This is what happens when you commentate and do camera work on a game that you don't understand.Ayesee is terrible, he misses so much and don't know what's going on most of the time =
the worst carry player? Nah, you have EE for loda the worst carry or what
arent Alliance basically out of this tourney anyway, just GG out
also I've never seen an Alliance aggro trilane work out (except game 5 at TI3 lol)
the worst carry player? Nah, you have EE for that.
is loda the worst carry or what
Meh, you don't win the international with a bad carry. He is just more of a 4 protect one or split pushing carry, and he isn't the best in the chaotic team fight situations. Xboct gets shit because he is like the opposite style of player.
That said carries are basically never the best player on their team, and when they are the team usually underperforms. Look at ZSMJ with Rattlesnake and VG or Fear with the old EG.
11 minutes.
eg vs rejects (eg lost)
This Lesh is above all in Net worth.
lol envy.
Loda needs to stay away from CK.
wow D2L really trying to shove this lancer set down peoples throats.. I don't understand, why? did they partner with alliance or live workshop? I've never seen anything like this on a stream
D2L = EG = Alliance
wow D2L really trying to shove this lancer set down peoples throats.. I don't understand, why? did they partner with alliance or live workshop? I've never seen anything like this on a stream
didnt see this until today when i was scrolling through my notifications list.
109, I even told you to check you idiot.ROFL
didnt see this until today when i was scrolling through my notifications list.
D2L = EG = Alliance
109, I even told you to check you idiot.
Loda needs to stay away from CK.
Is D2L affiliated with [A]?
There's an Aegis in Ayesee's casting room