I'm a new player and I've recently been looking into stacking and pulling creeps. I learned why to stack/pull creeps and at what specific times to do so, but no guide told me how often I should do it. As a support, should I dedicate most of my time to stacking/pulling? Or only when it's absolutely necessary? When is it more trouble (i.e. time spent outside my lane) than it's worth?
I can imagine three different 'behaviors', but I've got no idea which is the right one. Maybe they're all viable, or maybe they're all wrong. So, can I ask you people for some input on how to approach stacking/pulling? Which of these is best, if any?
-Stack the small camp once, pull our xx:15 creepwave, stay with the creepfight to ensure I get lasthits and all our creeps die, rinse and repeat. Only break this cycle if there is a high-priority situation in your lane (a fight broke out, your lane partner is pushing the tower, your mid announced he's coming to gank, etc.). This can be done on a 2 minute cycle, and means that you're away from your lane pretty much 75% of the time.
-Stack the small camp every single minute, and only pull a creepwave if the 'creep meeting point' is too far away from the tower for our carry to lane safely. If there's a high stack but no pulls are needed, inform your lane partner he can kill them for a quick burst of xp/gold. This means I am away from my lane about 50% of the time.
-Only stack the small camp whenever a pull is necessary (or whenever I happen to be close at the right time) because the 'creep meeting point' is too far away from the tower for our carry to lane safely. This means I can stay in my lane most of the time.
So, what should I do? Thanks in advance!