I don't think the mirana changes are going to make a difference... at that skill level they should be getting max range arrows more often then not anyway.
Leap - arrow is pretty common even in high level plays.
I don't think the mirana changes are going to make a difference... at that skill level they should be getting max range arrows more often then not anyway.
You can pick Zeus, he's on the other page.
looking at that screen shot trying to pick whose got the ugliest model from each group... but who do you pick in group 5?
looking at that screen shot trying to pick whose got the ugliest model from each group... but who do you pick in group 5?
Thanks icefrog for nerfing cold snap.
I can see the polygons on Axe's muscles, so I know who I'm picking
My only hope is that pudge pickers likely don't want his model to be redone, but who knows. I predict Wraith King winning and people hoping to get Skeleton King Back, or Wisp.
I wonder who will win group 4, Leshrac or Pugna, both really could use an update model.
No, you're thinking Ancestral Spirit. It used to 1-shot the ranged creep which made ET a ridiculous mid.
mad bro ?
At least you can't pick SF! They actually mentioned him in the description.
Model rework brought to you by Shadow Fiend, lol!
Is it too circlejerky to say that I love where the game is balance wise? Each patch just has so many smart changes and things that when I read them make me excited.
Queen, Foreigner, Supertramp, Jefferson Airplane, Simon and Garfunkel, Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash, Pink Floyd.everyone listens to shitty music when they're a teenager
that's pretty exceptionally shitty, but still
hmm yea... do you think they completely rework them to look different? or just fix them up to look the same but better? probably the second one.... it's hard trying to pick which hero has the shitties model, and I won't even know what to do for the voice packs.
Guilty pleasures: Shania Twain, a little Celine Dion >->
Its not a circlejerk if its positive. Gotta say I agree, my mind was blown when I came over from Lol and saw people excited for balance patch as opposed to the collective groan I used to hear when lol released patch notes.
Well at least SF isn't in the model remake vote, but it's still pretty dumb that they opened it to all heroes otherwise. Should have been a few choices.
LoL players don't look forward to balance patches?
You gots me ;_;
You gots me ;_;bet that doesn't include her french works.
The trench is real
LoL players don't look forward to balance patches?
* Devour manacost rescaled from 60/50/40/30 to 60
They definitly seems to care about what is probably the more wanted heros when it comes to new hero release, so yeah we can definitly expect that from Valve.To be honest, its likely really good data for where to put future efforts. Even if a hero doesn't even win its group stage, I'm sure Valve will look into changing something if they get a high percent of the votes.
Hey, anyone feel like checking what my Daily hero is for me, I'm stuck at school for like the next 4 hours.
Player card packs honestly seem to be pretty rare to drop. It's a bit annoying.
* Devour manacost rescaled from 60/50/40/30 to 60
New patch, no buffs to earth spirit. Fuck you valve. Fuck you.