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Dota 2 |OT5| TECHIES!!!

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Solution? Buff it till it feels good. Same deal with burning spears, blur, degen aura, echo stomp,

I'm gonna need some sort of explanation for this, that is what makes ET...well ET. His spirit then stomp is the entire hero, yeah theres his aura but just because the popular build is W and E since he's usually mid or off doesnt make echo underwhelming. The only issue is that it's always done baby damage, early and late, and the .81b buff still isn't enough. You need at least 2 levels in it for it to be good early, plus I really think he's underrused since the spirit nerf as usual drove everyone away from him. I mean all crit abilities are underwhelming early game/early levels, those don't need buffs over others, it's just how some heros go. Plus it's one of the things IF does where he's just weird and will buff/nerf random stuff that has no effect on anything, I welcome the degen aura change with open arms but maybe some stat increases or something like what Earthshakers been getting would be nice.


Bull on a Donut
I'm gonna need some sort of explanation for this, that is what makes ET...well ET. His spirit then stomp is the entire hero, yeah theres his aura but just because the popular build is W and E since he's usually mid or off doesnt make echo underwhelming. The only issue is that it's always done baby damage, early and late, and the .81b buff still isn't enough. You need at least 2 levels in it for it to be good early, plus I really think he's underrused since the spirit nerf as usual drove everyone away from him. I mean all crit abilities are underwhelming early game/early levels, those don't need buffs over others, it's just how some heros go. Plus it's one of the things IF does where he's just weird and will buff/nerf random stuff that has no effect on anything, I welcome the degen aura change with open arms but maybe some stat increases or something like what Earthshakers been getting would be nice.

baby steps bro

Surgical buffs/nerfs are always better than jumping the gun and completely destroying a hero (post TI2 lycan, morph) or overbuffing (brood) and then having to dumpster said hero again, sometimes making things worse than they were previously.

It's not one of the best escapes in the game is what I said. It's an escape alright.

It's a damn strong escape, but I guess that's the beauty of dota, in the eye of the beholder or what not.
It's a damn strong escape, but I guess that's the beauty of dota, in the eye of the beholder or what not.

It's nowhere near as good or reliable as Blink (AM, QoP), Waveform, Leap, Timewalk, Boulder Roll, Illusory Orb, Burrow Strike, Pounce, Charge of Darkness, Timberchain, Shukuchi and so forth. Let's just call it what it is: One of the most underwhelming escapes there is. The only escapes weaker are probably on invis heroes and unreliable blinks like PA's or Riki.


relies on auto-aim
Almost got my DK win except I fucked up mid and we lost a teamfight because Satantic didn't arrive in time.
Carry Lina with 15 deaths may have also been a cause, but I'm pretty sure we win if I didn't misplay in two fights.

Also not sure how getting three solo and a duo vs a 5 stack is possible, fuck you valve.
Just had my first game where I got more kills than deaths :D

Played as Sniper, pretty odd game. They had the rest of the team pinned down in our base, pushing the 3 inner towers, but ignored me as I took out all 3 bottom towers, turning the tide of the match.

Sniper becomes hugely fun to play at Level 16 or so.

Teammate had a go at me for stealing kills, but I thought I was doing him a favour as the guys he was chasing seemed to be getting away from him :(

Probably should have checked if he had a teleport ability tbf. It's tough to change the mindset of killing anything that can be killed, when it can be killed, after years of playing shooters


Almost got my DK win except I fucked up mid and we lost a teamfight because Satantic didn't arrive in time.
Carry Lina with 15 deaths may have also been a cause, but I'm pretty sure we win if I didn't misplay in two fights.

Also not sure how getting three solo and a duo vs a 5 stack is possible, fuck you valve.

Okay, casting is finished. This game was crazy incarnate. Premiere Pro is rendering its ass off right now, and the Youtube download will follow soon. I enjoyed casting the game, but now I need a vacation or something.


Just had my first game where I got more kills than deaths :D

Played as Sniper, pretty odd game. They had the rest of the team pinned down in our base, pushing the 3 inner towers, but ignored me as I took out all 3 bottom towers, turning the tide of the match.

Sniper becomes hugely fun to play at Level 16 or so.

Teammate had a go at me for stealing kills, but I thought I was doing him a favour as the guys he was chasing seemed to be getting away from him :(

Probably should have checked if he had a teleport ability tbf. It's tough to change the mindset of killing anything that can be killed, when it can be killed, after years of playing shooters

That's the right mindset. Ignore the idiots who cry "KS". Only low-tier noobs use that term seriously.
Just had my first game where I got more kills than deaths :D

Played as Sniper, pretty odd game. They had the rest of the team pinned down in our base, pushing the 3 inner towers, but ignored me as I took out all 3 bottom towers, turning the tide of the match.

