What exactly, would you nerf on Tinker. His farm dependency is through the roof.
Using my usual 2/1/2 build, this is what he has at level 5:Wait. What makes Earth Spirit so great?
My unscientific research of trying him once at extremely low level play didn't produce any "OMG WOW!" moments.
Because then he has both Dive and Fire Spirits. At 1, he only has one or the other, so he needs to choose between survivability or farming. At 2, he gets both.And how does Phoenix auto win his lane at level 2?
He was talking about Hylian abusing Earth Spirit to get to 4k, right before the nerf.
Regarding Earth Spirit. He'll be nerfed/changed before he hits CM. Then he's going to get immediately removed from CM when everyone realizes how broken he is and Icefrog panics.
Ditto Phoenix.
Heard it here first!
Oh so Hylian is a fraud?
Why worry about those two heroes when Zet and fucking Oracle are incoming? Icefrog losing his mind, giving new guys too many tools.
Best hero in doto for that timeWell he's on the #roadto4k again so he's legit now.
But for a few glorious weeks he was fraudulent as all hell.
I just spent 80 minutes in my second game as Tinker, he's kinda fun but playing him feels like playing a turn based rpg. You learn the required moves and you rinse and repeat to victory or in my case defeat. I didn't even get to have cool cutscenes or date anyone !
Even if I think he makes pro games pretty boring I'll probably play him myself from time to time just because he's rather unique.
When you throw Sheepstick into the mix it gets fun though. It's all about making those decisions during that. "Can I get a laser off before this sheep ends and before I have to rearm and sheep again?"
I bought one and used it like 3 times![]()
I suppose that's better than the forcestaff I used never. The more items I have to fiddle with the more I make mistakes or forget one. I suppose in a way playing Tinker forces me to learn to use items I normally can't afford or just skip on heroes I play regularly.
Timebreakers over $100 wtf this market is crazy
I heard one guy bought like $10,000 worth to corner the market.
So tempted to sell mine =/ but I feel as the game gets more and more players the value will just keep rising. and what would I do with 100 steam bucks
Blink, Force Staff, Veil, Shivas, HexOk I am gonna pick Earth Spirit as my favorite even if I don't win that much with him anymore. I want to believe
now what should be my five items
I'm on the same boat, it's pretty tempting at 100$.So tempted to sell mine =/ but I feel as the game gets more and more players the value will just keep rising. and what would I do with 100 steam bucks
What exactly is broken about phoenix, fire bird is fun but doesn't seem to be like pre-nerf terrorblade broken.
Got that Legendary Kotl staff for $1.75. Simply great.I like these 49c treasure specials. All it does is drop the price of the items hard, then I just pick up what I like for dirt cheap.
1. Be from the US
2. Text MOVIE to 78787
3. Somehow redeem the Streaming Movie Option to Steam
That's what I found out at least, can't participate since I'm from Europe.
fuck ursa and his stupid fury swipes. VS a PA he will keep using max attack speed until he lands 4 hits.
can confirm have already gotten 12 bucks
Fuuuuu can't I try as an euro, even if end paying 1 euro or 2 for the mms?Free steam bucks for yankees only
What exactly is broken about phoenix, fire bird is fun but doesn't seem to be like pre-nerf terrorblade broken.
I have no problem with being told what I'm doing wrong or even abused if I keep doing it and end up feeding. That pissed me off though. How can I tell if I was actually reported?
Using Bounty Hunter for the first time
Doing okay with a teammate on top lane, 2 kills 1 death
Team chat message comes up
'report bounty hunter'
No advice, no clue as to what I'm doing wrong, not feeding
'report bounty hunter'
Fuck off.
I have no problem with being told what I'm doing wrong or even abused if I keep doing it and end up feeding. That pissed me off though. How can I tell if I was actually reported?
At level 2, he wins the lane. At level 3, he becomes impossible to kill. Atl level 6, its a trippe kill on trilanes. He just shits out damage early on and has a reliable escape.
Edit: Had the most frustraring game last night. Wrecked shit with brewmaster, ganked everyone, created 30 mins of fpsace, and yet none of our cores farmed anything substantial.
I have no problem with being told what I'm doing wrong or even abused if I keep doing it and end up feeding. That pissed me off though. How can I tell if I was actually reported?
I have no problem with being told what I'm doing wrong or even abused if I keep doing it and end up feeding. That pissed me off though. How can I tell if I was actually reported?