There's something in the air of DOTA lately. Getting insane amounts of shit, much more than usual. Also leavers, i swear leavers were so rare for me.
As an experiment, I went through just my last page of games. Rating is for stupidity level of the game. Even if I'm harsh I had 50% retarded games, like not just people playing badly. But generally shittery.
12 games=
2 normal wins
2 normal losses
8 retarded games;
9/10 Sniper rapier first item, loses in first fight.
8/10 Windrunner feeds 0-7 in solo lane in about 7 minutes.
6/10 Brew spends all time KSing and spends money on lvl 5 dagon for more KSing. Second Mek on team lich and 2 ultis for solo illusions.
6/10 Kunkaa, buys double crit, feeding while trying to invis crit 5 man team by himself. Multiple throws.
4/10 Silencer feeding all day err day
5/10 (cus we won) -Centaur abandoned the game half way through (he said at beginning we had to be quick cus he didn't have time for long game....) managed to win 4v5 though :/
6/10 BH and SS, dont gank and feed their lanes. (not the worst game, but terrible)
8/10 wtf Entire enemy team abandoned in 1min because we outpicked them. Some guy was mad at their captains picks and dropped.