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Dota 2 |OT5| TECHIES!!!

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Bull on a Donut
Also, how do i build ember spirit (including skill build)?

item build: Bottle (if mid) ---> Wand ---> Phase Boots ---> Battlefury ---> Battlefury ---> Daedelus ---> Defensive item (linkens/bkb), another Battlefury ---> Rapier
skill build: Chains, FG, Chains or FG (depending on the matchup), SoF, FG, FG, Remnant, FG, Chains, Chains, Chains, SoF, SoF, SoF

I think the flameguard build is much better this patch (SoF/Chains for mid was king last patch, but the nerfs to Ember made this build a lot worse), as is safe lane ember which benefits more from more points in flameguard IMO. FG gives you some early kill power, a sizable defensive boost, and a fair amount of AoE damage in teamfights, especially if people clump. You only really need 2 points in chains for the 2s immobilize and more than 1 point in SoF really isn't going to do you much good early on, it's just useful for setting up chains or gettin the last hit on a runner.

You score kills by simply walking up to people, chaining them, then burning them down with flameguard, finishing them off with your 1 value point in sleight or if you need to, use dat 1 value point in SoF to set up the chains in order to simply walk up and burn them.



git gud

Seriously though, when i started spamming Mirana every game people didnt know how to deal with her arrow or her ult, so you could win games solo for your team. My winrate with her was over 75%

But since she became FOTM 2 or so months ago players have learnt to deal with her so its harder to play her as a carry. You have to fill the role as a weird semi-carry/ganker hybrid.

PS: Do people really care about KDA in Dota? Surely it doesnt matter as long as you win. This isnt CoD :/

You know.. for months I've been using Rubick to counter Mirana and most Mirana players are like "omg why do you have my arrow" or "how can you see me" (you saw me stealing it, you should have know an arrow was comming, how did you not see that coming!). The best one is when you get to steal the ult and they dont have a counter while we have dust and sentries. Lately the Mirana players have become better at understanding the range of my ult and not using their ult in sight so I can steal it while they fade.
I was 0/5/5 as a shaman 13 minutes in and got called a feeder when I went "?" when zeus used his ult on a 20 hp shackled TA. Then he went on mic and said "don't you ever question mark me you fucking feeder. Play better. PLAY. BETTER." Guess me being collateral damage but otherwise getting myself killed so 2 people can die is a bad thing.

todays games have a lot of rage in them, the hell is up these peoples asses today?

A lot of Zeus players are assholes that think K/D/A says something and will use their ult anytime anyone can be killed. They're part of a group of people that constantly check the score table and call people out as if your score says something about how well you're doing.


I was 0/5/5 as a shaman 13 minutes in and got called a feeder when I went "?" when zeus used his ult on a 20 hp shackled TA. Then he went on mic and said "don't you ever question mark me you fucking feeder. Play better. PLAY. BETTER." Guess me being collateral damage but otherwise getting myself killed so 2 people can die is a bad thing.

todays games have a lot of rage in them, the hell is up these peoples asses today?

These guys that start talking shit for no reason at all are the easiest to report and receive a notification later because they probably do this every game.


thanks for the tips. what about mjollnir though?

No. Only damage items you ever buy is daed and battlefuries, linkins/bkb if the game is hard. People say to get deso and mjolnir and S&Y and manta, no, never, I have seen very complicated graphs with lots of maths and %'s on them saying daed and bfury is what you need. To be 6 slotted you should have 2 daeds, 3 bfuries and travels. Swap any for a rapier.

These guys that start talking shit for no reason at all are the easiest to report and receive a notification later because they probably do this every game.

Him and Ursa were a stack, Ursa talked on mic but it was very low volume but I heard him rage loud and clear when I was saying TA was missing mid with an invis rune "I FUCKING HEARD YOU SHUT UP" like holy shit dude are your points at stake or something? Its unranked...

Also, Skywrath is fucking perfect now. I can kill people with level 1 ult now because I'm maxing out his W over his E now, or at least I noticed they dont get away with 100 hp anymore like before. Dude is too good.
thanks for the tips. what about mjollnir though?

I haven't tried it actually. People were down on it originally because of the bug but I guess it could be good now. I still think it's kind of an early game dead end item for ember because the lightning only really scales with the number of targets, unlike cleave and crit which scale with all your other damage. Maybe worth a try if you need something cheap.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Someone screamed at me for like 10 minutes yesterday because I was playing Storm bottom lane and bought a bottle. Went on and on about how horrible I was at the game.

