One I can't remember because I just picked up an invis rune and ran into the jungle. The second I was lycan 1v1 against a Centaur and he just dropped his boots near the creep wave like an idiot.
One I can't remember because I just picked up an invis rune and ran into the jungle. The second I was lycan 1v1 against a Centaur and he just dropped his boots near the creep wave like an idiot.
Zeus, Skywraith, CM, and a Huskar. Yep, not surprised about that outcome. I wonder if that turned the game around at all or if WD was already stomping.
edit: Wait, thats a TImbersaw. Also, there is a PA there I didn't even notice, I thought it was 4 men killed but PA dies first to Roshan.
I have just had one of the most stupid games ever.
Guess who in the Radiant team is offlane against Phantom Lancer and Lion?Riki, and nobody wants to come top and help, so it is free-farm for Phantom Lancer.
After 10-15 minutes of no-farm for me and free-farm for the Dire (despite my warning from the start of the game), I know we have already lost the game, decide to go retard-Dagon and retard-gem. I spend the rest of the game dewarding (thanks to the quelling blade trick) and trying to get kills around teamfights (with Dagon and the backstab), especially to kill Phantom Lancer. I have never dewarded that much during a game as a support, literally 10-12 wards. Given the context, I think this build was not that stupid in the end, and made the game quite fun for me.
Ah, I got something like 5 invisbility runes too. Nobody cared about the runes, it seems.
I saw that Mason interview on BTS and he was fucking awful.
Maybe if you didn't throw the game you would have won. Riki is one of those carries that crushes early->Midgame due to his insane damage bonus; so - even without farm - you could have realistically carried. Also you probably would do more damage with agi items than with a dagon.
No way someone could stop a free-farmed Phantom Lancer in my MMR-bracket. I have had such a game as PL today:
The rapier and the Aegis were for the last-minute lulz, we could have erased their base without them. The game was finished by the 37 minute mark, but we knew we would win by the 10 minute mark.
There is no way to stop a free-farm carry at my bracket. You could tell it is my fault, but I don't believe it: it is more likely a lack of team spirit which lost us the game.
No way someone could stop a free-farmed Phantom Lancer in my MMR-bracket. I have had such a game as PL today:
The rapier and the Aegis were for the last-minute lulz, we could have erased their base without them. The game was finished by the 37 minute mark, but we knew we would win by the 10 minute mark.
There is no way to stop a free-farm carry at my bracket. You could tell it is my fault, but I don't believe it: it is more likely a lack of team spirit which lost us the game.
You can stop a free farm carry with your own free farm carry! That doesn't happen often though lol.
You know you're adding to the lack of team spirit if you're going joke builds right? How do you think your teammates reacted when they saw your build? It's not helping I assure you.
Don't give up on games because they look bad. I won plenty of games in which we were down 0-10 or more and if I went joke builds we would have just lost. It's true, your teammates aren't pros but your opponents aren't either, they will make mistakes, and you can come back from most deficits if you just try and make the most of it.
You know you're adding to the lack of team spirit if you're going joke builds right? How do you think your teammates reacted when they saw your build? It's not helping I assure you.
Maybe if you didn't throw the game you would have won.
if the game goes retard, you have to go full retard. dagon euls riki blazeit
I can tell you how they reacted: "gg riki dagon", "REPORT RIKI" in all chat and all kinds of nice insults (sexual innuendo with family of one another, invitations to sexual intercourse) in English in the teamchat. It seems I play with British at this time of the day: no cyka, etc.
if the game goes retard, you have to go full retard. dagon euls riki blazeit
And that's why they should add a concede.Was in Dota heaven last night. Had an Axe that clearly had no idea how to play Axe. It was just endless cries of gg noob axe. Axe insisted in going in 1 on 3 and getting hammered all the time. The game dragged on and I rallied the troops and they actually listened! We turtled up, won a bunch of teamfights, and finally wiped them and pushed for the win. Sooooo satisfying.
You forgot the ethereal blade wok. You're riki, you have a ton of agility
Copper tier.4930 invokers with 2 spell all game![]()
Doto is suffering.
4930 invokers with 2 spell all game![]()
Doto is suffering.
4930 invokers with 2 spell all game![]()
Doto is suffering.
4930 invokers with 2 spell all game![]()
Doto is suffering.
yea euro 5k is like us 4.4k
#euroinflation #preachthetruth
At least your NP didn't go agha ( well it did ) + refresher ( then rapiere feeded 30 sec later to PL ).Maybe if you didn't throw the game you would have won. Riki is one of those carries that crushes early->Midgame due to his insane damage bonus; so - even without farm - you could have realistically carried. Also you probably would do more damage with agi items than with a dagon.
RTZ used to queue EUW cause better players, get preached brother.
You have no idea how relieved I was to get hold of someone who knew their address.
No way someone could stop a free-farmed Phantom Lancer in my MMR-bracket. I have had such a game as PL today:
The rapier and the Aegis were for the last-minute lulz, we could have erased their base without them. The game was finished by the 37 minute mark, but we knew we would win by the 10 minute mark.
There is no way to stop a free-farm carry at my bracket. You could tell it is my fault, but I don't believe it: it is more likely a lack of team spirit which lost us the game.
Just watched game 5 of The Summit, and I have to say that it looks like Arteezy has gained some patience, and seems like a smarter player than the Starladder matches
Man, I really like Warlock's ultimate.
I've mentally annihilated two people by stealing their tranqs, one in lane and one in jungle. Nothing is more satisfying LOL.
Warlock is one of my favorite heroes, I just wish he wasn't in such an awkward spot between support and carry.
My mate decided he wanted to play kotl, so I knew it was time.
Why is Terrorblade still a thinngggg. Quit playing around when he released. Jumped back in, got pitted against him for the first time since the nerf and whoa. Still so stronk. What do you even do against that guy?
My mate decided he wanted to play kotl, so I knew it was time.
you stop him byright clickingnuking him twice and at that point he is dead