Could I get some advice on dealing with an enemy Wraith King? He's by far the hero I've had the most trouble playing against so far, especially if he gets a good start. I don't know how to deal with him in teamfights at all; either you communicate to focus him down first which gives his teammates a huge window to attack freely, or you communicate to not bother attacking him at all, which means he gets to go ham with armlet and crit boosted autoattack damage.
He simply lives through so much abuse between his strength, lifesteal, armlet toggling and on top of that reincarnation that it feels like a waste of time to engage him, but he also does so much damage you can't ignore him. Do we need to counterpick heroes with long disables (Bane, Shadow Shaman, Lion) so we can focus on his teammates first? Do we need to avoid teamfights altogether and splitpush?