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Dota 2 |OT5| TECHIES!!!

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Corporate Apologist
I didn't do my Viper roll from the first day and it's still there. Can I still do it if I don't reroll yet?

I don't think it will count if it has been 24 hours.

I'm not sure I have enough time for my hero, Shadow Demon. I rolled him at 11PM but never got a chance to play him, and don't get home until about 9PM. I have a really crappy win rate with him too, 30% over 27 games.
Really though the way to build her is boots(either treads or phase, it's preference), drum, vlads, yasha In whatever order seems logical or needed. Get a midas if you got free farm and go from there, cut something out if it looks like the enemy team is going to be teamfighting early so you can get your bkb in time. That 7000 or so gold is all you need to wreck people's faces in the midgame, but if you spent that same amount of gold on any of the bigger items, you would only get one of them and maybe one component of the second.

This sounds like a good idea, I'm gonna try this build tonight.


Can someone explain how Enchantress works?
I gave her a shot earlier and besides her heal she doesn't seem all that useful.
Can someone explain how Enchantress works?
I gave her a shot earlier and besides her heal she doesn't seem all that useful.

She's best in the jungle early-mid game, she possesses creeps like Chen. If the team needs ganks, grab a couple centaurs and a smoke and that's an easy kill right there. Her ult can do some crazy damage, too. Especially with a scepter.

So early game she's a jungle farmer, mid game she's a pusher/ganker, and late game she can bring some crazy right click damage to the party. Don't pick her if you're like me and you can't micro, though.


People called Romanes they go the house?
Can someone explain how Enchantress works?
I gave her a shot earlier and besides her heal she doesn't seem all that useful.

Enchant useful big creeps (centaur for the stomp or Troll Summoner for net), get smoke, gank lanes, get kills.

Add that to her massive attack speed slow, and she's fairly unkillable early, and does good damage at range with impetus.

Micro for her big creeps to make sure the stuns hit is pretty big tho, especially during early-midgame teamfights.


Can someone explain how Enchantress works?
I gave her a shot earlier and besides her heal she doesn't seem all that useful.

She can use all the jungle creep's abilities to set up ganks/push towers for one.

Untouchable means you can easily tank any neutral creep in the game, even roshan.

If you get good farm, aghanim's impetus does insane pure damage late game, from a huge range, so you don't get picked off in teamfights.

Her heal is actually her least useful skill.


is it even possible to lose with mirana

Absolutely. Get Sheep on Tinker and she's done.

I think it's funny that people build damn near anything on her. I've even seen Dagon rush on her, which is honestly the least logical build for her, and I've seen it a number of times. It usually never works out.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
About as fat as RTZ's Naga usually is after 20 minutes.


Hmm. Okay. I suck at micro. Probably best to stay away from her then.

Then you will never not suck at micro.

enchantress is much easier to micro than something like a chen(I'd say she is probably one of the better heroes to learn micro with, along with enigma, because they can both have an impact even if you fail horribly trying to micro stuff), as the enchants have a timer, so you get creeps for specific tasks, rather than having an army follow you around the whole game. Enchantress is also much more useful late game without an army than chen is. There is nothing worse than having to tp back to defend as a chen.

You can also pick creeps that are relatively easier to micro. The troll net creep is my favorite creep in the game. good disable and lets you summon skeletons for better push. You can get a tornado creep and cast the tornado on a ledge somewhere and move it in to zone an enemy and then go back to doing jungling, adjusting the tornado placement while you are right clicking some creeps.

Just getting creeps and A-clicking everything on an undefended tower super powerful, and requires basically no micro aside from backing units off as they get damaged and being able to select everything and retreat if they show up to defend.

Putting off playing a hero that requires a skill that you currently don't have just means you will never learn it, and learning these skills really helps in other aspects of the game, even on heroes that require no micro at all.




You are now aware that this is Fly's dad

fly today announced that he will retire from professional dota to pursue his dream of becoming a chef



the control key is your best friend if you want to start microing.

For whatever reason I hate the fucking ctrl key cuz it's too far from my pinky or thumb so I just mash tab a bunch and clink a bunch and it works ok on lycan and enchantress


I think I actually rely too much on CTRL group-move. The middle of my pinky finger rests on it, meaning my QWE skills start with my ring finger. My index finger does E and R.


She's one of my most played, but lowest win rate. 3.5 kda, 30% win rate. Can't carry hard enough.


git gud

Seriously though, when i started spamming Mirana every game people didnt know how to deal with her arrow or her ult, so you could win games solo for your team. My winrate with her was over 75%

But since she became FOTM 2 or so months ago players have learnt to deal with her so its harder to play her as a carry. You have to fill the role as a weird semi-carry/ganker hybrid.