I finished the game 7/3/11


item build: Bottle (if mid) ---> Wand ---> Phase Boots ---> Battlefury ---> Battlefury ---> Daedelus ---> Defensive item (linkens/bkb), another Battlefury ---> Rapier
skill build: Chains, FG, Chains or FG (depending on the matchup), SoF, FG, FG, Remnant, FG, Chains, Chains, Chains, SoF, SoF, SoF

I think the flameguard build is much better this patch (SoF/Chains for mid was king last patch, but the nerfs to Ember made this build a lot worse), as is safe lane ember which benefits more from more points in flameguard IMO. FG gives you some early kill power, a sizable defensive boost, and a fair amount of AoE damage in teamfights, especially if people clump. You only really need 2 points in chains for the 2s immobilize and more than 1 point in SoF really isn't going to do you much good early on, it's just useful for setting up chains or gettin the last hit on a runner.

You score kills by simply walking up to people, chaining them, then burning them down with flameguard, finishing them off with your 1 value point in sleight or if you need to, use dat 1 value point in SoF to set up the chains in order to simply walk up and burn them.

No. Only damage items you ever buy is daed and battlefuries, linkins/bkb if the game is hard. People say to get deso and mjolnir and S&Y and manta, no, never, I have seen very complicated graphs with lots of maths and %'s on them saying daed and bfury is what you need. To be 6 slotted you should have 2 daeds, 3 bfuries and travels. Swap any for a rapier.

I haven't tried it actually. People were down on it originally because of the bug but I guess it could be good now. I still think it's kind of an early game dead end item for ember because the lightning only really scales with the number of targets, unlike cleave and crit which scale with all your other damage. Maybe worth a try if you need something cheap.

Alright, will try it


Suck at Mirana you say? Yup that's me.... Got her as my daily and man... I can land the odd arrow but there never is enough followup, and I can't seem to gank well enough on my own.


I'd love someone to critique what I could do better. (Its quite the long match and I started to get tired towards the end.)

I thought I did alright with what I had....only my second game with her though so I can only get better.

I'd say that you went the wrong item build, considering that you don't have that much support heroes.

If it was me, I'd gone Mana boots, Mek/drums, vlads / cuirass. Let the drow/sniper do all the damage


item build: Bottle (if mid) ---> Wand ---> Phase Boots ---> Battlefury ---> Battlefury ---> Daedelus ---> Defensive item (linkens/bkb), another Battlefury ---> Rapier
skill build: Chains, FG, Chains or FG (depending on the matchup), SoF, FG, FG, Remnant, FG, Chains, Chains, Chains, SoF, SoF, SoF

I think the flameguard build is much better this patch (SoF/Chains for mid was king last patch, but the nerfs to Ember made this build a lot worse), as is safe lane ember which benefits more from more points in flameguard IMO. FG gives you some early kill power, a sizable defensive boost, and a fair amount of AoE damage in teamfights, especially if people clump. You only really need 2 points in chains for the 2s immobilize and more than 1 point in SoF really isn't going to do you much good early on, it's just useful for setting up chains or gettin the last hit on a runner.

You score kills by simply walking up to people, chaining them, then burning them down with flameguard, finishing them off with your 1 value point in sleight or if you need to, use dat 1 value point in SoF to set up the chains in order to simply walk up and burn them.

You don't get drums before the first BF? I think he desperately needs the stats.

And be careful with Nyx and Blade mails, brah.

Edit: I used to be down on the multiple BFs build(even said that maelstrom into deso was better), but I've seen the truth. Sorry Anbokr, I was wrong.


Bull on a Donut
You can get drums if you like, I don't care for it as I don't feel like I need it and it's too expensive; I get all the mana regen I need from bfury/wand and if I want some str, a bracer is just fine (though I usually don't care for more HP). Other people like it though and that's fine, it's personal preference.

Yeah blademail/nyx working on SoF is stupid and needs to be fixed. He's supposed to be invulnerable during Sleight.

I don't think maelstrom stacking is that great, but if you're hurting for gold, it might be better than battlefuries. If you're owning, bfury all the way.


You can get drums if you like, I don't care for it as I don't feel like I need it, I get all the mana regen I need from bfury/wand and if I want some str, a bracer is just fine (though I usually don't care for more HP). Other people like it though and that's fine, it's personal preference.

