection, conjure image and metamorphosis. I can see why people would pass on his ult until later, going for max metamorphosis and conjure image. With a Shadow Blade or Blink to initiate he can burst down a hero caught alone so quickly. Manta Style seems pretty core on him. It's great for ganking and pushing. Metamorphosis, Manta and Conjure Image and just wreck anyone or anything. It's a good thing his health pool is kinda shit, he has to sit back and wait for all of the big AoE's to end or he'll just get blown up.

TB's ult is a pretty cool get out of jail free card, I was able to swap health with an enemy bot and avoid a Necro ult with it.

Phoenix is, I dunno, weird. Very interesting harass with Icaurs Dive and Fire Spirits. Although Sniper was able to interrupt an Icarus Dive by simply right clicking and proc'ing a mini-stun. Wonder what else you can catch him/her/it with.

Funny thing happened, Tiny tossed Sniper at me while I was in Icarus Dive, it brought Sniper out all the way to my cast point for ID and got him killed by 5. that could fuck over people playing Tiny's and Huskars maybe. You can also dodge Sniper's ult with Supernova. Wonder what else you can avoid with it.

All in all, two really interesting heroes.


Noooo I was in an awesome ability draft. Was a weaver with shukuchi, gyro rocket barrage, venomous gale and rearm for ulti. Damn you valve servers.
Phoenix is, I dunno, weird. Very interesting harass with Icaurs Dive and Fire Spirits. Although Sniper was able to interrupt an Icarus Dive by simply right clicking and proc'ing a mini-stun. Wonder what else you can catch him/her/it with.
any and every stun, provided someone is quick enough with their mouse to toss out the cc while he's in flight. To that end, Phoenix will have to wait to Q until after the enemy cc has been used, or use it just to position the ult. No real in-between on this matter. Get CC'd and that's a dead bird. Unlike bots, human opponents will just right-click the ult and kill him.


any and every stun, provided someone is quick enough with their mouse to toss out the cc while he's in flight. To that end, Phoenix will have to wait to Q until after the enemy cc has been used, or use it just to position the ult. No real in-between on this matter. Get CC'd and that's a dead bird. Unlike bots, human opponents will just right-click the ult and kill him.

So basically it works the same as Timberchain on Timbersaw.
Great escape/mobility skill but can be stunned before/during the animation.
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