Imp the Dimp
FEAR waiting 20+ mins in the queue, damn.
How do you stop a Drow/Luna/Venge/Dazzle/Furion push strat?
We disrupted their lvl1 rosh attempt and got 4 kills to their 1
But their DPS was so insane we could do anything to stop them just steamrolling towers anyway
Ember also gets stunned and damaged by Spiked Carapace :\
I thought this was supposed to be fixed on the spring cleaning update.
He doesn't need any buffs to that ridiculous skill. It has way too many good points as it is to be honest.
Its not a buff though, its a bugfix thats needed.
Its not a buff though, its a bugfix thats needed.
Yes, it resets 24 hours after you first rolled.Does your daily hero only reset at the time you first rolled it?
Bug fixes are still buffs IMO. Remember when warlock golem was bugged? It got fixed and he got like a +20% win rate lol
Depends, remember the bug that made pudge's winrate skyrocket because rot would only deal half damage to himself and when they fixed it his winrate dropped back down?
What is your Sniper build?
FEAR waiting 20+ mins in the queue, damn.
It's nowhere near as good or reliable as Blink (AM, QoP), Waveform, Leap, Timewalk, Boulder Roll, Illusory Orb, Burrow Strike, Pounce, Charge of Darkness, Timberchain, Shukuchi and so forth. Let's just call it what it is: One of the most underwhelming escapes there is. The only escapes weaker are probably on invis heroes and unreliable blinks like PA's or Riki.
This new ancient seal looks pretty nasty. Who would be the best lane partner for a support skywrath? I see a concussive shot into ancient seal into nuke from lane partner just destroying people. 30% amp plus 3 sec silence at level 1 seems insane.
Mid anywhere below 4k is perfectly fine cause they never gank you. Side lane with a support more ideal.
Start with:
Wraith + tango
Circlet/slipper +tango/salve
if you suppose you're in a lane where you'll trade hits.
First item is phase boots. This is crucial. Phase boots early let you control the lane and never miss (ideally) a single cs as the damage + the instant projectile is super good. The positioning it give you, combined with MoM, is unvaluable.
Second item is MoM+Aquila. 2500 gold for essentially infinite sustain in the jungle + lane. With decent rotations between jungle and lane your farm will skyrocket. Differently from Midas also, lifesteal give you sustain in the jungle that is quite nice because you'll always go around with max hp. Aquila is good mostly for the mana aura, and the cheap damage is nice too. Remember that you can easily farm the ancient camp with just mom/phase boots, especially on dire, just position on the stairs and hold position. It's not the fastest farm, but often it's extremely safe and allow you to never stop farm instead of continuing farm in a risky lane.
Your core is Mjollnir. The item was nerfed, and for good reasons, it's insane. On a 950 range hero, your bounces get easily to targets 2k+ range away. Wait for teamfights to start, then mom+phase, get into position, and shower people into lightning.
After mjoll is situational, but my most consistent pickup is Skadi. The bkb-piercing slow is really good on him, again, because of the range, but also because most carries will be getting bkb against you else they just get permastunned and can't manfight at all. Ranged Skadi is extremely good against bkb. Other common pickups are BkB if against too much magical damage or something like a storm, or abyssal blade if your problem are carries that blink in ur face.
Skillbuild is max headshot first, take aim second, shrapnel last. Shrapnel is a good skill but too mana intensive for early game tbh. You can control lanes better by just getting a couple of lucky headshots procs and bully them out. Max take aim can be ideal in most situations, but usually before lvl 10-11 people don't have blinks en mass, so you don't always need that maximum distance positioning. Remember to use shrapnel in conjunction with your headshot to chase down escaping enemies, slow + ministuns ez game.
Last week i got a 77% wr with the hero. The only loss i had was with Technomancer.
Geez, Earth Spirit items are worth Nothing. I think his rare set in the Cloud/Steel chest is one of the least valuable item in them. I won one of his Stone Remnant from a low value bet, the thing goes for $.30.
I think it's better than half of those.
Different skills are different. Sure windrun isn't a blink, but most blinks don't give 5s of 100% evasion or haste. I think it's difficult to directly compare something like burrow strike and windrun lol. Both can be very useful or not so useful depending on the scenario.
AM blink is arguably the best escape in the game. Does that mean every other escape is underwhelming? No. Different heroes are different, as are the skills.
It's a damn strong escape, but I guess that's the beauty of dota, in the eye of the beholder or what not.
She doesn't just have the option of plChain. back barely in XP range and Powershotting for farm and harass?Different skills are different isn't a very good argument for whether or not a skill passes as a good escape mechanism.
