What did LD do?
Cent getting 2/3 man stomps every fight. Plus PotM is hitting every arrow. Half of Navi is perma stunned in these fights
Has Bulldog played Lycan this patch. Seems like a naturally fit to me.
I guess it's time to get together and practice before a tournament.
BO1's this late in a major tournament is really stupid.
Shackleshots for days.Na'Vi BibleThump
Bring back LoH and Artstyle
Yeah. A farm dependent, jungling, solo offlaner with an ez escape mechanism. It is totally a bulldog hero.
And they last picked a storm, what a bad draft.
I'm going to buy a ticket, support this tournament. Been awesome so far.
I bought the ticket yesterday... My first time buying a ticket for a tournament. I've been seriously overlooking how nice of a feature dota TV is. The better picture quality alone is great.
Hey GAF I made a g doc of all the heroes I wanna learn if ya can feel free to write some tips on specific heroes. I'll be doing this on a smurf which is shameful I know but I wanna do this to learn the heroes and not worry about my win rate (yeah it bothers me).
updated it to make it editable
Um. How does CAD CAD sound?All of my hopes go to EG. TAKE IT HOME! USA USA USA USA USA
Um. How does CAD CAD sound?
Never mind.
ripiceiceice is droppin bodies in the street with these interviews.![]()