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Dota 2 |OT5| TECHIES!!!

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A lot of his kills are global and I don't think you can get charges that way.

it counts
http://dota2.gamepedia.com/Bloodstone said:
Charges now increment if you get a kill out of range.

but you get 500 hp for 5k. with close to that amount of money you can buy instead:
aghs + quarterstaff / robe of the magi + sage's mask / vit booster
atos + veil / force staff
force staff + drums + point booster


I just played this game in low pri where a doom had no items until 25 minutes where he bought a divine rapier as his first and only item:


These people were legit the worst people i've played with/against in a very long time. I'm not entirely sure why I was even with them tbh

End results:


May contain jokes =>
I'd rather get Agha on Zeus.

Or blink/Eul (aka the most fun thing ever)

It's just like almost any other Bloodstone build really. If you don't have it by 17 mins or so then don't do it.

Just finished a game tonight where I had Bloodstone, Aghs, half of Refresher before 30 minutes when the game ended. I guess calling it core might imply you should always buy it, which isn't true. But if you're farming well it's really strong IMO.

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
Riki is so useless agianst teams with half a brain...

I dunno he's still good just don't depend on your invis so much, always expect for the enemy to have detection. Riki for me is a snowball hero he does so much damage early on which means you have to gank a lot, if he doesn't have a good start its very hard to come back from since he doesn't jungle very well except if you get lifesteal. Btw mask of madness is legit on riki he does fucking insane amounts of dmg with it , ultimate glass cannon build tough.


Riki is so useless agianst teams with half a brain...

I dunno man, I'm inclined to disagree. I find that you can play super aggressive in lane with blink strike, which does a shitload of damage early on, it makes the laning phase a lot better than with most carries, and then by 6 you can safely farm basically anywhere on the map. Also the new deny change means you can pretty much out CS anyone in lane.

I think as long as you play teamfights smart, that is, blink in for kills, get your smoke cloud on a few, scurry away, blink back in and clean up, he fucking rocks. He shits out damage with agi items, farms ok with backstab and as long as you don't play like a 1k mmr Nyx and run into their whole team with invis you should be fine to clean up kills.


Apparently you can watch games in a tournament even if you don't own a ticket by spectating a friend who is watching the game. I did not know this.

Edit: Or is the MarsTV match free to watch?


Riki was my last Compendium hero, which is why I was picking him. I got through it though, finally.

Basically they kept ganking me with dust and lots of lockdown. It wasn't even Slardar counterpicks or anything like that.


Apparently you can watch games in a tournament even if you don't own a ticket by spectating a friend who is watching the game. I did not know this.

Edit: Or is the MarsTV match free to watch?

Its free but I still think it works the way you described

edit: if you are in their party


Bloodstone core for Zeus? ew.
then again my core may be worse.
Aghanim first but I build an oblivion staff beforehand to compliment my urn of shadows and arcane boots. after building sceptor, I finish making orchids malevolance. why orchids? Deals with Zeus mana dependancy in both regen + mana pool increase and gives him a nasty silencing skill. plus allows Zeus to right click when needed, 55 damage increase is nothing to scoff at.


The Merlini Zeus build is forcestaff into veil into various items such as aghs, blink, hex etc. Seeing as he is famed for it I thought it was worth mentioning.


Corporate Apologist
Bloodstone core for Zeus? ew.
then again my core may be worse.
Aghanim first but I build an oblivion staff beforehand to compliment my urn of shadows and arcane boots. after building sceptor, I finish making orchids malevolance. why orchids? Deals with Zeus mana dependancy in both regen + mana pool increase and gives him a nasty silencing skill. plus allows Zeus to right click when needed, 55 damage increase is nothing to scoff at.

I usually go Bottle -> Arcanes -> Euls -> Refrehser. Scepter first may seem like a better idea, but rushing the Refresher gives so much more burst damage, especially if you can also in range for Static Field, you just halve the HP of the entire enemy team.


man i sure fkn love when my team doesnt pick any real carries and then decides to take the game to 60 minutes without learning how to push towers/rax.

8( game is hard sometimes team.


Finished my compendium heroes. Valve gave me the easy route from the start.


I really hope that the Daily Hero Challenge is randomized so we don't have people trying to insta-pick the same hero when they load in.


That was actually what caused me to ask that question.

First-hand stuff is preferable.

Had a Storm that called me and my team mates 'low tier peasants' without a hint of irony. Guy was so incredibly angry that we were losing. There have been others, but that guy was thoroughly fucking ridiculous, as if I were meeting a stereotype of a neckbearded gamer.


Canadians burned my passport
I didn't think it was possible but I played with a "Sampler" Build invoker. Equal points in QWE.

We lost
Who's the saltiest person you've ever seen in-game, GAF?

Two days ago.

So we had a captain that was randomed and he didn't figure out he was captain until he had 30 seconds left in Captains Draft. Then he spends ten seconds per ban, so all our picks are randomed.

And someone ends up with a dk and captain says dk/lina are supports. DK goes mid, says lol or something and fucks up our Tinker mid.

Then he goes to top to my solo Clockwerk and I give him the farm there because I know contesting this is only going to make it worse. We get ganked and I am five mana short of my cogs to save him. We are alone and there is a Witch Doctor that throws his stun so I move out of the way. 0.1 seconds after I have enough mana (and I have watched the replay) he dies.

"Why don't you save me?"
"See my mana, I did not have enough"
"Yes you did, I watched you the entire time"
"No, I didn't and I do not know how to argue about this"
"You don't, you just have to admit your mistake and say you are sorry"
"lol, no"

Then he died and he blamed me for that since he was explaining my mistake for me. Besides the mana issue I could not even get next to him to save him with the cogs anyway because of Witch Doctor.

He then proceeds to shit on our Tinker for going Dagon I think, while he is 9-1 or something. And while DK has a decent score of 10-3. Says the win was only because he played and keeps saying that the rest of the team is shit, especially Tinker.

We still had a Medusa who was farmed and like 5-1, so if we wouldn't have won within 30 minutes or so she would have definitely crushed the team.

I guess he wasn't that salty. But fuck he had a huge ego.

I do remember a very salty guy now though. I was Sniper for the compendium. And I kept harassing a Timbersaw in the lane. He killed me eventually.

Him: "nerd"

uh, wtf, ok.

I kill him, so of course I respond with "nerd".

"omg you fucking noob sniper picker"
"Dude, it is just for the compendium, relax"

He then proceeded to keep diving me even when I was with my team, and then blamed the rest of the team for not following up while he only had eyes for me. When I had shadow blade he went:

"Lol, nice item build, shadow blade pick"

He dived me dusted me and killed me.

"Lol see, shadow blade is useless"

While I kept building items he kept calling them trash and feeding me. Everytime someone makes a small mistake in our team, or wastes a dust or something he points it out and laughs about it. He keeps feeding by trying to initiate on me. lol those items, lol those teams, you fucking noob sniper picker you can't play a decent hero, lol that shadow blade, nice arrow Mirana etc.

Then he goes "add me for 1 v 1 then". I am pretty sure I could have won that but I was wondering why he didn't add me himself anyway and couldn't be bothered to play a match with him. There is always the possibility to lose.

End score:

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