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Dota 2 |OT5| TECHIES!!!

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I actually don't get it, why doesn't he get picked? Maybe it's trends, because I don't feel like he's weaker than a lot of other carries.

I think it's trendz. I have lost too many games to Svens that just get a little farm and proceed to get a disgusting amount of damage by mid-game. It's even worse if you have a melee-centric team against him.


Been playing Puck lately and I think I like Dagon on him more and more. It's not as painful to farm up as hex and it gives him the ability to burst down supports which he can't do with his skills alone.

But everytime I build it, it seems I get yelled at by my teammates who insist that I should have gone hex.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Well, Dagon is a clowny item. If you're going around trying to kill people solo, you're better off playing Storm or QoP. Puck is a #teamplayer, his job is to give his teammates space to get kills, not to kill people by himself.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Doesn't look like IceFrog is going to stop buffing Focus Fire until the most used WR builds skill it at level 6. If we keep ignoring it for a few more patches I'm sure the mana cost will just disappear completely. Maybe the cooldown too.


Well, Dagon is a clowny item. If you're going around trying to kill people solo, you're better off playing Storm or QoP. Puck is a #teamplayer, his job is to give his teammates space to get kills, not to kill people by himself.

That's conventional wisdom but I don't think the argument is as simple as that.

Once dagger is up, it's either hex or Dagon. Dagon is cheaper and more impactful in mid-game. Puck is not the best farmer and hex takes a while to farm up. In team fights, that extra burst is very useful in finishing off kiting heroes. It's not just a solo kill item. Just look at the pro item builds for Puck in 6.80 and 6.81, Dagon is the third most bought item on him and it's not that far off from hex. I think there is a case to be made for Dagon over hex in many situations.
Looking through my games I struggle to actually find a recent game in which my performance actually mattered. Win or lose, I can't play core roles well at all, especially when laning phase is over.

Supporting is a different story and harder to measure, but I think I do reasonably well in that area.


Supporting is more rewarding to me, making space and ensuring there's vision is something that ticks all the right boxes in my brain. I just wish I could play; currently studying in Japan for the summer so I haven't played or been on GAF for a month. Watching TI4 will be hard. The thirst is real. On the plus side, Japan. But still.


Been playing Puck lately and I think I like Dagon on him more and more. It's not as painful to farm up as hex and it gives him the ability to burst down supports which he can't do with his skills alone.

But everytime I build it, it seems I get yelled at by my teammates who insist that I should have gone hex.

I've switched from going hex to getting a dagon most of the time in pubs in the last few months, the results have been way better.


If you are good enough with puck, you can make huge amounts of space with it and farm your sheep much faster. It's not always the go to item after a blink, but most of the time you can get away with it, and it makes you much more of a scary presence in teamfights, especially with the range/cooldown on dagon 5. You can burst down a hero while locking down the rest, kite during cooldowns and then reengage to clean up the rest. I really recommend it.

I don't agree with the fact that puck is a weak farmer. I think he is good at farming and split pushing without fear of ever dying. People tend to neglect farming a lot on this hero, sometimes even before finishing blink. Sure, if you can win fights with coil or you think you can get kills through ganks, go for it. But when the opponents are grouping up and you do not want to take them head on, split push and farm your items so that you stay relevant in the game.
I need to stop playing bat in pubs. No coordination makes him pretty worthless. Oh hey guyz I grabbed this AM from behind their t3 while we were sieging and pulled him out. What you just want to hit creeps and let him blink back in now?


Doesn't look like IceFrog is going to stop buffing Focus Fire until the most used WR builds skill it at level 6. If we keep ignoring it for a few more patches I'm sure the mana cost will just disappear completely. Maybe the cooldown too.

I dont really understand where IF wants Windrunner to fit into the game currently

Her stats say shes an INT caster who needs to get shit like orchid/hex, but the way you actually play her is as a hard AGI carry. Build 2 damage items on her and ult an enemy and they get totally annihilated

Plus her Aghs upgrade screams GET DAMAGE ITEMS TO OWN


I've switched from going hex to getting a dagon most of the time in pubs in the last few months, the results have been way better.


If you are good enough with puck, you can make huge amounts of space with it and farm your sheep much faster. It's not always the go to item after a blink, but most of the time you can get away with it, and it makes you much more of a scary presence in teamfights, especially with the range/cooldown on dagon 5. You can burst down a hero while locking down the rest, kite during cooldowns and then reengage to clean up the rest. I really recommend it.

