So looks like Valve won't let Fnatic play without Era, so he either risks his health or the team is disqualified...
This is fucking stupid, if Valve wants dota to be a premeir esport than fucking treat it like a sport. This isn't the 1990's and early 2000's where stand-ins are taboo. Sports teams have a bench for a reason, shit happens. Era has a severe medical condition and fnatic with 4/5 is still fnatic, not to mention they have been playing even better with xcalibur. Blows my mind why Valve acts like a Dark Ages inquisition over shit as simple as a stand-in, a back-up.
Not to mention bending the rules for EG. Yeah yeah mason was playing for fear for quite a long time and they notified Valve months ago. They still bended their own rules of "no roster changes," fear's name was on that invite, not mason's. Let's not forget all the rumors of Fear trying to get into NAR to play in TI, or the fact he played a shit ton of games and streamed nearly every day since being officially replaced. Stinks more than the fnatic situation tbh.
I'm going to be pissed if fnatic, one of the most fun teams to watch, can't play at TI, especially since I paid a shit ton to go see my favorite teams in person, fnatic being one of them.