He wanted to join NARWhats up with the fear NAR rumors?
Agree it's better than kickingI don't mind players being swapped out due to injuries. In fact I think it's pretty stupid most esports don't have a substitution system.
People get sick, they get injured. Having a substitution system helps better than suddenly coming out with a player out of nowhere. In fact it helps to rotate players once in a while too.
Explain further please? You mean the 6 men starting on the ice can be shuffled a day before the game begins or players can be added to the Olympic team at the last minute? The first is reasonable and why sports teams have large rosters, the second seems stupid, if they were good enough to be a replacement they should have already been part of the 20-22 man team.
It's hard to justify something like that because you have so many things to consider. Additional costs for a player that only plays occasionally, how much he gets practice, synergy with the current roster, etc.I don't mind players being swapped out due to injuries. In fact I think it's pretty stupid most esports don't have a substitution system.
People get sick, they get injured. Having a substitution system helps better than suddenly coming out with a player out of nowhere. In fact it helps to rotate players once in a while too.
It's hard to justify something like that because you have so many things to consider. Additional costs for a player that only plays occasionally, how much he gets practice, synergy with the current roster, etc.
The only way I'd see it working is to have a separate organization own these players who are only willing to substitute and not play full-time and teams would be able to pick from them. Problem is those who are willing to play, are already pretty hardcore and 100% dedicated. You'd also still encounter the problem of synergy/trust with the team.
holy fuk tide is such a good hero.
Also Valve has to let Excalibur stand for Era for TI4, it would be fucking bullshit if they don't see EG, same fucking thing. Icefrog please.
Fear's name was on the invite for EG, not Mason. And for all we know, fear could have played through injury (as others have pointed out, he's played hundreds of games since it was announced, even more after he was replaced), but because Mason had been playing with EG for a month or two, maybe they felt they had a better chance at TI with mason, and then sidelined Fear and exaggerated the injury. It's even more fishy that fear will get a cut of the TI pool if EG wins, arteezy or mason confirmed it in some interview (hence why he wouldn't speak up even if he was booted). Either way, Valve already broke their own set rules.
This is all speculation. Nobody knows what the rule is, or what the circumstances are, except for the teams and valve (maybe).I agree. I could maybe accept the ruling in a vacuum, but it's kind of ridiculous to let one team through and not the other when it's the exact same situation.
It's the latter, olympic rules for men's hockey state that you can replace a single player due to injury up to 24 hours before the start of the competition. The Canadian olympic team replaced Stamkos -- an officially registered player on the team roster -- about a week before the competition began.
Those are BS rumours spread by Sayuri.He wanted to join NAR
If the rules bend again for fnatic and Era doesn't end up ready in time I will never honestly believe that the decision wasn't made for him. I've come to really like Fnatic but I will end up wanting to see them not win because of it. It's petty I know but I'll never be able to trust that a choice wasn't made in the best interest of " fnatic" vs the best interest of Era.
I don't follow sports that much so I have no clue about this. When a player is benched because of doctor's orders do team owners actually see doctor's report's/ xrays and whatnot? I'm not sure how much medical privacy professional players have vs how much info they have to share because of their contacts and insurance teams may have on them or whatnot.
I think pa is pretty broken right now.
I think pa is pretty broken right now.
How exactly?I think pa is pretty broken right now.
Practically free spamable nuke and slow, gap closer, built in attack speed, built in damage, built in tank. Where's the downside?How exactly?
I am literally the one percent.Its really just her getting carried by her team 99% of the time.
well, I think I hit my dota slump
time for a week break or something.
They're gonna need some kind of one stand in rule or there is going to be issues like this every year.
How would one standin slot even work? If Puppey gets injured you don't really use the same standin as if XBOCT went out. Hard to lock a standin in ahead of time.
How would one standin slot even work? If Puppey gets injured you don't really use the same standin as if XBOCT went out. Hard to lock a standin in ahead of time.
Sorry but I think anxiety attacks for a professional athlete is a very poor excuse.
How would one standin slot even work? If Puppey gets injured you don't really use the same standin as if XBOCT went out. Hard to lock a standin in ahead of time.
That's a pretty shitty thing to say.
Era has been in high profile, high intensity Dota matches where his occupation, money is on the line and he's only 18.
That's not the type of pressure most kids his age get.
For the record, I don't agree nor encourage playing despite injuries/medical conditions, whether physical or mental (which is just another kind of physical when you get down to it).
Sorry, but this is a really shitty attitude is to have and the reason why kids and adults are slowly killing themselves playing heavily physical sports like football, or MMA. Playing DOTA2 is in another dimension altogether, but the principle remains the same. Players are people, not animals, and I don't even condone cockfighting.
For the record, I don't agree nor encourage playing despite injuries/medical conditions, whether physical or mental (which is just another kind of physical when you get down to it).
Sorry, but this is a really shitty attitude is to have and the reason why kids and adults are slowly killing themselves playing heavily physical sports like football, or MMA. Playing DOTA2 is in another dimension altogether, but the principle remains the same. Players are people, not animals, and I don't even condone cockfighting.
implicit endorsement of michael vick confirmed for shame haly
Exactly. If you think anxiety is a poor excuse you're probably not very familiar with serious anxiety. It's not just "ooh I'm really nervous about playing."
No shit. That's because most kids his age are either not good enough or don't have the opportunity to be in that position. There are plenty of people who would kill to be in his position and there are also many people who are in his position but in a different field, ie. football. If he's not mentally strong enough to handle the stress of the competition, then he should have quit a long time ago.
Fnatic can cry me a river but there's a reason why many professional athletes play on despite injuries. It's a high risk high reward job by nature. Either you learn to deal with the risk or you don't get to reap the rewards at all. And something as simple as anxiety attacks is a really poor excuse when the prize pool is 10mn.
Are there enough top-tier players in the DOTA community to have a reliable six man for every team at the international? If someone participated in the qualifiers but didn't get through, are they allowed to join as a sub for an invited/qualified team at the actual event?
There will definitely be a system next year, but I can see the difficulty in allowing these things on a case by case basis
Okay. Ignored.I'm sure those people who have made it in their fields would feel sorry for you when they head back to their mansions after practice while you struggle to keep up with rent.
You're kidding me. You really think it's like something he can just force through?
Psychological problems are not that easy to heal. Saying 'he should deal with it' is probably the most inane response you can give about the issue.
It's always tricky with mental illnesses because they run on a gradient. A broken leg is pretty much a broken leg, hough the severity might differ, there's an even bigger difference between broken and unbroken. It's harder to tell with something as vague as "anxiety", and I prefer to give Era the benefit of the doubt.
No shit. That's because most kids his age are either not good enough or don't have the opportunity to be in that position. There are plenty of people who would kill to be in his position and there are also many people who are in his position but in a different field, ie. football. If he's not mentally strong enough to handle the stress of the competition, then he should have quit a long time ago.
Fnatic can cry me a river but there's a reason why many professional athletes play on despite injuries. It's a high risk high reward job by nature. Either you learn to deal with the risk or you don't get to reap the rewards at all. And something as simple as anxiety attacks is a really poor excuse when the prize pool is 10mn.
Because you clearly know more about his condition than I do.
How do you know Fnatic isn't lying and is just trying to replace him with a better player? $10mn is at stake here. I wouldn't rule that out.