Marauder Shields
I think my guide for the NA hub is to just ride Synderen for whatever game he's casting.
I think my guide for the NA hub is to just ride Synderen for whatever game he's casting.
I think my guide for the NA hub is to just ride Synderen for whatever game he's casting.
It's not a bad plan.
LD & Fear will be casting Liquid v Revenge
I think it loads into the first live game and cycles through the remaining games once that's over. I haven't tried it myself
I think my guide for the NA hub is to just ride Synderen for whatever game he's casting.
Has watching the game in the in-game client been awful for anyone else? Constant lagspikes and audio cuts.
Has watching the game in the in-game client been awful for anyone else? Constant lagspikes and audio cuts.
Has watching the game in the in-game client been awful for anyone else? Constant lagspikes and audio cuts.
oh lord tobi and james
im out
James is ok, tobi tho... I sometimes feel like tobi himself does not control what comes out of his mouth.
he just gets excited I think and then forgets his mouth to brain gate. He's genuine though. I like the guy. He's so dedicated to DOTA its amazing to see. I love passionate people and he is definitely a passionate person about dota2.
Lol no one is watching the game in they all went to greet a mystery dude, i wonder who he is.
SNA having no problems today
I think my guide for the NA hub is to just ride Synderen for whatever game he's casting.
Sticking with BTS2 I think. It's been good so far.
Liquid vs. Revenge 11:40 14:40 18:40 20:40 02:40 04:40
SNA vs. Liquid 13:00 16:00 20:00 22:00 04:00 06:00
Revenge vs. SNA 14:20 17:20 21:20 23:20 05:20 07:20
NAR vs. Revenge 15:40 18:40 22:40 00:40 06:40 08:40
Liquid vs. NAR 17:00 20:00 00:00 02:00 08:00 10:00
Who is the woman on the right actually?
2013 compendium is going for $55 right now. It's even sold for as high as $68. I think I might buy an extra 2014 compendium and just stash it to see how high it goes.
what?? why...
what?? why...
So, do I watch Liquid vs Revenge, or the train wreck that will be Ehug vs SotP?.
.LD & Fear
Does multitwitch work for compendium views? If all 4 channels are showing 4 different games, do I get credit for watching all of them?
I think it may actually be a function of the chat room and not the actual video stream, so I want to say no.Does multitwitch work for compendium views? If all 4 channels are showing 4 different games, do I get credit for watching all of them?