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Dota 2 |OT4| The saga of Vade and ReRixo: the Boat Anchors continues.

Watch Fnatic vs Na'Vi, holy shit. >80 kills under 30 minutes
1 wolf blocking 2 heros in forest map hack
Na'Vi jungle dance party
Dendi 10 minutes no boots


Corporate Apologist
Now here is a clockwerk set I like, big fan of the helmet:



jeez people copying what they see in pro games is fucking annoying as hell

every game now there's a freaking naga that wanna go radiance or a dual lane mid or some shit


jeez people copying what they see in pro games is fucking annoying as hell

every game now there's a freaking naga that wanna go radiance or a dual lane mid or some shit

I've played quite a few games of Radiance Naga, but I only think I've reached the unstoppable split push level once or twice. How and where you micro your illusions is key and you have to be constantly on the ball with regards to camp respawn times and where you should go next. It's also difficult to be involved with the team when you have to send off your illusions every 40 seconds to do something, and mana is a constant issue.

Dual lane mid, how about a Shadow Demon, Leshrac, Troll Warlord trilane mid. Say goodbye to your towers.


Power Rankings Poll Starladder teams + TI4 casters
- this one's tricker, takes about 1 minute for most people. . . hmmmm
- tanks for voting

DK wins the poll, Navi makes too much money. Liquid actually made more than the Chinese teams.
50 % poll results
25% money winnings
25% joindota/gosugamers rankings

Overall Rank
1 navi
2 empire
3 dk
4 eg
5 c9
6 alliance
7 ig
8 fnatic
9 zephyr
10 rox

Prize Winnings (February 1, 2014-April 16, 2014)
$72,650 navi
$66,680 zephyr
$49,250 empire
$38,250 c9
$34,000 eg
$33,300 fnatic
$17,125 alliance
$11,500 liquid
$9,850 dk
$8,100 ig

TI4 Preferred Casting Studios

Thanks for voting! Fun stuff.


Corporate Apologist
Since zephyr won the 2nd most money in the last 45 days, that means they are the second best team right now, kappa.


All signs point to

I was hoping for an eastern event, but at the rate this is going I'd be surprised if we didn't have one til aftr the qualifiers. Sucks man.

And fuck around with those 4 June LANs? (WPC, Summit, Dreamhack, ESL)

That's like $1 million in prize money you are expecting teams to work out the patch nuances in LAN final situations.

Nah we gotta get something in Apirl/May


Corporate Apologist
And fuck around with those 4 June LANs? (WPC, Summit, Dreamhack, ESL)

That's like $1 million in prize money you are expecting teams to work out the patch nuances in LAN final situations.

Nah we gotta get something in Apirl/May

I think Valve is going to legit toss all the June lans under the bus and patch on May 29th. Then again, it does sound silly when I put it in words. Maybe we will get the balance patch next week. Between the qualifiers, big lans, and TI4, something has to give. Or we could just stay on the current patch for a while.


Gabe I'm trying to hustle the items I got from those shirts that are worth more than the shirts themselves I bought three of those batrider shirts if I can't sell the mount I'm gonna look very foolish


agree. that pause sucks.
For a hero that gets kited so easily, it's awful
God. Blink is such a good item nowadays.
Blink sven was always a thing, kinda, you needed shit like drums to support it.
I keep telling my friends to get Blink on Sven, but they never listen :(

To be fair, you need to blow your whole mana pool in order for blink to be effective. MoM, blink, stun/warcry, gods strength, go back to base repeat. I always get blink on the guy, using ult then blinking in on the squishy chen is too much fun.


Bull on a Donut
All signs point to

I was hoping for an eastern event, but at the rate this is going I'd be surprised if we didn't have one til aftr the qualifiers. Sucks man.

Yeah I don't think we're getting a major event until after TI. Hoping for at least 6.81 but hot damn, qualifiers are less than a month away and then TI is just over a month away from that.


May contain jokes =>
I don't even care too much about an event or even balance changes, I just want a patch with some actual content in it. New heroes, hero remakes, new modes, anything. It's been nearly three months.


Whenever I have a bad day at work I go home and immediately play a round as Phoenix. Egg is so OP especially if you are playing against dummies.

This hero literally fits into any team comp so I don't feel bad insta-locking her. The attack slow and DOT on spirits is INSANE especially against squishy supports early game. And you never ever have to return to fountain if you are good with the ulti.

Also its basically GG if you can get a heart running by 20 - 25 minutes and spam dat sun ray.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
It's a good time to repost this and gloat:
Schweinehund said:
That fire spirit is so imba... 80 attack speed makes it a one point wonder, if you use that on the opposite team's carry they will not be able to last hit before you deny.


You guys think Valve will do another compendium like last year? I'm sure they will. If they plan on doing one I would think we would see one soon though. Since the event is in July.
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