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Dota 2 |OT5| TECHIES!!!

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It is pretty foolish that you need to manually re-roll your daily challenge hero every 24 hours instead of it just being automatic.


Second daily hero is AA

what are the good strats

It is pretty foolish that you need to manually re-roll your daily challenge hero every 24 hours instead of it just being automatic.

I think I understand why: if it were automatic, people would complain about not being to play certain daily heroes because they were gone for most of the day or something.
Second daily hero is AA

what are the good strats

I got AA as well, I've always loved using him, his second skill combined with his ult is pretty nasty.

If you can build stats and scepter the ult lasts for 17 seconds and prevents regen. Pretty much enough to kill any squisher heroes from across the map


May contain jokes =>
Yeah I've still not gotten a single player card drop since they started. And I've only seen 1 or 2 drops.
Second daily hero is AA

what are the good strats

I think I understand why: if it were automatic, people would complain about not being to play certain daily heroes because they were gone for most of the day or something.

Brow boots, farm lane, use ult when teamfights or low hp, get aghs, then whatever your team needs.
My tenth game in: Die a lot in laning and get called a noob repeatedly, accused of having down syndrome, cursed at, player repeatedly says it's over. We win but not really due to much of my own effort. I can definitely tell I'm playing a moba again.

Quoting myself:

If you need some friendly sparring partners to team up with, I've been adding a few fellow newbies here on gaf. Everybody's learning, nobody gets shouted at. Feel free to add me on steam, my account name is 'Print Screen' (the one with the actual print screen button as an avatar).


There is nothing worse then the feeling of letting your teammates down, especially when one of them is working hard, keeping everyone organized and making big plays :(
I did my best and our loss isn't all on my shoulders but it still hurts, because I wanted so badly to win for our tidehunter who was doing his very best to make up for the rest of the team.

* glances at dotabuff*

Only 276 games on record, I can't imagine how frustrated you guys with thousands of games played get when you know exactly how and why you let people down as opposed to having vague ideas.


There is nothing worse then the feeling of letting your teammates down, especially when one of them is working hard, keeping everyone organized and making big plays :(
I did my best and our loss isn't all on my shoulders but it still hurts, because I wanted so badly to win for our tidehunter who was doing his very best to make up for the rest of the team.

* glances at dotabuff*

Only 276 games on record, I can't imagine how frustrated you guys with thousands of games played get when you know exactly how and why you let people down as opposed to having vague ideas.

This happened to me not 10 minutes ago. I was playing Storm Spirit and had 16 mins Orchid + Treads, so I decided to be cute and get a Bloodstone and not a Hex

Almost threw the game because i died 3 times in a row and had a 2 charge BS and was contributing nothing to fights

Ended 18/5 with 14 charges though so it turned out ok


There is nothing worse then the feeling of letting your teammates down, especially when one of them is working hard, keeping everyone organized and making big plays :(
I did my best and our loss isn't all on my shoulders but it still hurts, because I wanted so badly to win for our tidehunter who was doing his very best to make up for the rest of the team.

* glances at dotabuff*

Only 276 games on record, I can't imagine how frustrated you guys with thousands of games played get when you know exactly how and why you let people down as opposed to having vague ideas.

This is why I refuse to play carry


gosugamers opened up item betting

looks a lot better than dota2lounge


Can't wait till we can bet on ongamers and cyborgmatt.com

Aaand the video of the cast is up. Watch Ellen "Phantom Cancer" Pudge carry the game (more or less):


I called it "bash me, Lina" because, well, seeing a game with superbasher-lina is pretty rare. Sorry for the mediocre audio, but Youtube wrecked my upload. At least it's 1080p.

41:40 on the ingame clock is when it all falls apart


If you need some friendly sparring partners to team up with, I've been adding a few fellow newbies here on gaf. Everybody's learning, nobody gets shouted at. Feel free to add me on steam, my account name is 'Print Screen' (the one with the actual print screen button as an avatar).

I'll also add you tonight. My name is steam name is Boo Boo Bear. I have around 80 hours played, but I can really only manage to play Lich with any sort of success.

Does anyone have any good tips for starting to learn melee champs? Like how to limit getting harassed when trying to farm early in the game? I am scared to go melee, because I am having problems with bots stunning me and keeping me down. I don't want to play in a real game until I can get a better grasp on positioning.


