When you have 4 cores, you have to adapt #talesfromthetrench #supportriki #ihadaconstant300ping
Me neither I'm kind of done with EU4 for now actually.
Only after 6
In typical Civ fashion it'll probably become really good after two expansions.
Mostly ganks. Axe would spot me, blink, blademail, taunt, normally getting me low enough to make blood seeker see me, so I couldn't really try and juke him, then dunk. He normally died soon after when the team caught up, but it was annoying.
Brood and NP made it a bit hard to find room to farm, brood took over bottom, and np kept the lanes pushed out and ate up the jungle.
I went Treads > Diffusal > casual RoH > S&Y, then we won.
Er, brood was on my team. And I didn't have 2k net worth, I had 2k gold while trying to farm up a relic. Axe was mid and had most of his teams kills which is likely why he was farmed enough to easily solo me at 25 minutes.just buy sents for Brood and push her out of lane. how was axe so farmed when you only had 2000 gold?
Mostly ganks. Axe would spot me, blink, blademail, taunt, normally getting me low enough to make blood seeker see me, so I couldn't really try and juke him, then dunk. He normally died soon after when the team caught up, but it was annoying.
Brood and NP made it a bit hard to find room to farm, brood took over bottom, and np kept the lanes pushed out and ate up the jungle.
I went Treads > Diffusal > casual RoH > S&Y, then we won.
Got a problem. Yesterday, my laptop started acting all weird and got disconnected from the game. Even though my friend tried to pause the game, the other team was full of ... and unpaused the game, leaving me with an abandon.
Thought it lasted 24 hours only, yet today I'm still on low priority.
Is that a bug or is it working as intended?
Intended, they changed how low priority works a while back. Now you're stuck there for x games instead of a set amount of time.
No seriously, what do you do when every hero on their team either has inbuilt blinks or buys blink dagger? You can't split push because you get picked off from the fog, you can't teamfight because they dictate the terms of every teamfight
And don't say "Buy a BKB". That takes 15-20 minutes in a good game where you can actually find room to farm
Take advantage of the fact that they all bought a 2150 gold item that gives no stats or damage.
No seriously, what do you do when every hero on their team either has inbuilt blinks or buys blink dagger? You can't split push because you get picked off from the fog, you can't teamfight because they dictate the terms of every teamfight
And don't say "Buy a BKB". That takes 15-20 minutes in a good game where you can actually find room to farm
bloodseeker and pa every game. if you add the original trifecta -- pudge, mirana and invoker -- that's basically 20-30% of the heroes for every match. axe's getting picked often too. i assume it's the yellow quality hat
No seriously, what do you do when every hero on their team either has inbuilt blinks or buys blink dagger? You can't split push because you get picked off from the fog, you can't teamfight because they dictate the terms of every teamfight
And don't say "Buy a BKB". That takes 15-20 minutes in a good game where you can actually find room to farm
Any Doom tips?
Tried jungling but I suck with it. Should I lane and devour the lane creeps instead?
You see PA every game?! What bracket is this?
IIRC that Alliance PA set was a common reward for Roshan Offerings.
http://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/570/Dread of the Gleaming Seal Set
On a random note, is your avatar Dota heroes in TWEWY pin form?
Any Doom tips?
Tried jungling but I suck with it. Should I lane and devour the lane creeps instead?
You should try to Devour jungle creeps while laning so long as you're not missing out on last hits or EXP while doing it. If the harass is too strong for you to go for hits, then go hunt in the jungle. The big Satyr is a great target for an early Devour, allowing you a range nuke to get some last hits in and a buttload of regen for sustain. Just remember not to overwrite it with some other abilities on subsequent Devours.
I don't like hungle Doom much, because it feels like a waste. Since he advances at the same snails pace whether in the lane or in the jungle, you might as well give the jungle to someone else who can actually do something with it.
Actually had a decent Doom game recently so I can point you to a replay. I'm very inexperienced with Doom, but even I managed to do well so there might be something in there for you.
Doom stuff
You have any doom games I can watch later?
Can someone link me to some really good matches from the last few months? I've been out of the Dota spectating game for a while.
Can you play dota on a pebble?
Draskyl is going to be the only person not at TI4. EVERYONE was invited apparently.
Draskyl is going to be the only person not at TI4. EVERYONE was invited apparently.
Draskyl is going to be the only person not at TI4. EVERYONE was invited apparently.
Draskyl is going to be the only person not at TI4. EVERYONE was invited apparently.
fuck man where's my invite for casting rd2l valve????
Ya they definitely want a caster who mutes his mic and never reads stream chat to know