TB might be OP but you are vastly exaggerating his ability to withstand nukes. I think it's important to be honest with a character's disadvantages, no matter how powerful they are otherwise. Heroes like Sand King will crunch TB every time unless TB is running around with a heart.
I don't mind split push strats or even flat out rat dota, but fuck tinker.
That is all.
Tinker sucks, that's all.
Sorry but I have to disagree completely. Part of what makes TB so powerful is his early laning, dota is a snowball game after all, and I don't think much of anything compares with TB dual or trilanes. His base HP pool is enough to survive level 1-2 nukes and his high armor + a shield + high regen make right clicking him average around 10-25 damage. The SK will get his asshole torn open repeatedly in lane and TB will have a quick treads + drums or treads + yasha that already give him much more survivability than most heroes.
Let's also not forget that with reflection being so good at level 1, TB has the luxury of being able to spam stats after he maxes conjure image/meta and this also solves his deficiencies rather quickly.
I guess what I'm trying to say is yes, while he does have a little less HP than the majority of heroes at levels 1-3, these are negated very quickly considering the rest of his base stat kit, his item build, and his skill build.
TB has around the same health as SF, Luna, Weaver, Medusa, Clinkz, and Sniper, and of that group he's one of the most equipped to minimize said weakness fairly quickly (not to mention it's partially off-set by his high MS, armor, regen; his ability to dump points into stats fairly quickly and as an illusion hero he has the added advantage of exponentially increasing both his damage and survivability with stat items). In my opinion, this vulnerability is far too small/minor to bring down the hero on it's own, he needs a few other "weaknesses" like the majority of other heroes in dota (whether that be more scaling, mana management, farm reliance, etc...).
They really need to trim the fat from these DreamLeague casts. Bruno is fine for stats and after the game discussion but should not be present at all in the casting and this other guy, whose name I don't know, is just entirely useless and does nothing but offer stupid tangents that detract from the cast. You don't need someone useless to be there and ask dumb questions for newer players, the people with game knowledge just need to be more regular with discussing basic concepts. Listening to DreamLeague these days is like being in Mumble while we watch a game, just some people talking while dota is on.
Edit: The guy is Shane.
I actually really enjoy rat dota/split pushing so I can't say I agree.
Would you like to point out where, exactly, in my post that I said lane SK against TB?
They really need to trim the fat from these DreamLeague casts. Bruno is fine for stats and after the game discussion but should not be present at all in the casting and this other guy, whose name I don't know, is just entirely useless and does nothing but offer stupid tangents that detract from the cast. You don't need someone useless to be there and ask dumb questions for newer players, the people with game knowledge just need to be more regular with discussing basic concepts. Listening to DreamLeague these days is like being in Mumble while we watch a game, just some people talking while dota is on.
Edit: The guy is Shane.
I assumed as much because stopping TB's early game is basically the only way to stop the hero (hence why Phoenix is so good against). Aight well anyway let's answer hypotheticals with hypotheticals about a mid-game SK and TB.
You: SK wrecks TB in the mid-game.
Me: SK doesn't wreck TB in the mid-game.
We cover all grounds of the argument?
Get a room or 1v1 each other or somethin man iunno
They really need to trim the fat from these DreamLeague casts. Bruno is fine for stats and after the game discussion but should not be present at all in the casting and this other guy, whose name I don't know, is just entirely useless and does nothing but offer stupid tangents that detract from the cast. You don't need someone useless to be there and ask dumb questions for newer players, the people with game knowledge just need to be more regular with discussing basic concepts. Listening to DreamLeague these days is like being in Mumble while we watch a game, just some people talking while dota is on.
Edit: The guy is Shane.
They need to ditch Lumi. I don't want to hear about the damned game. All the rest of the stuff rules.Dreamleague cast is shit
They talk shit 99% of the time and miss so many fights
They really need to trim the fat from these DreamLeague casts. Bruno is fine for stats and after the game discussion but should not be present at all in the casting and this other guy, whose name I don't know, is just entirely useless and does nothing but offer stupid tangents that detract from the cast. You don't need someone useless to be there and ask dumb questions for newer players, the people with game knowledge just need to be more regular with discussing basic concepts. Listening to DreamLeague these days is like being in Mumble while we watch a game, just some people talking while dota is on.
Edit: The guy is Shane.
bro dont worry im guna 1v1 milk irl at ti4 but im not down to get a room there because I might wake up missing a penis, testicle, or both.
bro dont worry im guna 1v1 milk irl at ti4 but im not down to get a room there because I might wake up missing a penis, testicle, or both.
Don't think even Milkman would want your diseased dick.
a penis?
just pick lycan ez win against tb.
I assumed as much because stopping TB's early game is basically the only way to stop the hero (hence why Phoenix is so good against). Aight well anyway I'll answer your specific hypothetical with an equally bombshell argument.
You: SK wrecks TB in the mid-game.
Me: SK doesn't wreck TB in the mid-game.
We cover all grounds of the argument?
See that's what I'm saying man, TB is balanced because of Lycan and Lycan is balanced because of TB. They are both OK.
Must not give Fnatic Tiny
Got my Dota 2 shirts. Large fits pretty well, the XL I got is really damn long, but I guess I can wear it. I don't think I'm ever going to use the puck shirt outside of TI4.
Why is VP playing with 4 standins. How am I supposed to get Fantasy Points!
They are so damn long. I hate tucking polos but I can't see any other way to wear them![]()
9 days until Dark Souls 2. You gonna deliver before time runs out Icefraud?