I don't agree with the fact that puck is a weak farmer. I think he is good at farming and split pushing without fear of ever dying. People tend to neglect farming a lot on this hero, sometimes even before finishing blink. Sure, if you can win fights with coil or you think you can get kills through ganks, go for it. But when the opponents are grouping up and you do not want to take them head on, split push and farm your items so that you stay relevant in the game.

Judging by the higher KDA ratio, Dagon could be a more impactful item choice, since you can get it earlier than Hex and help furthermore in teamfights.

However, it is situational, the question is: is there a carry which you want to shutdown during fights (go Hex)? Is there a squeashy support which you want to make disappear after initiation (go Dagon)?


Bull on a Donut
I dont really understand where IF wants Windrunner to fit into the game currently

Her stats say shes an INT caster who needs to get shit like orchid/hex, but the way you actually play her is as a hard AGI carry. Build 2 damage items on her and ult an enemy and they get totally annihilated

Plus her Aghs upgrade screams GET DAMAGE ITEMS TO OWN

IF just keeps buffing skills that people don't like to skill up or "feel" underwhelming.

So let's look at WR: Powershot? Great spell. Shackle? Potential for a long ass double stun, amazing spell. Windrun? One of the best escapes in the game. Focus Fire? Shit people skip this and you get that ugh feeling when you do skill it up. Solution? Buff it till it feels good. Same deal with burning spears, blur, degen aura, echo stomp, etc... Skill feels underwhelming or people generally don't skill it? It's getting buffed.

WR is just WR, a damn good offlaner/mid, and a hero with an unreliable very high reward stun. She's solid at all stages of the game and with continued buffs to focus fire, she can be a damn good core in the mid and late game.

Chris R

So quick question... against viper as a sniper what do I need to do? Can't skill sharpnel since that refreshes the dot against me every time it ticks on viper, and I can't slowly harass it (her?him?) down with the dot doing the same to me... I just last hit as best I could and ended up a right click machine and ended up helping win the game in the end, but going mid all game with no kills suuuuucks (if we lost I'd be getting non-stop MID NO KILLS GG NOOB)


I dont really understand where IF wants Windrunner to fit into the game currently

Her stats say shes an INT caster who needs to get shit like orchid/hex, but the way you actually play her is as a hard AGI carry. Build 2 damage items on her and ult an enemy and they get totally annihilated

Plus her Aghs upgrade screams GET DAMAGE ITEMS TO OWN

the true int carry

Last year, I remember there were sites dedicated to trading player cards. Are there any for the TI4 compendium?



Corporate Apologist
I wish people would stop picking so many melee heroes so I could pick omni knight, 3 of my games tonight had 4 melee on my them. I also got stuck playing support invoker in one game, thank God call/rp comboed with emp wrecks even with out to many levels.

Also new cold snap does no damage early on.
I mean... cold snap was a super good spell...

I see it just as a way to get people to level up quas higher, earlier, since that's always the last thing anyone ever does. Wex is just so much better even if you started off qe.
I played like 7 games today and never got player card drops... Come to think of it, I haven't receive any drop since it was introduced. I have to resort to begging one from my friend who doesn't have a compendium.
legit he has lower BAT than am now wtf

am supposed to be the lowest BAT without abilities, demon hunter blizzard wc3 lore chris metzen going to be pissed!!!!

He has the same BAT as Oracle now - that's crazy.

I actually don't get it, why doesn't he get picked? Maybe it's trends, because I don't feel like he's weaker than a lot of other carries.

I guess the teams are just trying to find a space for him. Before the Io stun nerf he was actually liked as his ganking partner.



Just finished drinking my morning coffee, but sorry, I am going to cast this game RIGHT NOW. Brb.


Judging by the higher KDA ratio, Dagon could be a more impactful item choice, since you can get it earlier than Hex and help furthermore in teamfights.

However, it is situational, the question is: is there a carry which you want to shutdown during fights (go Hex)? Is there a squeashy support which you want to make disappear after initiation (go Dagon)?

In the mid-game, most carries are still pretty squishy and don't have BKB yet so that Dagon burst is still highly relevant to shutting them down.
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