Amazing lineup and game by fnatic.
yep. Fast yasha + dom helm + bfly on Dusa causes a great many problems. I'll never be a fan of MoM on Drow.
yep. Fast yasha + dom helm + bfly on Dusa causes a great many problems. I'll never be a fan of MoM on Drow.
Does hotd work with split shot like I hope it works with split shot?
Could you go like treads drum helm yasha-> manta skadi? Maybe get eul's for a race car dusa?
Does the new split shit make dusa a thing now?
I really like the hero (super tanky agi carry) but always thought she needed way too much farm for me to actually risk playing.
She got fairly nice buffs compared to the majority of heroes, mystic snake getting fogged was always frustrating (now ignores fog) and her new 1/2 point wonders in split shot and mana shield give her a lot more presence early on.
Sold my Luckless Lockboxes, now I have $25 in DOTA credit.
What do.
Sold my Luckless Lockboxes, now I have $25 in DOTA credit.
What do.
Sold my Luckless Lockboxes, now I have $25 in DOTA credit.
What do.
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That Dog vs Rox fight was the most predictable Rosh teamwipe I've seen yet.
I just started cringing after Misery started channeling the epi.Yup, still beautiful though.
My exact feelings on that shitty item for that hero.
My exact feelings on that shitty item for that hero.
with Dusa, you can go with whatever you like. I wouldn't go euls. She wants agi, stats and evasion to maximize her ehp. She's a turret: you want her right-clicking freely for as long as possible. Items that maximize both her survivability and her damage are her strongest options. That generally means Manta (damage and stats), Skadi (damage and stats), Bfly (damage and eHP) are fantastic options. I like adding crit/mkb and satanic, personally. But whatever works for you.Does hotd work with split shot like I hope it works with split shot?
Could you go like treads drum helm yasha-> manta skadi? Maybe get eul's for a race car dusa?
Does the new split shit make dusa a thing now?
I really like the hero (super tanky agi carry) but always thought she needed way too much farm for me to actually risk playing.
please tell me more about what items suck for certain heroes
Saddest Void i've ever seen.
Also, Mirana is just insufferable. I've never been this tired of seeing a hero.
Why did NaVi pick FV? seems like he'd have no synergy with all the other heroes, especially rushing an aghs
Saddest Void i've ever seen.
Also, Mirana is just insufferable. I've never been this tired of seeing a hero.
Funnik is playing out of his mind on that Tusk. Those snowball saves!
please jeebus give us game 3
ok this artwork is amazing:
I thought this was a bo2.
Sold my Luckless Lockboxes, now I have $25 in DOTA credit.
What do.