Windrun is notably poor, as it's typically the last skill the WR will max. It isn't 5 seconds at level 1, it's 2.75, and it's typically going to stay level 1 or 2 until level 12+, which is a significant amount of time into the game. The bonus movement speed gets completely shut down by any slow in the game (not to mention stuns or immobilizes), you cannot disjoint spells with it, and the evasion is countered lategame by MKB carriers. Yeah, sure it can be used as an escape, but it's not a very good one. There's a reason you never see WR in the offlane anymore. One disable ends her.
Skills like Blink, Surge, Illusory Orb, and Pounce are infinitely better as escapes. Even Scorched Earth is better than Windrun.
Last week i got a 77% wr with the hero. The only loss i had was with Technomancer.
Does Skadi stack with MoM? I though MoM overrides modifiers like Deso and Skadi?
Does Skadi stack with MoM? I though MoM overrides modifiers like Deso and Skadi?
She doesn't just have the option of plChain. back barely in XP range and Powershotting for farm and harass?
I kind of feel like you could make that argument about Timbersaw. One well timed stun will stop Timber Chain. Granted it is on a much shorter cooldown and mana cost than Windrun, getting your critical Timber Chain stopped usually means your're dead.
Heroes like Doom, Timber, Centaur, Nyx, and Dark Seer succeed in the offlane because they're naturally tanky with stout shield and can leech XP from enemy pulls. If only one support comes to harass them, they can trade hits with the support and push them out.
Windranger cannot trade hits with supports, not without actually using her "escape mechanism". That's why she's much better mid, where she can use Windrun to fight the opponent, rather than using it to run.
Mjol works too.Skadi allows for lifesteal, but not any other uam.
Does it stack with Skadi when it procs though? Mjollnir is only a UAM/Orb when it procs, so it's perfectly okay to buy it with another UAM/Orb.Mjol works too.
Are you sure you didn't hit accept all on the first one and they're sitting in your inventory?Opened a card pack, received only 1 player card. What the actual fuck???
Are you sure you didn't hit accept all on the first one and they're sitting in your inventory?
Run away and gank every other lane on the map to get your team kills and try and keep the rest of them down.Guys what can I do as a support against a Bristleback Qop lane?
It seems an odd combo, but the amount of harass they can put out is intense so it's easy for them to disrupt your usual support activities.
Run away and gank every other lane on the map to get your team kills and try and keep the rest of them down.
Or get the rest of your team to come together early and fuck them up. Qop is squishy and bristle needs some farm so if you kill them both enough they should be nullified.
Granted both of those require coordination you might not find in your average pub game![]()
nvm i lied
dota is hard
I don't really understand how Dark Seer is supposed to work (in standard solo offlane position). Do you intentionally push the creep equilibrium to their tower with ion shell, so that their tower messes up their last hits? Meanwhile, you get your gold/xp from casting ion shell on their jungle creeps, while hanging around in lane for xp/occasional ion shell lane creep kills, surge-running away as soon as they go for you?
Yeah. Ion shell can get you last hits, especially if you have two at once. It totally wrecks melee farmers. And if the supports stack your jungle you can rotate after a while and clear some camps, getting you mad gold. And whilst the lane is pushing you can kill their hard camp or something. Bear in mind that dark seer will be way better against melee lanes, ranged heroes kinda fuck him in lane.
Also Anti-Mage because Dark Seer kind of needs his mana.
Different skills are different isn't a very good argument for whether or not a skill passes as a good escape mechanism.
Windrun is notably poor, as it's typically the last skill the WR will max. It isn't 5 seconds at level 1, it's 2.75, and it's typically going to stay level 1 or 2 until level 12+, which is a significant amount of time into the game. The bonus movement speed gets completely shut down by any slow in the game (not to mention stuns or immobilizes), you cannot disjoint spells with it, and the evasion is countered lategame by MKB carriers. Yeah, sure it can be used as an escape, but it's not a very good one. There's a reason you never see WR in the offlane anymore. One disable ends her.
Skills like Blink, Surge, Illusory Orb, and Pounce are infinitely better as escapes. Even Scorched Earth is better than Windrun.
Leap is notably poor, as it's typically the last skill the Mirana will max. It isn't 870 range at level 1, it's 630, and it's typically going to stay level 1 or 2 until level 12+, which is a significant amount of time into the game. The bonus movement speed gets completely shut down by any slow in the game (not to mention stuns or immobilizes after the leap), it has a long cooldown, and the actual leap aspect is completely countered mid-game when every hero and their mother buys blink. Yeah, sure it can be used as an escape, but it's not a very good one. There's a reason you rarely see POTM off-lane anymore, that's why they put her mid, safe-lane, or as a roamer! One disable ends her.
Skills like Blink, Surge, Illusory Orb, and Pounce are infinitely better as escapes. Even Scorched Earth is better than Leap.
I mostly hate playing as dark seer, against Kotl, if they know what to expect and take mana leak at lvl 1 your early game will be horrible.Also Anti-Mage because Dark Seer kind of needs his mana.
Edit: Getting a value point in Mana Shield is also pretty good against Ion.