Sniper becomes hugely fun to play at Level 16 or so.

Teammate had a go at me for stealing kills, but I thought I was doing him a favour as the guys he was chasing seemed to be getting away from him :(

Probably should have checked if he had a teleport ability tbf. It's tough to change the mindset of killing anything that can be killed, when it can be killed, after years of playing shooters

Not that killsteal complains are very valid, certainly not on a low level, but as that hero you benefit from kills a lot anyway.


That's the right mindset. Ignore the idiots who cry "KS". Only low-tier noobs use that term seriously.

As a tiny correction, killstealing does exist in Dota, but instead of what was described, which is fine, it's blowing a long cooldown spell like finger of death when you are 1v5 and the 1 is on 100 hp. The only reason to use the spell is to steal the kill, and it could be detrimental in a later fight if you don't have it up. But generally ks doesn't exist, yes.
That's the right mindset. Ignore the idiots who cry "KS". Only low-tier noobs use that term seriously.

It came as a surprise as I thought we had a pretty good connection going. I'd put a huge dent in their health with the Ultimate, he'd use the stun period to follow up and finish them off. He'd take most of their health, then I'd finish them off as they tried to escape

Is there any way of evading Sniper's Ultimate, other than teleporting or killing him?


It came as a surprise as I thought we had a pretty good connection going. I'd put a huge dent in their health with the Ultimate, he'd use the stun period to follow up and finish them off. He'd take most of their health, then I'd finish them off as they tried to escape

Is there any way of evading Sniper's Ultimate, other than teleporting or killing him?

You can disjoint it, with a blink, jump, etc.


Just had my first game where I got more kills than deaths :D

Played as Sniper, pretty odd game. They had the rest of the team pinned down in our base, pushing the 3 inner towers, but ignored me as I took out all 3 bottom towers, turning the tide of the match.

Sniper becomes hugely fun to play at Level 16 or so.

Teammate had a go at me for stealing kills, but I thought I was doing him a favour as the guys he was chasing seemed to be getting away from him :(

Probably should have checked if he had a teleport ability tbf. It's tough to change the mindset of killing anything that can be killed, when it can be killed, after years of playing shooters

Just don't be the guy that starts channeling assassinate in a teamfight when normal attacks would do the job anyway. I really like playing Sniper and everytime I see someone do this I die a little inside. I don't know how many fights I've lost because some idiot sniper decided it's a good idea to stand still for 2 seconds in a teamfight because he needs to get that kill with his ulti.


As a tiny correction, killstealing does exist in Dota, but instead of what was described, which is fine, it's blowing a long cooldown spell like finger of death when you are 1v5 and the 1 is on 100 hp. The only reason to use the spell is to steal the kill, and it could be detrimental in a later fight if you don't have it up. But generally ks doesn't exist, yes.

Its not kill STEALING


learn the difference it can save your life


rude af

all this does is make me want to play more broken heroes in solo

Nothing's broken as that wascurrently, and never will be probably.

In other words, ppl at 4.4k still go for the shittiest lanes and lose game at min 0:00. Luna instead of trilaning against their weakass lane insisted we should dual lane qop. Ok dude. Like, if you see a sniper/void in the other team, you fucking go aggro and ruin them since those heroes weakness is being ass in lane. Capitalize on them having a jungler that lose the game 100%. Fucking go kill them. No, better farm worse in the safe lane and let their carry farm instead of winning lanes. 100% idiots.


I play support quite a lot and so many times I've held back to let the carry get the kill and they've fucked it up.

Now I tend to make sure the fucker dies even if it means I might be accused of "kill stealing".

No-one lives on my watch!
It came as a surprise as I thought we had a pretty good connection going. I'd put a huge dent in their health with the Ultimate, he'd use the stun period to follow up and finish them off. He'd take most of their health, then I'd finish them off as they tried to escape

Is there any way of evading Sniper's Ultimate, other than teleporting or killing him?


I use it in pubs to evade Snipes or the Zeus ult. It's hilariously effective.

EDIT: Here's it working.



I didn't want to lose the post-it though, so I just decided to write it on my screen with a black marker, good luck stealing it now haha!

Another good trick is to tell your co-workers. That way, when you forget you can just ask them.... that's how I remember my SSN.


Ember Spirit takes damage from Blade Mail while using SoF, so annoying. DrKirby, plz make a reddit post about this so Valve can take note :p


Edit 2: Blade Mail deals pure damage, disregard.



How do you stop a Drow/Luna/Venge/Dazzle/Furion push strat?

We disrupted their lvl1 rosh attempt and got 4 kills to their 1

But their DPS was so insane we could do anything to stop them just steamrolling towers anyway
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