Man I find myself playing less and less DOTA, lately I've just been spectating people like 109/pro/bokr/milk while vaping and watching Supernatural LMAO.
GAF how do I love DOTA again?
1.6 > HoN > Dota 2
@kard8p3: play with friends or do what I'm doing right now, learn Chen and lose every single one of your games.
But Chen is actually my best hero 8(
1.6 > HoN > Dota 2
@kard8p3: play with friends or do what I'm doing right now, learn Chen and lose every single one of your games.
Learn Meepo.
I play Meepo too 8((
Man I find myself playing less and less DOTA, lately I've just been spectating people like 109/pro/bokr/milk while vaping and watching Supernatural LMAO.
GAF how do I love DOTA again?
Why force it? Just take a month break and do something else with your free time and come back when there's some opportune inhouse or an opportunity to play with some friends, or something.
Or you could do what I'm doing and job hunt with the dismal prospects of an English major who's just finished college. About the same ROI in the fun department as dota's giving me!
teach english in peru
Was that the tecs match with the blink viper?Well Ensoe/moon/bkid are beating SNA, they're not looking too bad for a new team.
Volvo add google translate to doto pls.
I had to hack some things to get it working properly with the Source engine.I tried to downsample with Durantes new tool, but that didn't work too well for me. Hopefully AMD drivers will get support for it or the tool ends up working better for me with DOTA.
Kirby's Fool Proof Chen Strats: Become the Troll Warlord. Find Dark Troll Summoners, get Dark Troll Summoners, net fools, summon skeleton army. Get Mek and Scepter, and go ALL ARE HEALED every 30 seconds, win game.
Ok, there is nothing fool proof about it, but its how I tend to play Chen
So I haven't played Dota since around August. Have there been any significant changes, or a place I can go to see a list of major changes without having to skim through patch notes?
Literally Akke
Chen is one of, if not the most fun heroes to play IMO.
I've been on a bit of an Infinite Crisis kick lately, but games this dumb mean I will never forget my first love.
The N0tail quote about a game going full retard doesn't even scratch the surface on this one.
I tried to downsample with Durantes new tool, but that didn't work too well for me. Hopefully AMD drivers will get support for it or the tool ends up working better for me with DOTA.