Medusa will be secret winner of TI4. Too stronk. Snake is imba, All her skills are OP.
You will see!
You will see!
So every patch we talk about how it gets harder and harder to come up with a shit hero tier list. Here's the challenge gaf, what are your bottom 3 heroes this patch? Milk and I struggled to come up with more than 1.
mine:Spiritbreaker, CK, Dusa
And your fine with:-
Necrophos, Tusk & Drow Ranger.
Only SB sucks from that list.
. some haters in here.gtfo
Medusa is bad, basically gutter garbage. I would rather play spirit breaker than medusa, fucking spirit breaker.
I think CK is a clear choice... after that it gets kinda hard.
Maybe WR? Where does she even fit in this meta? rtz tried to run her mid but that died out fast it seems
Drow's only useful when she's buffing Visage's birds.
The other day he kept saying Puppey stutter stepped even though it was an overgrowth that cancelled his Black Hole, it really annoyed me.
And your fine with:-
Necrophos, Tusk & Drow Ranger.
> Warlock (meh)
I don't understand how you can cast a game for years and still be so clueless.
I actually think since the buff to his slow Warlock is really damn strong. His heal does a ton of damage/healing too. I think he just isn't trending.
Dusa I just don't like. And CK I feel is in one of the worst states ever as a hero right now. Enormous mana problems (more so than any hero in the game, arguably), lots of RNG, can't flash farm, has a long ass animation time on rift so it almost always gets fogged, and he is melee (more susceptible to kiting, big ulti's, and the tidehunter effect). He just has too many drawbacks as a carry. He's not that great without much farm, but at the same time, if he tries to farm and go semi-late, he's going to get outfarmed by pretty much ANY other carry in the game.
Don't play CK as a carry then, problem solved.
Don't play CK as a carry then, problem solved.
This just gives me more of a reason to hate EE if anything. EE is the worst
Fuck yeah Sexy Omninkight set
Because he's complaining he can't use the bathroom? Wat
Support CK would be like a shitty Venge.
Support CK is probably the worst thing I've ever seen suggested on playdota, reddit, and gaf.
No doubt. Just that upon further consideration, he seems like he'd be a worse version of support Wraith King, which is pretty good. WK offers so many things. I don't see a build that would make CK a more desirable 4 role-taker than a WK. I'm trying really hard, but I can't think of one.Yeah like how teams have been picking a lot of heroes that have once been carry heroes but are now being played differently, I have seen a Troll Warlord support that went Mek, it was one of the top Asian teams.
It all matters with the heroes you have and the other team and how greedy you want to be and how you want the game to play out being defensive or aggressive.
Are you suggesting playing him like how Wraith King is being played? Sort of a support that can scale into big damage dealing later? Blink daggers and soul rings for early aggression into mantas and hearts, perhaps? Maybe even sheep?
Support CK is probably the worst thing I've ever seen suggested on all three uber high tier dota forums: playdota, reddit, and gaf.
I don't know about all that, but he'd definitely be a shitty version of Wraith King.
Yea, I don't know what they're gonna do with CK, but he needs some help.
what about nadota
I think people are just bored trying to think of some way to make him useful. It's brain storming. It's a thing.
Let rift work through fog and give his illusions free pathing through his webs ez fix
are we talking about ck or bm?
Wow that's nice.
Since a couple days ago, every time I load up the Ember Spirit customization screen or pick him Dota straight up crashes to desktop. Very strange. Only him as far as I can tell. Tried to equip different items from armory, same thing, hard crash.
And you verified your game files, right? With so many updates, its pretty common for a few files to get messed up and stuck on a wrong version.
im so disappointed in myself that i picked Dusa as my fav hero. Games just dont go long enough for me to farm up and drestory.
They could just give him so more mana so he could use his spells. Maybe give Reality Rift more range. He is super scary late game when he has 5+ illusions,
Chaos Mother
I can't disagree with that. But if you give him too much mana gain early...
maybe you give him decent base mana and slow mana scaling? Idunno. You don't want to make him broken early game, and giving him the ability to spam Q and W too much and he destroys lanes. I'm sure Ice & co. will figure it out.
Omni doesn't belong in bottom 3, hes pretty good, just can't be broke and underlevelled. Offlane/3 position is pretty beast.