I concur with this wut
Valve isnt a charity. They're a business with a massive staff and infrastructure to maintain
Of course they would want more money
Yet they fired bot guy, new goal 12 million rehire bot guy.
I concur with this wut
Valve isnt a charity. They're a business with a massive staff and infrastructure to maintain
Of course they would want more money
I know its absurd... but what happens when we hit 10 mil? More stretch goals... then what happens when we max those out? Do you think it'll hit 20 million? Do you think there would be even more stretch goals after 20 million?
How long has the compendium been out? and we still have like a month and a half to go... I'm just saying, they could put out more stretch goals and say 20 million is the final stretch goal, every one gets 100 levels added to their compendiums and you can't buy anymore points. What else are they going to do with the money? If it hits 20 million, first place at TI would be 10 million dollars.... they're going to run out of stretch goals, and I don't think people will ever stop giving them money. So do they just leave it open or could they put a limit on it?
yeh it's pretty ridiculous to be honest.
Giving a 17 yo kid 2 million dollars for playing a videogame is borderline irresponsible
Heck no, nature's prophet job is to splitpush lol.
Turn off chat, acquire gold.
Come gank lanes. Your sprout is good, and any amount of right clicks is helpful in the very early game. Plus the fact that you can tp in anywhere should be abused as quickly as possible instead of just standing in the same spot right clicking creeps.
Split pushing is what he is supposed to do in the mid and late though, don't let anyone tell you different. Unless its like mek team fight np or something.
Not being picked.
dead, that would be the ideal NP.
This is correct.
Man I swear NP is even more hated than Pudge :/
I mostly say it as a joke, but they really should consider putting the prize money in trusts.
Don't listen to these scrubs who can't kill an np.
Don't listen to these scrubs who can't kill an np.
Yeah he's pretty hard to kill when he's on my team and he's completely worthless every damn time.
Wait, my problem isn't playing against them, it's playing with them. It is a hero that attracts idiots just like pudge.
He is easy to kill just buy dust, bam dead tree hugger.Don't listen to these scrubs who can't kill an np.
missread your posts then, my bad.
Yeah, I think the Nintendo Video was the best of the main conferences, but I may be biased. Maybe I'll grab a Wii U this weekend.
What if Nintendo made a POKEMON moba
Russian Pikachu mids. Every game.
Dota in smash bros tho
What if Nintendo made a moba
Hire more people to work on other project than dota 2, while they keep moving current staff working on dota 2 ( 2 trainee, and only during lunch time ) to other project too. Objective, parity in 2020.but what are they going to do with 20 million dollars?
Hire more people to work on other project than dota 2, while they keep moving current staff working on dota 2 ( 2 trainee, and only during lunch time ) to other project too. Objective, parity in 2020.
Hire more people to work on other project than dota 2, while they keep moving current staff working on dota 2 ( 2 trainee, and only during lunch time ) to other project too. Objective, parity in 2020.
holy crap Tinker is sick as soon as you get the BoT is like you are playing another game(eat you rat heart out NP)
So is his AMAI saw that Mason interview on BTS and he was fucking awful.
That's not about their number, it's just another proof of me still being to optimist even when I thought it was the opposite. Made it before the qualifier, when some people were "don't complain about the cleaning update, 3 hero are coming in a couple weeks", and strangly enough I thought that it would be only two ( and definitly not techies ).Seeing that picture, I'm confused at the "only 2" message on it when you can clearly see the eyes inside the barrel on the left of the first techie.
holy crap Tinker is sick as soon as you get the BoT is like you are playing another game(eat you rat heart out NP)
Its only been 4 years10 year since shadowfiend model
I saw that Mason interview on BTS and he was fucking awful.
I gave him a shot a few days ago, and yeah he's super fun to play as.
Not to go against
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Vengeful Spirit
Crystal Maiden
Aggressive Trilane
gg ez wins
Game 1:
Game 2:
Game 3:
Game 4:
Steam down
I predict this is indicative of nothing and nothing will happen
Lol, people in pubs have no idea when a lane is lost. People should have just abandoned that shit and went elsewhere almost immediately.