Yeah blademail/nyx working on SoF is stupid and needs to be fixed. He's supposed to be invulnerable during Sleight.

I don't think maelstrom stacking is the ideal build, but if you're hurting for gold, it might be better than battlefuries. If you're owning, bfury all the way.

It's not just blade mail and nyx. Dispersion, Axe's call and the melee necro last will damage also work on SoF.


PS: Do people really care about KDA in Dota? Surely it doesnt matter as long as you win. This isnt CoD :/

No, people don't care about KDA... I was just using it to show that I consistently go positive on her by a margin, yet never win because I can't carry hard enough on the hero.


GAF, since brood gets pooped on a lot, would making her incapacitating bite not a UAM be a decent enough buff for her?
I honestly forgot that it was. Then I remembered that no one buys UAMs on her.

I wonder if Desolator would be broken as all hell on her.


Bull on a Donut
I think Huskar/Ursa showed us the limited impact of removing UAM's (and not the gamebreaking impact some people were screaming about when we saw the notes). Yeah it's nice, but in reality has very little effect, so I wouldn't be surprised if more heroes like brood/AM have theirs removed. Though I think that's more of a quality of life thing when it comes to item choice as opposed to a straight buff.


I think Huskar/Ursa showed us the limited impact of removing UAM's (and not the gamebreaking impact some people were screaming about when we saw the notes). Yeah it's nice, but in reality has very little effect, so I wouldn't be surprised if more heroes like brood/AM have theirs removed. Though I think that's more of a quality of life thing when it comes to item choice as opposed to a straight buff.
I think AM would be a much different story if his was removed. Desolator and Mana Break?! No thank you, I actually like my fun.


Bull on a Donut
I think AM would be a much different story if his was removed. Desolator and Mana Break?! No thank you, I actually like my fun.

You really think AM is going to go deso when he wants to potentially fit vlads/manta/bfury/heart/butterfly/abyssal/bkb? AM has item limitation issues as it is, I think you're greatly overestimating the impact of deso AM. Though idk, we'll never know until we actually see it.

I agree with Mohasus below, the real fun
will come from a potential Satanic AM. Though he bought that item quite often in HoN and it was OK.


I'd say that you went the wrong item build, considering that you don't have that much support heroes.

If it was me, I'd gone Mana boots, Mek/drums, vlads / cuirass. Let the drow/sniper do all the damage

Fair enough. I am still learning when to switch mindsets but I probably should have thought that one through with the two carries. (I did start warding though cuz no one else was).


Mana break damage is physical, so that works with the armor reduction.

I'd imagine Satanic would become the new Heart if that were to happen though.

Also Skadi might be worth looking into.


Bull on a Donut
Mana break damage is physical, so that works with the armor reduction.

Doesn't necessarily mean AM can fit it into his item build though. AM's got no problem with dishing out damage, he (at least I) want to power up my survivability and split push capability. Satanic would replace vlads IMO.

Though deso might be worth trying in some sort of battle mage build, maybe tswift's build that skips bfury. I just don't think AM can sacrifice those limited slots on an item that only gives straight +damage. Worth trying, but I still don't think it would be worth taking over some of the other luxury items.


Also, how do i build ember spirit (including skill build)?

My personal preferred build is to go mid with tango, salve and a quelling then build skills shield, chains alternating until they are maxed taking ult as it comes up and then max the sof last.

Items go brown boots > bracer > bottle > complete drums > bf > complete treads > then whatever i'm feeling generally a daedulus. I've become fond of going mkb after Daedulus if it goes late. I'll often get bottle before the other stuff depending on how the lane goes

ez games

thanks for the tips. what about mjollnir though?

I've tried Mjollnir on him and it really didn't proc too often. Not too good for ember imo.
Got really paranoid taking the initiative on a trilane and doing nothing but rotating, stacking, and pulling. Did a deward but was still 3 levels behind the two guys in lane, and failed one pull so I felt really self-conscious about my ability as a support. Then their offlane centaur decided to roam our jungle for some reason, got ganked twice by our trilane, and abandoned.




Oh Thacker, you can't use DOTA tactics IRL.

So I have two questions.

1 For those who went to ti3 how expensive was stuff at the shop?

2 Also I remember Cyborgmatt saying we will have something tied to our account to track the games we watch in person,

3will it be possible to use money from our steam wallet?

Plus 9.5% tax


3Probably not

Isn't that supposed to be today?

tomorrow, first match
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