But what do you nerf? Make song's duration increase with each level? Increase the mana cost of song?
He's not actually a super hard carry, at least compared to guys like Luna or Void so yeah, if you can either outlast him or outpush him then he's not that scary. The problem is that if you had a mid-game oriented lineup you have to turn it into a push strat because he owns the midgame.
Also TB has ridiculously bad HP. I think worse than some hard supports like KoTL even (during early game)
here everyone should watch this
what kind of steak do you want to be in life?
But what do you nerf? Make song's duration increase with each level? Increase the mana cost of song?
radiance damage on illusions is decreased by 50%, supports shouldn't be dying trying to kill pushing illusions with heart.
split pushing, while being an obviously valid strategy, is really annoying and dumb and not fun to play for or against so I wish icefrog does everything he can to nerf it
You can nerf the bird, but you can't take him from meeeHere are my TB suggestions:
- Make his slow scale with levels
- Increase the CD on his slow
- Reduce range on Sunder
- Increase BAT on his ranged form
- Reduce his stat gains
- Reduce his armor
- Make metamorphosis his ult(20/40/80 damage increase).
- Just remove this fucking hero(and phoenix) from the game.
Yeah screw split pushing I can't believe 3-5 heroes out of 100 can play the game a little differently than group up at 10 minutes and push/team-fight. So fkn dumb man, it's not like 90% of competitive games are deathball push strats; it's not like Lycan, the model of a split-pusher has been played strictly as a 5 man pusher in competitive to rack up the wins. I agree completely that any trace of what's left of this cancerous thing called "split-push," better called "rat-dota" needs to be quashed and I would like to see 5 man dota become even stronger, I really hate diversity and different strategies counter-balancing each other in my dota.
Fuck obviously valid strats.
NOW people are complaining about Phoenix? So fucking late.
I haven't been paying much attention to the inside talk...What are the rumors about what update/event/new heroes we're going to see next?
People didn't immediately complain about Earth Spirit despite being in Dota 1 for months. Even when he hit Dota 2 nobody complained about him until that Jerax video came out (I was saying he seemed OP before that)NOW people are complaining about Phoenix? So fucking late.
People didn't immediately complain about Earth Spirit despite being in Dota 1 for months. Even when he hit Dota 2 nobody complained about him until that Jerax video came out (I was saying he seemed OP before that)
Yeah screw split pushing I can't believe 3-5 heroes out of 100 can play the game a little differently than group up at 10 minutes and push/team-fight. So fkn dumb man, it's not like 90% of competitive games are deathball push strats; it's not like Lycan, the model of a split-pusher has been played strictly as a 5 man pusher in competitive to rack up the wins. I agree completely that any trace of what's left of this cancerous thing called "split-push," better called "rat-dota" needs to be quashed and I would like to see 5 man dota become even stronger, I really hate diversity and different strategies counter-balancing each other in my dota.
Fuck obviously valid strats.
dying to ancients at 20 minutes, new meta.
yeah earth even got nerfed BEFORE most people caught on to him being ridiculously broken.
Another hater to be friends with Procarbine.I don't mind split push strats or even flat out rat dota, but fuck tinker.
That is all.
Three hatersTinker sucks, that's all.
Most of Storm's damage is magical though, so a BKB counters him really hard.
Yea.. And cleave from BF ignores armor too huh? What if they made the bonus damage on slight magical? That's probably a huge nerf... They'd have to make it much stronger in the early game. Didn't they make a bunch of balance changes on ember in DOTA 1? I still think he's balanced. good hero.
I think Ember shouldn't be able to hit heroes hiding in the fog.
split pushing, while being an obviously valid strategy, is really annoying and dumb and not fun to play for or against so I wish icefrog does everything he can to nerf it
I actually really enjoy rat dota/split pushing so I can't say I agree.
There's some pretty substantial work done on Pit Lord and Techies (less so Techies). Also we usually get our last major balance change before the International around this time every year.I haven't been paying much attention to the inside talk...What are the rumors about what update/event/new heroes we're going to see next?
Not with the mute ban epidemicPeople complaining about Rat dota need to git gud. Apart from Naga, it's the easiest playstyle to effectively counter.
Tony and Dazzul vs Team RED.
Should be good.
This is brought up a lot and it's not really a big deal at all for a hero like TB. At level 1-2, most magic nukes are going to tickle you, and with his insane base armor, regen, and MS, his survivability is better than most heroes at these early levels. He'll also pretty much always get guaranteed FB with reflection given that he has some sort of decent support behind him and that will give him a huge advantage in lane going forward (he'll get a small gold/xp adv. over you and then proceed to repeatedly kill). Beyond these levels, he's a hero that buys a shit ton of stat items to exponentially increase his damage and farm potential--this isn't ember spirit that never builds stats or AM who has to invest 4400g into a pure farming item.
TB fixes his HP problem rather quickly and you find yourself facing a ranged behemoth with 300 base damage, 30 armor, and multiple tanky ranged illusions that deal 180 damage each 25-30 minutes into the game LOL.
I think Draskyl unintentionally put it best regarding TB in the dumbest way possible: "TB is balanced because phoenix is in the game." Yeah, this is like saying 6.79 broodmother is balanced because earth spirit is in the game. I personally think TB is balanced because you can pick Lycan.
Holy shit you guys Hanni is so fucking rich!!!