Anybody else always need to take a break after one game? Solo que is just so exhausting. Played a game today as DP with a riki and natures prophet vs visage/tinker/sha sha. Dirty rat dota momentum swinging in both directions... NP says he's gonna buy a blink dagger. We go down a rax, they go down a rax. We finally win but I can't play again after that.

Quoting myself:

I'm going to add you aswell


Quoting myself:

Friend Request sent.

Just going to toss up the situation and ask you guys what I should have been doing. It's me (Crystal Maiden) and Tiny in bottom lane against Phoenix & Silencer. I want Tiny to get farm but how do I facilitate that? Should I have pulled our creeps into the bottom jungle minions early to help keep the fight close to our tower, gotten gold from the jungle minions, and gone around putting up wards with the money I got from the jungle and leave Tiny to hug the tower as best as possible until I can get back? How do I help Tiny (or any melee carry) best in that situation?
Anybody else always need to take a break after one game? Solo que is just so exhausting. Played a game today as DP with a riki and natures prophet vs visage/tinker/sha sha. Dirty rat dota momentum swinging in both directions... NP says he's gonna buy a blink dagger. We go down a rax, they go down a rax. We finally win but I can't play again after that.

I'm going to add you aswell

Yes, always when solo queueing. Games take 50-60 minutes because everyone won't stop farming when the game could have already been over. That and getting teammates to cooperate is just tiresome.


Opne cashing out

- GBR cycle one going too
I'll also add you tonight. My name is steam name is Boo Boo Bear. I have around 80 hours played, but I can really only manage to play Lich with any sort of success.

Does anyone have any good tips for starting to learn melee champs? Like how to limit getting harassed when trying to farm early in the game? I am scared to go melee, because I am having problems with bots stunning me and keeping me down. I don't want to play in a real game until I can get a better grasp on positioning.

Lich is the best, so useful.

As for harassing/taking harass with melee heroes, my understanding is that the melee hero relies on a ranged hero (like Lich!) to keep the enemies at a safe distance. This is also why dual melee lanes are generally a bad idea.

If the enemy wants to attack your melee carry, they will have to eat autoattacks an nukes from the ranged support. The melee hero buys a stout shield and tangoes at the start to lessen and heal off the damage he does take. Some melee heroes, like Axe, have low-mana ranged skills too, allowing them to harass a bit as well. It may be hard to judge the 'safe' distance you can be at at any time, but with some experience you'll learn spacing/positioning yourself as a melee hero.


I'm going to add you aswell

Friend Request sent.

Cool! Just PM me if you can't find my account, more people have the same boring name.


Aaand the video of the cast is up. Watch Ellen "Phantom Cancer" Pudge carry the game (more or less):


I called it "bash me, Lina" because, well, seeing a game with superbasher-lina is pretty rare. Sorry for the mediocre audio, but Youtube wrecked my upload. At least it's 1080p.

I have no idea why you chose the most painful game in the world to cast, but I commend you for it.


Friend Request sent.

Just going to toss up the situation and ask you guys what I should have been doing. It's me (Crystal Maiden) and Tiny in bottom lane against Phoenix & Silencer. I want Tiny to get farm but how do I facilitate that? Should I have pulled our creeps into the bottom jungle minions early to help keep the fight close to our tower, gotten gold from the jungle minions, and gone around putting up wards with the money I got from the jungle and leave Tiny to hug the tower as best as possible until I can get back? How do I help Tiny (or any melee carry) best in that situation?

Everytime the enemy gets close to the creeps you hit them with your W and then get a few right clicks in.

The creeps will chase you for a second (don't let them hit you!) which will reposition them, and then they'll be in a better spot for tiny to hit. And then you must aggressively deny any friendly creep below 50% so your wave doesn't push.

And then when the enemy comes back, do it again, make them use all there regen, and then they leave or you kill them.

If nobodies around at 53 you stack the pull camp, at 14 you pull the creep wave.


