You know, I see people complaing about 3k Elo hell all the time. But as a 3.3k player on the SEA servers, I find most of my games to be of pretty high quality, especially in recent weeks. I rarely see very bad feeders and people just seem to have quite good game sense and builds. Take the following game:
I gained 24 MMR from winning it and so I estimate my team's average MMR to be about 3.2k.
I was in a 5-stack as Slark, one of my better heroes, but I had a terrible game. I made a few mistakes and their AOEs wrecked me in team fights. They had no true hard carry and after losing one or two fights in early to mid game, they stopped taking all teamfights and began trying to rat doto with SS as the primary rat. While doing this, they kept warding and dewarding and picking us off where possible with Mirana ult and won one huge team fight in mid game which almost cost us a rax. We tried pushing as a 5-stack but they kept every single lane pushed hard and every one of their hero had an escape mechanism (SK and ES bought Blink) so it wasn't easy trying to pick them off. Eventually, Ember and myself became too farmed and we just bashed our way through. It was a really good game and they were smart to change the way they engaged and fought because they clearly had no chance in team fights once we hit the 30 min mark. They almost got the bottom rax through distracting us in other lanes while SS did his rat thing.
So I'm not sure why people are complaining because even in solo queue, my experience of late has been mostly pretty good.