i cant seem to come up with a good build for weaver. His damage seems so low but he has to buy tanky items before dmg. Any suggestions.
Aquila -> Treads -> Linkens.
You're right, he tends to build tank before damage, but this is because he already has a lot of innate damage. What you're doing wrong is assuming you're Storm and you're just going to go in and blow people up. This not how Weaver kills. Weaver deals consistent damage over a
long time, using The Swarm, Shukuchi, and Germinate Attack. It's not until you're totally fed that you can almost one-shot supports. In the early game, it's all about running circles around your enemy and avoiding attacks with Shukuchi. You don't want to attack right out of Shukuchi. Instead, attack at the very end so you maximize the mount of time you're in invis and minimize the amount of time they can spend counter attacking you. The idea is to keep attacking them from the shadows while racking up damage from your very short cooldowns and prevent any sort of retaliation with invis and movement.