Looks like the Primeval Prophet set is getting in, its treant has portrait info.
Yeah that's OHIO's. Has any player set been rejected aside from Navi's?
edit: lol they completely deleted that Ronin AM set from steam

Looks like the Primeval Prophet set is getting in, its treant has portrait info.
Yeah that's OHIO's. Has any player set been rejected aside from Navi's?
edit: lol they completely deleted that Ronin AM set from steam
rip Ronin
100th Fails of the week up, it's really really excellent.
The Venge set is amazing.
Nice change to CM.
I think you played vs 3 bots or somethingWent 20-5-13 in my first match as Phantom Assassin
Really lopsised game though, they had 3 players feeding and only one of them seemed sufficiently powerful in the end-stages
ID: 705064632
Can someone check the scorecard and tell me where they went wrong from a basic team set-up standpoint, before the match even began? Cheers![]()
Arteezy so smart, how can you beat EG?n0tail is easily one of my favorite casters
His joking around makes the game so much more enjoyable
Anyone planning on going to the The Summit Pub Stomp?
Bar seems terrible
Someone got stabbed there 2 months ago
Eh, if I finish my project today I'll probably go anyway, come back super tired and then just watch E3 half asleep.Pros:
Get in a game, go Leshrac. Paired versus NP and Sven top. After I hit level two NP disappears into jungle. I go after him, catch him unawares and roflstomp him. He immediately disconnects and then abandons a whole 4 minutes in.
This community....just blows my mind sometimes.
Judging from this post and your avatar, I assume that you have a great deal of experience playing doom. Do you have any particular builds when playing as him?Thats the reason I play him. He's an anti-pubstomper. You can't use shadowblade while doomed and while you could buy dust it wouldn't be the same. The point of his ult is to send a message. You savor the growing horror as the player who though he'd have an easy game suddendly realizes his shadowblade doesn't work.
You can almost feel the panic as those little bastards try to run away, doom slowly leeching their life away while they frantically spam any ability key they have only for silence to answer them.
But yeah, he's not fun to play against, but hes no farmed AM/PL level of anti-fun
No u
Been doing it wrong.
Want to solo queue and have fun?
Want to solo Queue and win?
you will win, i dnt know if you will have fun doing it..
LOL i played offlane Doom just now and i was wrecking people with my team i went augs as first items because i could get away with it, 20 minutes laters we fucking lost because morph never farmed his shotgun combo. FML i blame inkls.
i went augs as first items
i blame inkls
Judging from this post and your avatar, I assume that you have a great deal of experience playing doom. Do you have any particular builds when playing as him?
I also keep a few points spare so I can get the correct multiplier during teamfights.
n0tail is easily one of my favorite casters
His joking around makes the game so much more enjoyable
My favourite so far was
Anyone know what the treant set that matt is referencing in the portrait data is?
I really like treant so if this is an actual treant set and not a cosmetic for nature's prophet treants that'd be great.
Treant. know what the treant set that matt is referencing in the portrait data is?
I really like treant so if this is an actual treant set and not a cosmetic for nature's prophet treants that'd be great.
No more Treant sets ffs, no more. Is he the hero with more cosmetics? he isn't even a waifu let alone a husbando.
Doom's very flexible in what items you can build on him. I usually get phase first then midas and then an initiation item (blink dagger or shadowblade) if the enemy team has a hero with an easy escape. Afterwards I get armor to circumvent his natural squishyness so usually a platemail which you can upgrade into either an assault cuirass for the AS and armor reduction or Shiva's guard for the extra int which allows you to cast more and the slow active so you can catch up to enemies or run away from them.
Afterwards Its mainly based on who needs to be countered in the enemy team. Strong right-clicker? Get a halberd. 2 or more targets that needs to be doomed? Get refresher. Need to be the raidboss? Get Heart of the tarrasque.
But you can also build things like Vlads (if your team has alot of melee heroes), Mek if no one on your team will build it and you're not the main carry. Some people like to build radiance on him. Its good on him, but I rarely build it.
Don't solely base yourself on how I build him though, there's alot of different ways to build him and I play a more carry Doom.
I usually max devour and scorched earth before putting any points in LVL? Death. I also keep a few points spare so I can get the correct multiplier during teamfights.
Thank god, I was worried we were going to run out of Doom weapons and Mirana mounts...
No more Treant sets ffs, no more. Is he the hero with more cosmetics? he isn't even a waifu let alone a husbando.
Doom only just past Wind Ranger in Weapons, somehow Wind Ranger has 14 bows.
$50,000 - A Fistful of Tangoes Returns goal hit.
Been really looking forward to hitting this one, have some awesome mid players in the house. I really want to see the likes of FY, iceiceice, MMY, Arteezy, Fear, n0tail, h4nn1 etc in this one.
Mah man. Also don't forget clinkz
They literally had zero hero tanky enough to have warranted an aghs, you wasted 4k gold on your first item. Refresher would have been a much better choice (not as a first item, but later on) with the amount of heroes that needed to be Doomed. Why Bkb? Upgrade that platemail bro.
I blame your tower damage.
Doom's very flexible in what items you can build on him. I usually get phase first then midas and then an initiation item (blink dagger or shadowblade) if the enemy team has a hero with an easy escape. Afterwards I get armor to circumvent his natural squishyness so usually a platemail which you can upgrade into either an assault cuirass for the AS and armor reduction or Shiva's guard for the extra int which allows you to cast more and the slow active so you can catch up to enemies or run away from them.
Afterwards Its mainly based on who needs to be countered in the enemy team. Strong right-clicker? Get a halberd. 2 or more targets that needs to be doomed? Get refresher. Need to be the raidboss? Get Heart of the tarrasque.
But you can also build things like Vlads (if your team has alot of melee heroes), Mek if no one on your team will build it and you're not the main carry. Some people like to build radiance on him. Its good on him, but I rarely build it.
Don't solely base yourself on how I build him though, there's alot of different ways to build him and I play a more carry Doom.
I usually max devour and scorched earth before putting any points in LVL? Death. I also keep a few points spare so I can get the correct multiplier during teamfights.
Only at 25 sven swords. We can't stop until we hit 100
Viper and Tinker is crying right now.
Speaking of Tinker though, is that unique boots of travel of him just recently made/released? I saw it in a live match and it was pretty cool.
Hope you die
I see that we have the same core build here
Midas is have a must for Doom to me since he need a fuckton of items to fulfill whatever roles he gonna ended be in that game. Unless being ganked constantly and ended up feeding, Midas before 15 minutes mark is certainly not impossible even when what you do basically just devouring. But I never considered blink on him, might've to changed that now.
Never played clinkz.. I should give it a shot
might have to do some bot gaimz b4 i take him out to play.Sure, blame the messenger. Why don't you go upvote some treant set in the workshop you freaking treehugger.
Well with devour, midas is more like a 2nd midas (except with the bonus xp). Blink is great on him for solo kills. You'll easily get the drop on splitpushers like NP before they can pop their shadowblade or tp away. LVL? death also applies a mini stun btw, so you can interrupt teleports without having to doom them.
His attack animation sucks though, you're going to have a hard time last hitting, but he's extremely satisfying to play when you gank or splitpush after you got your core items.
might have to do some bot gaimz b4 i take him out to play.
Is orchid core on him? i c that often? or its just gimmick?