PS: Do people really care about KDA in Dota? Surely it doesnt matter as long as you win. This isnt CoD :/


as a filthy Mirana player, I have most trouble when facing Slark (disables your escape mechanism and forces you to go euls, if snowballed) Void and/or Disraptor

git gud

Seriously though, when i started spamming Mirana every game people didnt know how to deal with her arrow or her ult, so you could win games solo for your team. My winrate with her was over 75%

But since she became FOTM 2 or so months ago players have learnt to deal with her so its harder to play her as a carry. You have to fill the role as a weird semi-carry/ganker hybrid.

PS: Do people really care about KDA in Dota? Surely it doesnt matter as long as you win. This isnt CoD :/

"Report this noob!!!! 25 mins and he is 0/5/25!!!"


Had an interesting game yesterday. I picked ember spirit, we had a carry necro (>support necro) and a carry venge who insisted on getting bot lane with earthshaker. They started flaming invoker (exort invoker) who was mid for no ganks when they got stomped by the tiny + centaur combo. They kept flaming necro for not buying wards, yes that includes earthshaker.


Both spoke perfect english.

TL;DR Screw everyone who says "foreigners" are the only shit players on Dota 2, they need to find a better scapegoat.

Also, how do i build ember spirit (including skill build)?


Suck at Mirana you say? Yup that's me.... Got her as my daily and man... I can land the odd arrow but there never is enough followup, and I can't seem to gank well enough on my own.


I'd love someone to critique what I could do better. (Its quite the long match and I started to get tired towards the end.)

I thought I did alright with what I had....only my second game with her though so I can only get better.


Bull on a Donut
RTZ/EG Naga set is on the workshop now:

I guess RTZ must of had his facts messed up before, since there is no way the set could get added to the game before being put on the Workshop,

He got jipped, Miracle Naga is significantly better looking

Don't get me wrong I like the Meracle Naga set, but I love this set too. The helm and dress are awesome, and the different styles are nice. I probably wouldn't use the blades (the manta blades are much better), but dat armor is too damn sexy to pass up.


Suck at Mirana you say? Yup that's me.... Got her as my daily and man... I can land the odd arrow but there never is enough followup, and I can't seem to gank well enough on my own.


I'd love someone to critique what I could do better. (Its quite the long match and I started to get tired towards the end.)

I thought I did alright with what I had....only my second game with her though so I can only get better.

It takes a lot of prediction to make arrows if you have no setup for them. Don't sweat it if you miss a setup-less arrow. I'd say generally mid is the easiest place to make if you gank somewhere.

A thing people mention less often though: Try to arrow diagonally rather than straight. For instance you want to be on the ramp northeast of the top rune that leads into Dire jungle to make an arrow on mid. Going diagonal over straight gives you more opportunities to hit them rather than them just being in the exact spot at the right time.
Also, how do i build ember spirit (including skill build)?

I think the sof-chains build is better in this patch imo. Now level 1 chains is kind of ass you can't afford to max either of them last, so flame guard has to get the cut. I go QWWQQRWWQ etc.

Items wise I like phase boots, stick, bottle, oov, and optional drums into your damage. Damage items are 2xBF and crit, or deso and 2xcrit. Deso build is favoured when there are many squishy low armour supports to feed on, BF build is better when you'll need to turtle a bit especially against many illus or summons.

Get BKB or Linkens or even manta/euls as needed against silences or blink hexes and stuff like that. Ideally just get one of the above or avoid altogether, you need your damage.

You can also try rushing travels, it's quite popular since you can abuse his remnant tp. I'd only do it if balling out of control though since it's quite greedy and doesn't really give you anything early game that buying tp scrolls doesn't do.


"Report this noob!!!! 25 mins and he is 0/5/25!!!"

I was 0/5/5 as a shaman 13 minutes in and got called a feeder when I went "?" when zeus used his ult on a 20 hp shackled TA. Then he went on mic and said "don't you ever question mark me you fucking feeder. Play better. PLAY. BETTER." Guess me being collateral damage but otherwise getting myself killed so 2 people can die is a bad thing.

todays games have a lot of rage in them, the hell is up these peoples asses today?


I think the sof-chains build is better in this patch imo. Now level 1 chains is kind of ass you can't afford to max either of them last, so flame guard has to get the cut. I go QWWQQRWWQ etc.

Items wise I like phase boots, stick, bottle, oov, and optional drums into your damage. Damage items are 2xBF and crit, or deso and 2xcrit. Deso build is favoured when there are many squishy low armour supports to feed on, BF build is better when you'll need to turtle a bit especially against many illus or summons.

Get BKB or Linkens or even manta/euls as needed against silences or blink hexes and stuff like that. Ideally just get one of the above or avoid altogether, you need your damage.

You can also try rushing travels, it's quite popular since you can abuse his remnant tp. I'd only do it if balling out of control though since it's quite greedy and doesn't really give you anything early game that buying tp scrolls doesn't do.

thanks for the tips. what about mjollnir though?
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