what the fuck? gonna need something better than, "I'm just not". There are literally millions of dollars up for grabs. One does not just sit that out.
Didn't someone in here say he had academic issues/obligations?
Or am I dreaming that?
Sucks either way.
It baffles me how some of the team mates I get can even figure out how to turn on their fucking computers and log into steam. Just had a shadow demon never use disrupt, silencer never use his ulti except when he's caught out 3 vs 1, and tinker building phase boots on my team.
I gave them all the fucking space in the world as bristle, hit six, ganked all lanes, tanked way the fuck up with vanguard + AC by 18 minutes.
How the hell do these people find dota, and why the fuck are they on my team.
There are literally millions of dollars up for grabs.
I'd imagine Fnatic will make an announcement at some point, seems like it's medical though I'd imagine
Spammable AoE
AoE Silence
very efficient in kiting heroes
pushes towers like a mad dog
Sexy Legs
5) Only pushes well when her ultimate is up. If you choose to use the ultimate to take a lone tower without a fight, which isn't always a bad decision, you lose your team fight ability for two minutes. Similar to ss wards but with double the CD.
Daily Hero is Bounty Hunter
what do I do with this dude besides build three bfuries and three dagons
His winrate went down when they removed battlefury from the recommended item lists, so pubs were right all along.Daily Hero is Bounty Hunter
what do I do with this dude besides build three bfuries and three dagons
I'd imagine Fnatic will make an announcement at some point, seems like it's medical though I'd imagine
Some experts on Swedish culture on reddit have been claiming he was busy celebrating his graduation when he missed the Summit
This actually makes me think an Aghs upgrade on her would push her into top tier. She can already secure a good amount of farm with crypt swarm and she benefits from the stats given by Aghs. Maybe a cooldown reduction/damage increase upgrade? A cooldown reduction/% slow added to ghost damage upgrade? Would both of these just be totally OP?
Didn't someone in here say he had academic issues/obligations?
Or am I dreaming that?
Sucks either way.
She is sorely lacking an ags and it could help her a lot, I'd imagine she's high on icefrog's list to get one as she fits the mold perfectly. CDR is a likely addition, but I doubt there would be any damage increase. Maybe a slow, but my guess would be something to do with the heal, maybe get it as the ghosts fly back to you betweent attacks rather than all at the end, or maybe a percentage of it. That would be cool.
Daily Hero is Bounty Hunter
what do I do with this dude besides build three bfuries and three dagons
She is sorely lacking an ags and it could help her a lot, I'd imagine she's high on icefrog's list to get one as she fits the mold perfectly. CDR is a likely addition, but I doubt there would be any damage increase. Maybe a slow, but my guess would be something to do with the heal, maybe get it as the ghosts fly back to you betweent attacks rather than all at the end, or maybe a percentage of it. That would be cool.
What's the ultimate wombo combo strat?
DP with an aghs upgrade maybe too broken. But im all for some kind of upgrade to her ult that makes it work with other abilities.
My biggest problem is the spirits just move around an AoE and dmg is spread out. With aghs, u could probably direct it towards a target point with crypt swarm? That way the spirits could actually be used as stronger nuke to kill heroes.
The spirits go to whatever you right click.
how can you NOT like death waifu?
Somebody on stream said he was only going to miss ESL and not TI.
Someone on Reddit mentioned cystic fibrosis which in my uneducated opinion is a pretty good guess. If I remember right it's a pretty high carrier rate in Jewish populations and he seems to have "the flu" every other week.If he was going to go to TI I'm not sure why he wouldn't say it in his tweet, the whole thing seems really strange.
I mean Dreamleague is tomorrow, seems crazy to wait until the day before to announce something like this so vaguely
Make the ghosts move faster maybe?She is sorely lacking an ags and it could help her a lot, I'd imagine she's high on icefrog's list to get one as she fits the mold perfectly. CDR is a likely addition, but I doubt there would be any damage increase. Maybe a slow, but my guess would be something to do with the heal, maybe get it as the ghosts fly back to you betweent attacks rather than all at the end, or maybe a percentage of it. That would be cool.
Make the ghosts move faster maybe?
how can you NOT like death waifu?
Daily Hero is Bounty Hunter
what do I do with this dude besides build three bfuries and three dagons
aghs dp should reduce cd and let the spirits carry orb effects
or make her ult a toggle
i solved who icefrog isnt
What if DP aghs turned her ethereal during her ulti? Immune to physical damage, but still easily countered by a lina or lion or something....
can you use eblade and bkb at the same time? probably not, bkb dispells it i guess.
It would make her pretty good last pick material against certain line ups.
I see DP getting picked a lot in TI4.
I see DP getting picked a lot in TI4.
What happened to ez mmr sniper?Go back to ur trenchtier plz.
Copper tier forever stuck at 4.8k. The more i go up the worse i seems to play, but at least most games are enjoyable outside from the random no timewalk void or some shit.
Fucking pro-games. Ruining all pick pubs with their picks.
Now every game I had today has either Tinker or PA on my team. All lost.
Go back to ur trenchtier plz.
Copper tier forever stuck at 4.8k. The more i go up the worse i seems to play, but at least most games are enjoyable outside from the random no timewalk void or some shit.
Superior hat version