I can't recall, but do your abilities get reset when you get reborn?
I can't recall, but do your abilities get reset when you get reborn?
Phoenix is one of those heroes that will never need an in-game item. He's perfect as is.
New Voice Sounds such as "Nevermore is here", "Never say Nevermore" and "It's now or Nevermore." when spawning(I'm sure Cyborg will release them all soon)
ShadowFiend has been renamed to Nevermore
Someone with in-house powers should make one in test so we could play ability draft as the bots seem to just afk in fountain.
Can I quoth you on this?
So GAF, this might be a dumb question so apologies in advance, but with blink not costing any mana, think it would be worth it for TB?
He was Poenly making a pun.I think he is mistaken.
what the fuck is at thing, ballad?
Someone on reddit posted this:
Folder structure has been renamed to Nevermore from Shadow_Fiend.
Model files has been renamed to nevermore.mdl from shadow_fiend.mdl
ShadowFiend has been renamed to Nevermore
nevermore.mdl is still the old Shadow Fiend Model
New Voice Sounds such as "Nevermore is here", "Never say Nevermore" and "It's now or Nevermore." when spawning(I'm sure Cyborg will release them all soon)
Just enabled him so I could play him. Can confirm remodel incoming.
It's the WIP Pheonix model that has been in the game files for a few weeks.
It's the WIP Pheonix model that has been in the game files for a few weeks.
Someone also posted this
I wonder if they going to go with this or something totally different
With his name being Nevermore, maybe they're taking the raven theme of the chinese version and going all the way with it
So does anyone know how you are meant to build Phoenix. I just played a hilarious bot game where I went mid and got a radiance and a heart, going 4-4-0 for my skills. The W does a ton of damage if you can get all 4 onto one target. With that, Q, ult, then spam spirits again upon emerging from the ult I was almost teamwiping them on my own. Ofc this was with a good level advantage cus it was bots and I had an easy time in lane where a human would punish me, but the damage was good. Does that sound legitish to people? (I doubt it is.)
Items that have been purchased while dead can now be sold, if that item was bought during the same death. Previously, no items could be sold while dead.