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Dota 2 |OT4| The saga of Vade and ReRixo: the Boat Anchors continues.

It seems pretty broke to me. It does as much tower dps as nether blast at level 4

According to the wiki liquid fire should deal half damage to buildings (like Nether blast does), but I've tested this and it's definitely not true, it deals ten instances of 15 damage at max rank. Maybe the wiki is wrong, or is this actually a bug?
I can't look right now, what is it now?

Wow, the amount of heroes with no hats at all is a lot lower than I thought
Ancient Apparition
Elder Titan
Night Stalker
Shadow Fiend
Treant Protector
Troll Warlord

It's basically just an odd assortment of heroes either already set up for items and not workshop ready (Treant, Tinker, Night Stalker, Troll, Undying, Magnus), heroes that are due for a remake (SF, Zeus, Jakiro), or a few oddballs like Phoenix who aren't going to be remade but aren't set up for items (also AA and Venomancer). Oh, and Io.

Seems like of the heroes that can have items, have items (except Elder Titan). Although counting Terrorblade might be cheating, as he's not item ready yet, but has one cosmetic.


Wow, the amount of heroes with no hats at all is a lot lower than I thought
Ancient Apparition - maybe planned remake?
Bane - just hasn't been broken down
Elder Titan - not sure what the delay is here
Enigma - not sure what this delay is either
Io - just has to be approved for hats
Jakiro - remake?
Magnus - not sure
Night Stalker - didn't he have some cosmetics in in the files at some point?
Shadow Fiend - remake
With Terror blade style arcana
Timbersaw - really needs to be approved for hats, I could imagine the workshop doing great stuff here
Tinker - same as timber
Treant Protector - no idea
Troll Warlord - no idea
Undying - seriously no idea, another great potential hat hero
Venomancer - no idea
Viper - remake?
Visage - no idea
Zeus - remake

It's basically just an odd assortment of heroes either already set up for items and not workshop ready (Treant, Tinker, Night Stalker, Troll, Undying, Magnus), heroes that are due for a remake (SF, Zeus, Jakiro), or a few oddballs like Phoenix who aren't going to be remade but aren't set up for items (also AA and Venomancer). Oh, and Io.

Seems like of the heroes that can have items, have items (except Elder Titan). Although counting Terrorblade might be cheating, as he's not item ready yet, but has one cosmetic.

My thoughts on the heroes without hats
Has anyone played a lot of Jakiro since the Liquid fire buffs? I've heard Aui and some others talking about how good it is, and having tried it vs bots it does seem good. But what is a good skill/item build on him now? Max Liquid fire seems great, but icepath or dual breath second? Should I even pick up dual breath at all? Would Atos be a good pickup?
It's super good if you want to push hard on towers. If that's your plan definitely max it. After that he's pretty versatile and if your safe maxing either ice or dual blast depending on what your team needs. Whether you need more stuns or just more damage.

Rod of atos is a good pick up on anyone... buuuuuuuut Jakiro is like the last hero I would actually recommend it for. He's super tanky at all levels anyway so he doesn't really NEED more health and ice path has good range already (if you can land it).


Thanks for the replies! I actually played a lot of Jakiro when I first started playing, but haven't in a while so was wondering how much changed. The Atos was thinking more of if I ever got mid or a farming role somehow. Euls and Atos to guarantee an ult that does plenty of damage. Obviously that is gonna be rare though. Seems the standard items are the same as they used to be though. mek and Veil and various from there.
My own thoughts:

Ancient Apparition (Remake? Seems fine to me, just needs to be broken down)
Bane (Needs to be broken down)
Elder Titan (Broken down, workshop ready, sets submitted, none accepted)
Enigma (Possible remake, also suffers from Morphling syndrome and might be hard to set up for items)
Io (Particle editor needs to be finished)
Jakiro (Remake)
Magnus (Broken down, just needs workshop specs)
Night Stalker (Broken down, but very buggy)
Phoenix (Needs to be broken down. First new hero in years that wasn't broken down at release)
Shadow Fiend (Remake, obviously)
Timbersaw (Being remade, not visually, but being broken into pieces better)
Tinker (Broken down, just needs to be workshop ready)
Treant Protector (Broken down, just needs to be workshop ready, literally just needs specs posted, as he's able to have items compiled)
Troll Warlord (Broken down, just needs to be workshop ready)
Undying (Broken down, just needs to be workshop ready, possible remake?)
Venomancer (Needs to be broken down)
Viper (Remake)
Visage (Needs to be broken down)
Zeus (Remake)

Bonus: Terrorblade (Broken down, needs to be made workshop ready)
Bonus 2: Tiny (Not broken down and not item ready, despite having an item. Will most likely have that item split into 4 separate forms)


Talking of Veil, I heard Fear mention on a stream a few weeks ago that he gets Veil on Centaur since he deals magic damage. Anyone had a go with this build? If you can get the Veil off before Blink (+ Veil?) + Stomp + Double Edge you could be doing some serious damage. Only problem is that it might take a while to get enough farm to buy one, and you'd be forgoing a Hood/Pipe until you did.


Thanks for the replies! I actually played a lot of Jakiro when I first started playing, but haven't in a while so was wondering how much changed. The Atos was thinking more of if I ever got mid or a farming role somehow. Euls and Atos to guarantee an ult that does plenty of damage. Obviously that is gonna be rare though. Seems the standard items are the same as they used to be though. mek and Veil and various from there.

One thing I don't think anyone has mentioned is that putting points into liquid fire early makes Jakiro one of the best zoning supports against a solo lane. There aren't many offlaners who can trade favorably with Jakiro if you hit them with liquid fire then right click.


Does anyone remember which video was the original that started the whole mlg no scope in dota 2? I'm pretty sure it featured a witch doctor that took an invis rune, but i can't find it.


Does anyone remember which video was the original that started the whole mlg no scope in dota 2? I'm pretty sure it featured a witch doctor that took an invis rune, but i can't find it.
I thought it was that Witch Doctor aegis steal where he just casually walks in without any invis, and doesn't even cast a spell while Lycan is right there.


I thought it was that Witch Doctor aegis steal where he just casually walks in without any invis, and doesn't even cast a spell while Lycan is right there.

No i'm pretty sure i remember the invis rune part because a message popped saying something like "CAN'T C ME"


If you want to go max Liquid fire then I think that maxing ice path next would be a good shout. I mean, the longer your enemy is within range, the more liquid fire is gonna go on them.

Under that logic, Rod of Atos seems like a good idea.

Level 4 Ice Path is 2.2 secs of stun vs lvl 1 which is 1.2

Thats pretty disgustingly low for a3 skill point investment. I'd say max Dual Breath 1st and Ice Path last
Really wish there was a report function that was similar to "didn't play for team", that bans people from ranked until they played so many normal games. I'm tired of fucking trolls ruining this game for me.
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