This is why I refuse to play carry

I don't even like carry although someday I wanna be skilled enough to play PA outside of diretide matches. I was waiting to pick because I wanted to pick the right support instead of instalocking kotl or something and getting a carry who didn't need much mana or watching . Suddenly the team was tide, lich, Np and pudge. I should have just sent the np safelane and picked up a sandking and jungled but I didn't think about it until later. Instead my team got my lousy Luna . Our pudge fed huskar early on while Lich and I struggled against invoker + silencer. I farm like garbage on a luna and I had to buy our wards several times, so it took me forever to get anything and I am positive I made some bad item choice decisions which didn't help.

If it hadn't been for our godly tidehunter leading us over voice and helping us stay coordinated we'd have lost a lot sooner. He helped us land some crazy double ravage into eclipse into chainfrost combos and we even took the first set of rax. Things looked good but eventually fell apart. Everyone on the team had some minor to major fail moments and it just sucks because we could have won and I would have been really proud of it because I wanted to impress the tide who was working so damn hard.

This happened to me not 10 minutes ago. I was playing Storm Spirit and had 16 mins Orchid + Treads, so I decided to be cute and get a Bloodstone and not a Hex

Almost threw the game because i died 3 times in a row and had a 2 charge BS and was contributing nothing to fights

Ended 18/5 with 14 charges though so it turned out ok
I'm glad you still won, I imagine you won't be getting cocky again anytime soon?


Corporate Apologist
There is nothing worse then the feeling of letting your teammates down, especially when one of them is working hard, keeping everyone organized and making big plays :(
I did my best and our loss isn't all on my shoulders but it still hurts, because I wanted so badly to win for our tidehunter who was doing his very best to make up for the rest of the team.

* glances at dotabuff*

Only 276 games on record, I can't imagine how frustrated you guys with thousands of games played get when you know exactly how and why you let people down as opposed to having vague ideas.
Last game I decided to try a 'max germinate first build' as weaver going 1-1-4-1, since it was a solo tiny. I immediately regretted my decision once the more of the enemy team showed up in my lane. I also did a really bad buy back that accomplished nothing by throwing a ton of money away. We were doing well early to, I'm so sorry team.
Had a good game ruined because the 3 stack on my team didn't want to end. I don't understand how it's fun to farm a rapier when the game is over and the other team isn't even trying anymore.


Shduchv I'm so pissed off. I spilt some water on my keyboard and paused to clean it up but the enemy team wouldn't wait and now my fucking keyboard isn't working I haven't been been so fucking angry in a long ngoddam time


Bull on a Donut
Shduchv I'm so pissed off. I spilt some water on my keyboard and paused to clean it up but the enemy team wouldn't wait and now my fucking keyboard isn't working I haven't been been so fucking angry in a long ngoddam time

I sure hope it's not that one you paid millions to ship.


Aaand the video of the cast is up. Watch Ellen "Phantom Cancer" Pudge carry the game (more or less):


I called it "bash me, Lina" because, well, seeing a game with superbasher-lina is pretty rare. Sorry for the mediocre audio, but Youtube wrecked my upload. At least it's 1080p.

why do you hate yourself

do you need help

Edit: btw milk got a quelling later on because he wanted to creep faster, not because he sucks at last hitting


My tenth game in: Die a lot in laning and get called a noob repeatedly, accused of having down syndrome, cursed at, player repeatedly says it's over. We win but not really due to much of my own effort. I can definitely tell I'm playing a moba again.

I'm playing SK. We're all level two or so. PA dives on me at tower when I'm full health and full mana. Stun, duststorm, tower wrecks her. She then says over all chat "GG noob team won't help."



That sucks dude.

I've FUBAR'd my share of expensive electronics through carelessness with drinks. No bueno.

My sympathies.


I think i have a sniper addiction boys. Literally. I also like how with him we often come back from absurd xp disadvantages. Like:

http://dotabuff.com/matches/698783083 15k exp advantage
http://dotabuff.com/matches/697821370 10k
http://dotabuff.com/matches/694902200 10k exp, and here we didn't even turn the xp back, we won still 7k exp behind
http://dotabuff.com/matches/694370306 10k
http://dotabuff.com/matches/689464635 The greatest comeback, 20k+

83.3% wr last week with him ez

Troll is also really good again, that ulti so abusable, and the no cast time axes make him a strong laner again. Too bad his 3rd is literally shit. Stats are better than leveling it up past 1.
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