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Dota 2 |OT5| TECHIES!!!

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The only non-damage item you should be getting early-mid game is a linkins sphere. Your phase boots and ring of aquila should be all you need to snowball early game.

Why would you go phase when you have invisible zoom zoom and gg treads give you everything? Also you can go Medal on weaver stack that minus armor.
Any thoughts on the sterling and gold gems? Is there anything special about them? I'm considering just selling the cards from now on. Trading has been a bit harder now Valve is letting you market them.
40 dps more + infinite duration as long as they stay near the fight + 400 hps vs a second doom

I'm not saying it's always better but maybe it's not as clear cut as you think.
Unless there's literally no point in dooming a second hero(doubtful) I'd get refresher. The extra dps is nice but Doom already lasts 15 seconds, there's not a lot of heroes that can keep fighting near Doom while doomed and not die within that time, infinite duration is redundant. And Doom doesn't really care for 400 hp, but yeah aghs gives better stats.

Sure, it's probably better in a few cases(maybe you'd get it after refresher on a support Doom), but those are very situational.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Is there a guide about item choice? Like I understand why supports build mekanism and arcane boots. I don't get why some Carrys get manta style, some get blood heart, some get phase boots, some get power treads, etc...
Your question is very complex so I'll tackle only the Phase/Treads part for now.

- Okay movement speed
- Decent stats for survivability (stats toggling) with some damage attached
- Very efficient attack speed boost (15% from gloves to 30% as boots)

Treads is for right clickers. If your hero is looking to find a target and right click them to death, Treads is the best choice. I divide them here into three types of heroes although the first two are very close.

Right Clickers:
- Anti Mage
- Slark
- Faceless Void
- Shadowfriend

Usually, these guys don't have to bother with locking someone down, or chasing them, because their lock down is built in (Slark, FV), or that is the allies' job while theirs is to make the best use of their damage passives (AM, SF).

Stat Stackers:
- Morphling
- Luna
- DK
- Most Illusion heroes

These guy scale well with stats. Morph is self evident. Luna has high movement speed (and has passive damage), so all she needs to do is really to right click someone to death. Attack Speed also synergizes very well with Glaives. DK gets a buttload of natural Armor and a great attack animation in his ult form, including a stun, so he just wants to stack STR and attack. Since all Illusions scale only with raw stats (STR/AGI/INT), any hero that produces Illusions is better off with stats than damage.

Semi-Carry INTs:
- Queen of Pain
- Puck
- Storm

These three are considered the archetypal mid INT semi-carries. They prefer Treads because their attack animations, while strong, are kind of slow. They are highly mobile, so they can chase very well and just need that little extra attack speed to orb walk (canceling attack backswing with movement) efficiently. They are also divers, and in their cases, +8 STR can mean life or death.

- Great movement speed
- Great damage
- Very strong for laninng

Phase is for kiters. People with long range, fast animations who rely on being at the very edge of engagement to harass and trade and farm. Phase is also for chasers, heroes who like to "stick" to the target for as long as possible.

- Mirana
- Windrunner
- Invoker

If you've played against a good POTM/WR/Invoker, you'll know how infuriating it is for them to constantly pick away at you while also denying and last hitting and just generally being a nuisance. What makes them different from the semi-carry INTs is that even though they can be aggressive with their mobility options, they're still defensive heroes. They never really want to dive in. They'd rather save their Leap/Windrun/Ghost Walk for getting out of sticky situations. The best way to conserve their defensive skill is to combine their amazing attack animation with move speed, something Phase does far better than Treads.

- Doom
- Ember Spirit
- Juggernaut

For whatever reason, these heroes want to "stick" to their target. Maybe it's because they have some kind of AoE damage (Burning Earth, Fire Shield, Spin2Win), maybe they just need to get in a few extra hits or stick long enough to cast their skills off of CD (Doom's creep gained skills, Sleight + Chains , Omnislash). They are also not always that mobile, in the case of Doom and Juggernaut, so the movespeed doubles as survivability for them.

Phase or Treads?
For most heroes, this isn't much of a question, but I'll take the time to talk about two cases where this actually comes up.

Sniper is unique in that he has very little actual defensive skills, which means Phase gives him a lot of movement based survivability, but he scales amazingly with attack speed such that he can demolish people trying to get to him just by attacking.

In this case, whether you get Treads or Phase depends on matchup, personal preference, and how much you can rely on your team to protect you. If they have a lot of gap closers, you'll want Phase, if they're mostly herpy derpy melee guys, you can get away with Treads. If your team has trouble peeling people off of you, get Phase. If your team is built for 4-protect-1, get Treads.

Templar Assassin:
In older days, TA had only one build and that was Bottle -> Phase -> Blink. She relied on her heavy damage Meld combos to demolish someone while keeping them in range forever with Traps + Phase. This build is extremely mobile, extremely aggressive combining both the Kiting and Chasing aspects of Phase into a cohesive playstyle.

Within the last year or two, an alternate style of TA has arisen that plays her like Luna or Morphling. She simply stacks stats (Treads, Boots, Yasha) and then goes to town. With a 1000 range range spammable mega slow, she has very little trouble keeping up with targets. She gets a lot of survivability from Refraction, AoE damage from Psi-Blade and Meld combos to finish off lonely targets. She is almost impossible to chase, unless you have lock down or Blink, because she's so fast. She can resist being initiated on very well with Refraction, and "dodge" key skills with Meld. I still prefer the Blink version, because it's more fun, but Stats-TA is very legit.

And why are treads and an ultimate orb at 15 minutes not beneficial?
Treads are fine, Ultimate Orb not so much. It's 2100g for +30 worth of stats, +10 of which you get as damage.

Compare this to Mekansm, which only costs 200g more:
+15 in Stats
+5 in Armor
+250 HP Instant AoE Heal

An Ultimate orb will make you slightly less difficult to kill at 15 minutes, a Mekansm will win your team a fight. And Ultimate Orb's build paths are very expensive, like Scythe and Skadi, so you won't be reaping the full effects of your investment until late in the game. In DOTA2, the most important part of items are usually not the stats, but the actives/passives they grant, because the items' opportunity cost is factored into those actives/passives. If you're not getting them up early, you're missing out.


Pieliedie giving no shits. Great move by him. "Oh wait I can use the rest of this Haste to burn enigma's regen + block a camp + force a skill point" -> U-turn.
The only non-damage item you should be getting early-mid game is a linkins sphere. Your phase boots and ring of aquila should be all you need to snowball early game.

I usually go Aquilla then treads for a little extra HP. I have been going
Wraith>Tango>Aquilla (at side shop)>Boots from here i dont usually know where to go. I feel going linkens is not a good enough dmg boost to go mid game. Going medallion is fun sometimes but can also be dangerous.


Yeah but can you cast it on the second hero before he gets off his most important spells?

there's plenty of heroes with low cooldown spammy shit like qop, timbersaw, puck

invoker is always good because even if he's dropped a spell or two he still has more he wants to cast

doom also disables important passives and auras from your carry

2 doom 2 gud


Your question is very complex so I'll tackle only the Phase/Treads part for now.

Additionally about TA, the reason nearly everyone moved to treads for a while was the increased mana cost on refraction (75->100). Which meant that people started "abusing" tread switching to make up for the loss of a refraction cast with bottle.


This game is amazing.



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