Who's the saltiest person you've ever seen in-game, GAF?
I have several valid ones.
Playing AR, a two stack decide to go safe with Troll/SS(which is fine), Medusa mid, and I'm PA with some other non support on the offlane. They get tower dove, blame Medusa for not tp'ing(she's not even 6) and shit on her for the entire game. I TP in once to save them and get a double kill and they say I'm the only good one around(I started 5-0). Game predictably goes sour, the two stack continues to blame Medusa everything, eventually start blaming me as well when I ask SS to get wards. They tell me I should get wards because this is AR. Troll proceeds to call me an idiot and that I don't have insight needed for Dota? Something like that. I started asking myself why I didn't mute them.
My very first all pick Ranked game. I pick Luna, I end up going safe lane with LC, LC points out that the lanes are a bit weird. SS immediately starts flaming her for being foreign and that he won't talk to him, LC's accent was really mild too. Game goes really bad, SS keeps yelling at me and LC for farming in stead of standing around our mid t2 waiting for the enemy to push. Eventually LC and SS get into a fight, I hear the word "fuck" every second, and I mute both. Bad game was had.
The very next AP ranked game. Guy picks Invoker, says he's support despite us already having CM(me) and Silencer, goes into a trilane with me and some carry, doesn't get any support items, tells Silencer to go mid, flames me for my ward placements despite never getting wards himself, flames everyone else on the team for feeding, flames me again in all chat for being a bad support(even the fucking enemy team defends me). I eventually get fed up and drop the wards in front of him so he can ward himself, he didn't do it. Awful, awful game.