edit: this roshan rn tho
edit2: THAT ECHO SLAM !!!!!!!!!!!
This Meepo play
Weather Effects are coming. I will now proceed to do a image post on reddit for the Karmas.
"DOTA_Item_Weather_Moonbeam" "Weather Moonbeam"
"DOTA_Item_Weather_Rain" "Weather Rain"
"DOTA_Item_Weather_Snow" "Weather Snow"
This is why you ban Bulldog Heroes against Alliance.
Where all rax down on fnatic?
jeez 813 last hits
$.49 for the key
$ 1 for the box
I am not qualified to speak about anything League, but in my limited experience the times are more or less the same. When queueing with people of vastly different mmrs it takes around 4 minutes, when with people more or less your same it isn't less than 2 minutes (this is all before last nights update of course).Speaking of long queues, do we know why League queue times are 0:30 - 2:00 on average (until you get up to the equivalent of 5500k+ mmr) compared to our Dota 2 queue times? Are there just that many more people on playing League? Is Dota 2's system tasked with doing more as it establishes a balanced party MMR?
I always assumed that as more people began to play Dota 2 that the queue times would get meaningfully shorter. They haven't.
While dota2 has been growing, based on the numbers that Riot released I don't think we're even near.Speaking of long queues, do we know why League queue times are 0:30 - 2:00 on average (until you get up to the equivalent of 5500k+ mmr) compared to our Dota 2 queue times? Are there just that many more people on playing League? Is Dota 2's system tasked with doing more as it establishes a balanced party MMR?
I always assumed that as more people began to play Dota 2 that the queue times would get meaningfully shorter. They haven't.
Poor Alliance that tinker is going to just push it in, no matter how much they squirm.