Shadow Fiend isn't available to vote on a remodel, i knew there were rumors about it but was it confirmed that he was getting a remodel before this ?
The model rework vote also says "Brought to you by Shadow Fiend."
Shadow Fiend isn't available to vote on a remodel, i knew there were rumors about it but was it confirmed that he was getting a remodel before this ?
Legit, srs.
DO they share the same interest in anime?
It cannot be posted enough. Best Dota MMR guide ever. Packed with so many cold hard truths. Required reading in MMR class.
The trench is real
I don't know how much truth there is to it when it comes to climb mmr since he is even lower than me, but the video is still completly hilarious.It cannot be posted enough. Best Dota MMR guide ever. Packed with so many cold hard truths. Required reading in MMR class.
lol @ fear saying he decided to retire
This whole situation was handled so shittily.
The trench is real
Will Partin said:So . . . who is your anime waifu? I'll tell you mine (Haruhi Suzumiya) if you tell me yours.
Mason said:Probably Arcueid from Tsukihime (and to a much lesser extent, Carnival Phantasm). Saahil "UNiVeRsE Aror told me he wanted to share his as well. He likes Misaka from Kaichou Wai Maid-Sama.
So did EG force him to not play, and get him say it was his choice? I have seem claims that he tried to get on NAR but couldn't (Ether NAR didn't want him, or EG wouldn't let him, I forget which),Heir-Apparent-Mason-Venne-on-Joining-Evil-Geniuses/
what's up with the NA scene and anime
it's kinda shitty that valve is so hard on anyone else changing rosters but lets EG slide. if they knew this was happening before the invites they should have announced it then.
i mean i like EG and i think it's fine that they're allowed to add mason, just sucks that nobody else gets special treatment
Fear should definitely continue with casting though.
it's kinda shitty that valve is so hard on anyone else changing rosters but lets EG slide. if they knew this was happening before the invites they should have announced it then.
i mean i like EG and i think it's fine that they're allowed to add mason, just sucks that nobody else gets special treatment
Poor Fear.
I tried reading the interview with Demon but couldn't make it through. He's just so unlikable.
I doubt Valve would be cool with them changing rosters if it were not for Fear's injury.
It does 490 dmg(initial damage + 9 instances of 49 dmg) with lvl 7 quas now where it used to do 330(60 initial + 9 instances of 30 dmg).
Ohh... cool. thanks for the clarification.
Have you guys seen the video on the DC arena thing yet?
Looks like an automated IHL
definitely, loved his casting.
haha...oh lord.
whatever, as long as he plays well I can't say anything.
Oh god yes. I hated Ayesee but him and Fear actually worked very well together. It seems the only people Ayesee concedes time to are legitimate professionals. If he could work through his noticeable lisp he would be the best out there, even disregarding that he's top 5 easily.
it's kinda shitty that valve is so hard on anyone else changing rosters but lets EG slide. if they knew this was happening before the invites they should have announced it then.
i mean i like EG and i think it's fine that they're allowed to add mason, just sucks that nobody else gets special treatment
Oh god yes. I hated Ayesee but him and Fear actually worked very well together. It seems the only people Ayesee concedes time to are legitimate professionals. If he could work through his noticeable lisp he would be the best out there, even disregarding that he's top 5 easily.
It's funny (well, not really) how so many of these guys think flaming, using taboo terms, and acting like an all around asshole is somehow speaking truth to power, and that the corporations kind enough to sponsor them asking them to stop are these evil big brother figures trying to censor them. We get it- you're an edgy hotshot who won't be held down by the Man and totally not some immature, possibly racist and/or sexist, jerk incapable of showing even the slightest social grace. And trolling everyone and everything is still an amazing and refreshing brand of humor, yes.
Edit: I probably am being a bit too critical. Most of these guys are still really young anyways. While that wasn't my style, I certainly had (and still do, for many, if I'm totally honest) my own youthful shortcomings. Mason does stand in pretty sharp contrast to Fear, though, who's always come off as a pretty respectable guy. Hope he sticks with the casting stuff. The commentary I have heard from him was pretty top notch.